Obsession Massage

Bye Bye Bosh


Mar 26, 2009
So in 4 days Bosh will be gone, is anyone going to miss him?

For a guy who's missed the playoffs 5 out of the 7 seasons he's played in the NBA, he sure is an attention whore.

I sure won't miss him, good riddance to bad rubbish.


Oct 13, 2009
So in 4 days Bosh will be gone, is anyone going to miss him?

For a guy who's missed the playoffs 5 out of the 7 seasons he's played in the NBA, he sure is an attention whore.

I sure won't miss him, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Yeah, probably all his groupies in Toronto. I wish Colangelo traded him a year or two ago.


Mar 26, 2009
Bosh put up some more than decent numbers with the Raps over his career.

It wasn't his fault that he didn't have much surrounding him.
He put up good individual numbers, but as the best player on any team, he'll never make it out of the first round of the playoffs. His best bet is to team up with Lebron and/or Wade if he ever wants to get anywhere near a championship. As for staying in Toronto, it just isn't working out, and the feeling is mutual between MLSE, the fans, and Bosh himself.


Apr 7, 2005
American player wants to play in a big American market.
It will always happen to the Raptors.
Stoudamire, Carter, McGrady, and now Bosh.
To an American player Toronto cannot hold a candle to Chicago, NY, Miami, or LA.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2007
The latest rumour has James and Bosh both sign with Chicago. It makes sense, I suppose; Chicago just cleared enough cap space to sign both. If Bosh is that desparate to play with either James or Wade, he may just sign directly with the team and the Raps will get nothing in return. I really can't see Bosh leaving TO if he isn't going with either James or Wade.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
American player wants to play in a big American market.
It will always happen to the Raptors.
Stoudamire, Carter, McGrady, and now Bosh.
To an American player Toronto cannot hold a candle to Chicago, NY, Miami, or LA.
Well the Jays did alright and I heard the same things said about them. To me players are players and they of course want to be paid what they think they are worth and they want to win. Put a winner on the court and they will come.

Stoudamire was good but wore out his welcome. If I remember the parting was best for both the Raps and DS.
Carter did not get the support here(other good players), then played like crap to expedite his departure. In the end, he could not leave fast enough for me.
Bosh I still like and I believe the relationship can be salvaged, but the team must get him another star to play with. That said it may be too late.
McGrady did not want to be the support star, he wanted to be number one. He also was not getting the playing time here.


Active member
May 18, 2003
He would be stupid to want to stay here, its a horrible franchise that is capped out and has very mediocre overpaid or overrated players aside from him. The results over the 15 year history speak for itself. Only a handful of teams have been as bad and now it appears they are geared for another 2-3 years of basement dwelling before peaking at mediocrity again.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Chris Bosh did his job and gave his all while he was here. He represented the franchise well and is a top 5-10 player at his position. That's all I can ask of a player.

The Raptors continue to be a dysfunctional organisation, seemingly without a plan. Poorly constructed team with too many bad contracts for mediocre players. The NBA is an athletic guard/ball-handlers league. The Raps apparently have not figured that simple truth out after 15 years. A power forward is never going to be a franchise player on his own without a top guard (or guards.)

As for being an "attention whore," I've always found his videos, etc., to be humourous and fun. He's trying to make himself more marketable so he can earn more money in endorsements and perhaps set himself up for a career in broadcast media after his NBA career is over. Good for him.

In case anyone thinks CB4 is wasting time that he could be using for basketball-related activities, read Paul Shirley's articles on ESPN for an idea of how boring the day-to-day life of an NBA player is and how much time they have on their hands.


Mar 19, 2002

NBA exec: LeBron to Bulls is ‘done deal’

The top five contenders in the LeBron Sweepstakes will meet with the King in Akron, Ohio, starting July 1, but according to one team executive, the meetings are just a formality.

After numerous discussions with NBA colleagues, the executive told the New York Times’ Jonathan Abrams on Saturday that LeBron is strongly leaning toward the Bulls in a tandem with fellow max free agent Chris Bosh.

“I think it’s a done deal,” the executive said.

He said he thought LeBron was going ahead with the meetings just to save face and “be respectful to all these teams who jumped through these hoops,” such as the Knicks, who have used the past two seasons to trade away talent and clear cap space with the hope of landing James this summer. If he and Bosh do join up in Chicago, the Knicks’ moves will have essentially been for nothing.

The executive also said the Mavericks were trying to join the leading suitors and land a meeting with The Chosen One. But Mark Cuban’s club is already over the salary cap and could only get James only through a sign-and-trade deal with the Cavs.

But back to the Bulls: On draft day, they traded away Kirk Hinrich to put them $29.2 million under the projected salary cap of $56.1 million next season, and though it’s still not enough space to sign both LBJ and Bosh to max deals, the exec seemed certain they could make another move to acquire both. Meaning Chicago’s rotation next season could include a solid set with Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, James and Bosh. [New York Times


Mar 26, 2009
The question you have to ask yourself is this:

Is it that much of a difference to finish 9th in the East with Bosh and miss the playoffs, as opposed to finishing 12th or 13th without Bosh? Either way the Raptors miss the playoffs, and the lower they finish the better chance they have of getting high draft picks so that this team can be competitive again in 5 years. It seems that with Bosh as the best player this team is worse off in the long run, I'm glad he's gone.


Mar 26, 2009
Saying all what I have ... I would still want us to " not " Boo Chris Bosh when he comes back ...
Ever since the season ended he's been giving the city, fans, and the Raptors organization the cold shoulder. Everyone knew he had no intention of re-signing with the Raptors, but I think he could have been nicer about it. Granted, he's not as big of an ass as Vince and Tmac who blatantly insulted the team, city, and fans, but Bosh could have handled his departure in a much more diplomatic way.


So in 4 days Bosh will be gone, is anyone going to miss him? ...
me. I will miss him.

Ever since the season ended he's been giving the city, fans, and the Raptors organization the cold shoulder. Everyone knew he had no intention of re-signing with the Raptors, but I think he could have been nicer about it. Granted, he's not as big of an ass as Vince and Tmac who blatantly insulted the team, city, and fans, but Bosh could have handled his departure in a much more diplomatic way.
What in the world are you talking about? More diplomatically? Ok, seriously, I think you are asking for too much here. The season is over, he went home. So what? I don't think that's giving our city or me the cold shoulder.

I do agree with you that I haven't seen someone so fastly disassociate themsleves with their team faster then Chris Bosh ... Although should it surprise us ??? From the moment any season ended he was on a plane the next day going back to Dallas .. What I loved about Durrant was seeing him at draft night and being there to say
hi to their teams draft pics .. That is leadership ....
...could be leadership... or could be that he is a sucker for a photo-op or that he was bored that night and had nothing better to do. Maybe Chris Bosh has a life?

EDIT: HAPPY NOW: I hope someone notices the delicious irony of the OP claiming Bosh is giving our city, fans, and the Raptors the cold shoulder when he's clearly the one turning their back on him.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Bosh put up some more than decent numbers with the Raps over his career.

It wasn't his fault that he didn't have much surrounding him.
i'm not going to bash bosh because of the teams performance. He is good at what he does, he put on the numbers. The team itself ain't good. Look who's on the team. They have bad scouting. The fans & media are somewhat part of the failure of this team. Fans & media were impatient. They want the team to become a #1 overnight are you kidding? So by that they got rid of Charlie V? Delfino? Nice.


Photo - op ??? Seriously that is what you think his motivation is ... Chris Bosh going to a NBA Finals is a photo up but player welcoming new teamates ( maybe he is so fresh from being a draft pic he understood the importance of being there ) is good leadership ... Oh yea did I mention Durant attends summer leagues to also make rookies feel part of the team ...

Who says we are turning our backs on him ... We aremoving on just he has ...
Ok my bad. I didn't read all your past posts. Thank you for trying to honour Bosh's memory.
Wow to Durant. Good on him. I still don't care.
Chris Bosh did a fantastic job in Toronto, he gave it his all. Now he has done his job and he is back home. He didn't dissassociate anything from anything man. He's off and he's home.

And "good riddance to bad rubbish" is not moving on.

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
American player wants to play in a big American market.
It will always happen to the Raptors.
Stoudamire, Carter, McGrady, and now Bosh.
To an American player Toronto cannot hold a candle to Chicago, NY, Miami, or LA.
You could include 80% of other NBA teams in the same category Toronto falls into. You can't blame the player for wanting to make the most money he can, and play in a major market or closer to home.

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
Wow to Durant. Good on him. I still don't care.
Chris Bosh did a fantastic job in Toronto, he gave it his all. Now he has done his job and he is back home. He didn't dissassociate anything from anything man. He's off and he's home.
I have to agree with Kareena on this one. When the season ended in Toronto, he was officially on vacation & can do whatever he wants with his spare time. Many people in Toronto head out to cottage country when their summer vacation begins. It's no different. Any other Raptor players stay in Toronto during the off-season? Not many. Maybe none.

Doc Holliday

The One & Only
Mar 11, 2004
To me Jarrett Jack is showing some great leadership by staying in town working out ..
Yes. But he'll likely be an ex-Raptor within the next few weeks. Same with the other guys other than DeRozan.


Mar 26, 2009
me. I will miss him.

What in the world are you talking about? More diplomatically? Ok, seriously, I think you are asking for too much here. The season is over, he went home. So what? I don't think that's giving our city or me the cold shoulder.

...could be leadership... or could be that he is a sucker for a photo-op or that he was bored that night and had nothing better to do. Maybe Chris Bosh has a life?

EDIT: HAPPY NOW: I hope someone notices the delicious irony of the OP claiming Bosh is giving our city, fans, and the Raptors the cold shoulder when he's clearly the one turning their back on him.
Wow, someone is angry. Is Bosh the father of your babies? If not, I'm not sure why you care about him so much. Once he goes to Chicago or Miami he won't care about you, other fans, or the city of Toronto. He doesn't even care now, so imagine how much he'll care when he's officially gone. Also, Bosh was never outspoken about his love for the city or the fans, he's definitely no Jerome Williams or Matt Bonner i.e. a guy who actually cares about the city and fans.

The bottom line is that in 7 years Bosh has really done nothing memorable, and nothing to further the organization, all he did was put up good individual numbers. Vince Carter was an ass, but he's done way more than Bosh in everyway. He put Toronto on the NBA map by winning the slam dunk championship, he brought the Raptors to within 1 shot of making the Conference finals, and he had many many memorable dunks. Bosh on the other hand, well he's done absolutely nothing memorable, and the Raptors are in a much worse position today than they were before he was drafted.
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