Israel boards activist flotilla, shots fired, reports of dead and wounded


Apr 24, 2005
Israel won't have a leg to stand on at the Hague for this one.
Just add a few more names to those who can no longer travel outside Israel.
Just be careful not to isolate Israel and force them to be another North Korea because then they really won't give a shit about "world opinion" which is biased with its 1.5 billion Muslim voices. If the Palestinians are smart they will make peace with the Israelis just like the indigenous Irish had to make peace with the hated Orange Scots.


Jan 31, 2005
By Western government's you mean the US, now don't you?
Here's the full list of countries that voted for the Goldstone report at the UNHRC: Argentina, Brazil, China, Russia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Djbouti, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa and Zambia

Here are the countries against: US, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia and Ukraine

And the abstentions: Belgium, Bosnia, Burkina-Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, Japan, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Slovenia and Uruguay

For your benefit I've listed Muslim nations in bold, so that you can see how thoroughly the have stacked the UNHRC.

I want you to notice two things:

1. The report was supported mostly by countries with suspect human rights records and opposed mostly by countries with better human rights records

2. The UNHRC is stacked with primarily human rights abusing countries and has a very large contingent of countries that are at war with Israel

Neither of those are a coincidence. The Arab League uses its large number of members to ensure that it dominates key committees like the UNHRC so that it can spare its allies like Sudan from being bothered with charges of genocide while spouting out propaganda against Israel.


Aug 18, 2009
Here are the countries against: US, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Yesterday you said all western countries voted against the Goldstone report.
Now you can only find 7?

Caught out at anothe lie and you try to dodge it with this 'human rights records' crap.
Nice try.

You lied.

The Goldstone report has the support of the UN. That's the truth of the matter and according to that the blockade is a war crime.


Jan 31, 2005
Yesterday you said all western countries voted against the Goldstone report.
Now you can only find 7?
That's right. You know why? Because that is all there are.

Maybe you don't understand how the UN works. The UNHRC is not comprised of all countries in the world, but only about 30 or so that get assigned to it. The Arab League use their votes in the UN General Assembly, and bargaining with other tin pot dictatorships, to stack the UNHRC with tin pot dictatorships that all vote as a block to ensure that none of them are ever criticized. Instead they use the UNHRC as their own personal propaganda mouthpiece.

Western country votes at the UNHRC, all seven of them, are irrelevant. They get voted down every single time a vote comes up by a bunch of human rights abusers who are pushing their own agendas, such as, for example, the persecution of Israel, or shielding Sudan from criticism for genocide, or making sure the generals in Myanmar aren't bothered by reports and commissions as they oppress the population there.

Maybe it shocks you to learn that is how things work at the UN, how corrupt it has become.

You lied.
Nope, I told the truth, all Western countries voted against it. YOU fail at understanding the UN. Your ignorance leads to your being one of the sheep who believe things like the "Goldstone report" are credible sources of information from a well respected United Nations. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Aug 18, 2009
Nope, I told the truth, all Western countries voted against it. YOU fail at understanding the UN. Your ignorance leads to your being one of the sheep who believe things like the "Goldstone report" are credible sources of information from a well respected United Nations. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Here's the UN voting on the Goldstone.
Nice try limiting to the UNHRC.
114 countries supported the resolution and voted for investigations.
Are you still saying that all western countries voted against the Goldstone report?

The United Nations General Assembly endorsed a resolution calling for independent investigations to be conducted by Israel and Hamas on allegations of war crimes described in the Goldstone report. The resolution was passed by overwhelming numbers with 114 in favour and 18 against, and 44 abstentions. The resolution calls on the UN Secretary General to report to the General Assembly within three months "with a view to considering further action, if necessary, by the relevant United Nations organs and bodies", and to send the report to the Security Council.[178] The resolution enjoyed wide support among the Non-Aligned Movement bloc and the Arab bloc that comprise a majority of 120 votes. Most developing countries voted in favor. The countries that voted against the resolution were: Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, the Netherlands, Palau, Panama, Poland, Slovakia, The Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and the United States. Some European countries, namely Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Ireland, Portugal, Malta, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland, voted in favor of the resolution. Other European countries, including the United Kingdom, France and Spain, abstained.[13]


Jan 31, 2005
Nice try limiting to the UNHRC.
It is a report of UNHRC, having been created from the UNHRC, and my point is that it was biased by the UNHRC from the outset. The UNHRC set it up intentionally to be biased against Israel, by giving it a biased mandate, and selecting to run it someone from the group who had accused Israel in the first place. Where else is the accuser put in the role of judge and jury?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here's an interesting report on the aid that Israel is transferring to Gaza through the same process they originally offered the blockade runners.

In a statement to reporters at the port on Tuesday, Colonel Moshe Levi, commander of the IDF’s Gaza Strip Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA), said that none of the equipment found on board the three cargo ships was in shortage in Gaza.

“We have been working non-stop for the last twenty-four hours examining the cargo holds of the three large cargo ships and I can say with great assurance, that none of the equipment on board is needed in Gaza. The equipment that we found is all equipment that we have regularly allowed into the strip over the past year,” said Levi. “This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole premise of the voyage was for propaganda and provocation and not for humanitarian purposes.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
While the vast majority of the media reports about the uninstigated and violent Israeli attack and the completely non-violent protesters there are more videos available, one from a BBC report, one showing the non-violent protesters waving weapons and throwing things at a IDF boat and another from the ship's security camera showing the non-violent activists preparing their weapons for the Israelis.



Aug 18, 2009
Here's an article from a member of Knesset, saying that the Israeli's shot at the boat before they boarded it:
Haneen Zoabi, who is a Palestinian Arab citizen of Israel and an MP for the National Democratic Assembly or Balad party, was on board the Mavi Marmara when it was stormed by Israeli commandos in international waters. She told Asharq Al-Awsat that "Israeli ships besieged the [Mavi Marmara] ship and began firing on it before the navy commandos rappelled [onto the deck] by rope from helicopters, firing [bullets] and a water-cannon at the activists."
Whoops, maybe this is even a bigger disaster for Israel then we thought.

The blockade is illegal.
The blockade is a war crime.
Gaza's population lives in the 'world's largest open air prison'
Gaza suffers malnutrion and even stunted children.
Israel boarded Turkish ships full of humanitarian aid in international waters, an act of war
Israel shot at the ships before boarding
Israel faked photos of weapons
Israel is withholding cameras of the activists
Israel is still holding all Palestinians, only releasing the internationals.


Jan 31, 2005
Here's an article from a member of Knesset, saying that the Israeli's shot at the boat before they boarded it.
He's lying, he sounds like he probably wasn't even where the action was and is making stuff up.

Note that Al Jazeera has now published a series of statements from various passengers on the boat, and SEVERAL of them commented that the shooting only began AFTER what they called "resistance guys" kidnapped four Israeli soldiers.


Active member
May 25, 2002
Note that Al Jazeera has now published a series of statements from various passengers on the boat, and SEVERAL of them commented that the shooting only began AFTER what they called "resistance guys" kidnapped four Israeli soldiers.
Would those soldiers be the ones that boarded the activist's boat without permission - if the blockade is legal so is running the blockade.


Aug 18, 2009
He's lying, he sounds like he probably wasn't even where the action was and is making stuff up.
You're starting to sound more and more desparate, Fuji.
First you said Al Jazeera was reliable with an earlier quote, and now you say they're lying.
tsk. tsk.


Jan 31, 2005
Would those soldiers be the ones that boarded the activist's boat without permission - if the blockade is legal so is running the blockade.
I know it's your OPINION that the blockade is not legal, but that is just your opinion. According to Article 51 of the UN Charter Israel has a right to defend itself from attacks, and Israel has plainly been attacked. According to the UN Conventions Israel can maintain its defense up until such time as the UN Security Council passes resolutions to resolve the problem--something the UNSC has never done.

Running the blockade is indeed legal--it is an act of war, and you can expect to be legally shot, captured, or sunk if you try. But sure, it's not a war crime or anything like that, both sides are legally entitled to fight a war and that includes both setting up blockades and trying to break blockades.

Neutral third party nations, however, generally try not to get involved in fighting the war...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You're starting to sound more and more desparate, Fuji.
First you said Al Jazeera was reliable with an earlier quote, and now you say they're lying.
tsk. tsk.
Fucie is going to be real busy the next few days.


Aug 18, 2009
I know it's your OPINION that the blockade is not legal, but that is just your opinion.
Its not my opinion.
Its the opinion of the UN and backed by the UN approved Goldstone report.

give me citations that Gaza is an independant country and not an occupied territory.


Jan 31, 2005
Its not my opinion.
Its the opinion of the UN and backed by the UN approved Goldstone report.
It's not an opinion expressed in a binding resolution of the UN Security Council, the only opinion that ultimately matters.

give me citations that Gaza is an independant country and not an occupied territory.
Turkey has recognized Gaza and the West Bank as an independent country, is that good enough for you?


Active member
May 25, 2002
IRunning the blockade is indeed legal--it is an act of war, and you can expect to be legally shot, captured, or sunk if you try. But sure, it's not a war crime or anything like that, both sides are legally entitled to fight a war and that includes both setting up blockades and trying to break blockades..
If somebody tries to capture you, sink or shoot you --- your not supposed to defend yourself?

I have difficulty following your arguments. To sum it up Isreal good everything else bad -- that athe fugi logic?


Jan 31, 2005
If somebody tries to capture you, sink or shoot you --- your not supposed to defend yourself?
No, you are not supposed to defend yourself when the police stop you. You are supposed to comply.

Unless of course you are trying to fight a war, in which case you should bring weapons, and expect to be shot at--because that is what happens in a war.
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