Israel boards activist flotilla, shots fired, reports of dead and wounded


Active member
May 25, 2002
No, you are not supposed to defend yourself when the police stop you. You are supposed to comply.

Unless of course you are trying to fight a war, in which case you should bring weapons, and expect to be shot at--because that is what happens in a war.
These aren't police but beligerents fighting a war but attacking unarmed civilians. -- when the civilians fought back the crying started


Jan 31, 2005
These aren't police but beligerents fighting a war but attacking unarmed civilians. -- when the civilians fought back the crying started
The civilians weren't unarmed, and the civilians were the ones who attacked first. The soldiers boarded the vessel lawfully and were attacked by the passengers.

Note that Israel had a legal right simply to torpedo the ship and sink it. That they were boarding it at all rather than simply sinking it is because they were trying to conduct the blockade in a way that minimizes loss of life.

Technically though a nation can simply sink ships that attempt to run its blockade.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
The civilians weren't unarmed, and the civilians were the ones who attacked first. The soldiers boarded the vessel lawfully and were attacked by the passengers.

Note that Israel had a legal right simply to torpedo the ship and sink it. That they were boarding it at all rather than simply sinking it is because they were trying to conduct the blockade in a way that minimizes loss of life.

Technically though a nation can simply sink ships that attempt to run its blockade.
The blockade is a war crime. It has been so identified by the Goldstone Report. It includes the event, the evidence, and the relevant War Crimes legislation. The recommendation is to take Israel to the International Criminal Court.


Jan 31, 2005
The blockade is a war crime. It has been so identified by the Goldstone Report. It includes the event, the evidence, and the relevant War Crimes legislation. The recommendation is to take Israel to the International Criminal Court.
I've already discredited the Goldstone report, and it has no legal status in any case. At the end of the day the ONLY opinion that matters is the opinion of the UN Security Council, which has issued no such resolution.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here's the UN voting on the Goldstone.
Nice try limiting to the UNHRC.
114 countries supported the resolution and voted for investigations.
Are you still saying that all western countries voted against the Goldstone report?
The United Nations General Assembly endorsed a resolution calling for independent investigations to be conducted by Israel and Hamas on allegations of war crimes described in the Goldstone report.
If you read what you actually posted, it is a list of countries that supported an investigation, not a list of countries that endorsed the report's findings.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You're starting to sound more and more desparate, Fuji.
First you said Al Jazeera was reliable with an earlier quote, and now you say they're lying.
tsk. tsk.
Al Jazeera aren't lying. They are reporting what someone else said whether or not there is any evidence to support it and logic and the videos seem to go against his statement (as all of the statements that there was no violence from the activists).


New member
Aug 30, 2001
I've already discredited the Goldstone report, and it has no legal status in any case. At the end of the day the ONLY opinion that matters is the opinion of the UN Security Council, which has issued no such resolution.
Given the fact that he and his team are experienced and expert and carried out their investigations onsite and given that you are neither experienced nor expert nor did you carry out an investigation onsite, I think you can appreciate why you are nothing more than a lickspittle on this.

To paraphrase Senator Benson when debating Dan Quayle," I knew Richard Goldstone, I worked with Richard Goldstone, and you are no Richard Goldstone"

Putting it simply, he's got credentials and you are just a sap


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If somebody tries to capture you, sink or shoot you --- your not supposed to defend yourself?

I have difficulty following your arguments. To sum it up Isreal good everything else bad -- that athe fugi logic?
Capyure? Maybe. The Israelis told them to turn back and offered to land the goods in Israel and transfer it to Gaza.
Sink? Obviously you are making this up.
Shoot? The videos are pretty clear about what happened before any shooting.

These aren't police but beligerents fighting a war but attacking unarmed civilians. -- when the civilians fought back the crying started
Unarmed? Maybe no RPGs or machine guns but they were clearly armed and clearly they attacked the Israelis.

I will agree that the crying started after the 'unarmed civilians' fought. They attacked the Israelis with lethal force and were met with a lethal response and now they are all about crying (and lying).
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