I'm not bitter towards everyone.... I'm bitter to the abuses, the broken promises , the lies and the prejudicial treatment that my people have suffered at the hands of non natives over the past few hundred years.
It was the government that was voted into office that was empowered to act on Canada's behalf that signed the treaties with my people. No, you or your family probably had nothing to do with it BUT your legal representatives did.
For most if not all of the land issues, I may not have been alive, I know of some. Treaties, Contracts change, evolve and end.
My people have contracts with your governement, with NO termination date. These treaties are written with such language as " as long as the river's flow and as long as the sun shines". Just because you haved lived in a house for 100 years that is still owned by someone else does not automatically give you the right to stop paying rent! Language has evolved and so should contracts and treaties, and I'm not aborginals should loose, but do you not believe the evolution would probably be better for aborginals. Listen, I would rather Aboriginals would live off the reserve and interact more with everyone, and that's how I see change happening.
Obviously you have not learned enough. I enjoy learning about other cultures and would be open to learn more, but sorry for oneself attitude is overdone. All Aborginals should should be treated with respect but give it too.
I've heard of the first incident you mentioned but I can't really comment on that because I was neither there or have first hand information about what happened and I'd rather not speculate on comments based soley on reports in the media. Ah, well, I worked with that person and there was no remorse for his actions. He didn't care who was hurt by his actions.
You haven't got the faintest clue about what goes on in places like Davis Inlet. The kids in isolated places like Davis Inlet watch TV all day because there is nothing else for them to do..... They see the kids in the south with their Ipods, Gameboys, playing sports, going to college or university, having fun in the big city. Then they look outside of their "shack" and what do they see? They see nothing, no opportunity to go to school, none of the toys that the kids in the south take for granted, no opportunity, no hope and they revert to substance abuse for the exact same reason as the addicts do around the world..... To get away from their reality. The high that they get from huffing silver or gold spray paint, paint thinners or gasoline takes their feeling of isolation away for a while. It gives them the ability to care a little less about what goes on in the big city, about the opportunities that the kids there have and they don't. You have no clue. Ah, I can understand you saying that, but Bif, I can assure you that I do know as I worked with many of those youngsters that have damaged lives beyond repair, and I can sense your sadness in this writing. Yes, I'm talking about the youths from Davis Inlet
Perhaps you have forgotten already but it was YOU who first said that to me. I was just repeating you ignorant statement. I think that before you go pointing your finger in my face that maybe you should try looking in a mirror first. It's very possible that I may have made the statement before you did and I take responsibility for that I'm not goin' fishin' to find it now. You can look in the mirror too as you've made your own statements.
Another mis guided statement by you. I'm on the highway a lot for my job and (especially in the winter) I stop at EVERY accident. Every time someone tries to flag me down or I see someone in distress I stop and offer whatever assistance I can. So, like I said..... Just another mis guided statement by you. Oh, and you missed that I said many aboriginals would stop, help, be neighbourly; with all your ranting about this and that you didn't present as someone that would be helpful. Good for you on doing so that's how I measure people.
No, you may not be but your obviously uneducated opinions and how that rhetoric may affect others in forming their own opinions about my people are.
Prejudice starts with ignorance and apathy.