Discreet Dolls

Natives do not pay taxes?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Much like Europe at roughly the same time.

Hundred Years War anyone? War of Jenkin's Ear? Wars of the Roses? The Spanish Succession? All the campaigns they didn't teach us, because they were strictly 'foreigners' involved: Like Dutch independence, Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, Frederick the Great, and never mind all the stuff in Italy and over the sea in the Balkans. Little principalities constantly feuding, invading, plotting and poisoning from the end of the Roman Empire all the way down to Garibaldi and Mazzini in the nineteenth century. And then there was Napoleon. Followed by all the wannabes.

Aboriginal society may not have been all pastoral sweetness and light, but Europeans at least have no high horse to reproach them from.


New member
Jan 20, 2004
I seen in this tread where someone said the native were sent to live on scrub land. I wouldn't mind owning the land aroumd Bala and Christian Is. on Geogian Bay. They have some the best beaches and lakes in On.
My family came here in 1639 from France . Some of the males had Native wives who were consider "WHORES" by the native population for marring a white male. It's still that way today when a Native woman marrries a white male. So the Metis were racialy dicrimanted by the British and the Aboriginal because we didn't fit into either society. So yaeh the Aboriginals are racsit also.
Get off the reservation and join the 21th century. I don't consider myself native or white but Canadian. If people from around the world can come to this country and make good why do you still cling to the notion that you are the only people being racialy descrinated against. You will find that most people are not that prejudice these days and I ignore or beat the crap out of the Aborigials Who called my Grandmother a "WHORE".


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Sadly your version of events is probably what is put in the texts the government picks for the school kids in the K-12 system. I would not be surprised.
Ok... Here we go again... Written history tends to favour the side who "won the war" regardless if it's right or wrong, everyone knows this. The government published texts have been proven to be wrong on more than dozens of occaissions . A friend of mine is a teaching professor of Native Studies at a large university here in Ontario and he REFUSES to use the government provided texts because as he says " they're not worth the paper they're printed on".

Oh and for disease, it was a matter of time, even everyone living in Europe stayed at home living la vida hobbit [except Bilbo and Frodo] it would have been just a matter of time before someone from the New World would have visited the old and brought back the small pox and other nasty shit. Really, you can't blame people for exploring. It was just a matter of time.
Trying to blow this off as "just a matter of time" does not make it either right OR justified!

And wtf did you just compare the residential system to the fucking holocaust? That would be like comparing Castro to Pol Pot.
AND if you both read and understood my post correctly you would see that I never once mentioned or even referred to the holocaust! So quit trying inflame this issue more than it already is by posting ignorant, unsubstantiated comments.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
I wouldn't mind owning the land aroumd Bala and Christian Is. on Geogian Bay.
The rez outside of Bala is called Wahta...... If you've ever been through there personally you would see that it's pretty much all rocks and swamp.... Do you really want a piece of that?.... If you do the I have some land in Florida you may be interested in!..... BTW, what beaches in Wahta were you were referring too?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The St Lawance Iroquoians lived in fortified camps by the 1300's [no doubt to protect them selves from the vampires until a slayer was called in one of their communities] ....
Don't you know that the vikings may have come to NA before that? The violence between the tribes was clearly due to the year or two that a few vikings lived in Newfoundland.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Bet these guys that you mentioned have no other source of income? Hunting and fishing for SELF SUSTINANCE is what you make of it. I'd bet they feed their families with the money they make selling the fish!
Actually, no they don't feed their families with the proceeds from their "subsistence" fishing. They have jobs that pay them more than I (and I suspect you) make. When I asked them why they do it - a very simple and straight-forward answer "Because I can and no one will do anything about it."

I am who I am and no government will ever take that away from me, no matter how hard they try. AND to INFORM YOU of a few things in order to live in this country as a "full status treaty" native AND be able to participate in all the rights guaranteed us in the treaties, the government mandates that we have to live on the rez. So, if we leave the rez. we loose our rights. I should be able to live anywhere I want in this country as a "full status treaty" native and not just on some piece of scrub land that the government has no other use for.
I am glad you are comfortable in your own skin. It's an important thing for anyone to live that way. You don't have to inform me about the things you give up if you life "off rez", but thanks anyway. Seems you forgot to mention the things you gain. Unfortunately, too many of "your people" don't share your confidence. Part of that can be laid at the feet of government but much must be shouldered by the First Nation communities. As far as your assertion that you should be able to live wherever you want as a "full status treaty" person, does your treaty contain that clause?


Jan 31, 2005
The government published texts have been proven to be wrong on more than dozens of occaissions .
You do know there is no such thing as a government published university text? It's obvious you yourself never went to university, but I am just checking whether you know that text books are not published by or even funded by the government.

You're right they aren't worth the paper they're printed on--they don't even exist!!

This does sort of call into question your story about having a professor friend who refuses to use them.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
As much as it calls into question someone of foreign decent trying to teach me the history of my people. Who the H*LL do you think they get their licenses to publish from?????

I'm sorry that this post has gotten so far out of hand. There are those here who believe what I have written because in some way they have experienced it personally themselves. And those who haven't experienced it can only state things out of what they feel they know, which may not necessarily be accurate or factual.

I am who I am and you or no one else will ever be able to take that pride, that understanding or the knowledge away from me, no matter who you are or think you are. So accept it, deal with it and move on.

The history of my people has traditionally been passed down from one generation to the next via stories, legends, speaking to our elders who for the most part have witnessed first hand most of what I've written here. I've talked about the history of my people at length with my grandfather who just turned 101 a few weeks ago. He knows what happened, he's lived our history over the past century. This is first hand experience, an eye witness if you will to the abuses of my people. Before they passed a long time ago I talked with my great grandmother and great - great grandmother about our people.... Being in primary school at the time I couldn't understand why they told me to be proud of who I was and my people but when I expressed that belief in school all I recieved in return was ridicule and being called names like "savage", "wagonburner", "prairie nigger" and "scalper".
But in talking with them I learned a great deal more, not only about pride but also about our lengends, our language, about what their grandparents taught them, our history. How in the 1890's the government told us to move to the rez. where we are now because the European missionaries created a religious vs. traditional rift amongst my people in the land where my people used to live (Oka). About during their first winter here that almost 50% froze to death waiting for the government promised food and supplies that never showed up.
This history of my people was given too me by people who were there, eye witnesses to the abuse, the government lies, the Residential School system (I have 2 uncles and an aunt that had to live through that horror), etc.
In short if I want to find out what my grandfather had for lunch yesterday I'll ask him and not refer to some BS textbook, some pencil necked politician OR someone who only THINKS they know.

So like I said.... Deal with it and move on because no amount of hot air is going to make any difference.


Jan 31, 2005
Who the H*LL do you think they get their licenses to publish from?????
What license to publish? You do not need a license to publish a book in Canada or the United States. The government is not involved in the production of University text books. Period.

There are those here who believe what I have written because in some way they have experienced it personally themselves.
I don't think anyone here personally experienced what life was like here prior to the 1400's.

The history of my people has traditionally been passed down from one generation to the next via stories, legends, speaking to our elders who for the most part have witnessed first hand most of what I've written here.
It's also documented by archaelogical evidence. Things like bones showing obvious signs of violent trauma and other evidence corroborating the historic record of what the Europeans found already going on here when they arrived and began documenting local behavior.

This is first hand experience, an eye witness if you will to the abuses of my people.
There certainly were abuses, residential schools come to mind--just for starters! However that does not change the fact that your version of what things were like before Europeans arrived is revisionist history. Aboriginals in Canada lived in a state of almost perpetual warfare before and after the arrival of Europeans. It's only been in the past few hundred years that they've known anything like peace. Now, were there abuses by Europeans? Absolutely there were, many horrendous abuses. Nevertheless there were a fair number of problems here before the Europeans arrived--like constant bloody warfare.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
This has been an interesting read, rant and ramble.

Bif_Butkiss wants his cake and eat it to. Continuously referring to my people, we all bleed red, breathe air and when it all stops we're all dead.
Bif_Butkiss, you live in a space that holds you back from growing as a person, and teaching others (us) and youths about the positive things that Aborinals have done in Canada (Kanada).

It's time to put the past in a vault and move onward with the future for everyone. You have said your piece in other threads too about the atrocities bestoyed on Aborginals and now it's just fruit of the poisonous tree for your personal bitterness. I don't disagree that Aboriginals have been treated poorly, but no differently than many groups of people in Canada (Kanada) You have your beliefs for which all have been countered, stop beating your head against a wall. You even said that you were a transit driver, so you had a government level positiion.

However, I will completely disagree with you that it is my fault or my families fault. They landed here in the 30's and 50's. Married worked hard had children and suffered through their last years.

What happened to St. John de Brebeuf?

I will tell you 22 years ago, I received a call from the OPP just outside of Wiarton. My parents were in their 50's and were not permitted entrance to the road leading to our cottage. In fact, they were terrorized spat upon and their car damaged. 5 hours later 3 of my friends and I arrived. We made a stop outside of the town, I found out that my father had gone into heart failure because of what had happend, and my mother wasn't well either. My father had to be airlifted to Hamilton. You better believe those 4 young punks from cape croker and lions head took a pounding! Never had a problem again! So, just keep crying your blues, having standoffs, assaulting people that are trying to build communities. The civil war isn't really all that far away. So I don't really give a flying fuck about your hard luck stories. In fact, in many situations, it's the aboriginals that foster and perpetuate this situations. Alcohol, drugs, Guns, Smuggling, working with H.A. and other organized crime outfits. Quite making yourself you foolish.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I realize that. As I noted this women looked totally white with no Native ethnic tones in her. I am assuming she is part native, perhaps 1/8 or less. Does anyone know what the pre-requisite % is needed to be considered native?
That goes for the majority of, if not all 'Natives' that I've come across who do not live on a reserve or who are not living on the streets in cities, and don't get beat down by cops. They're White people with some Native blood, but they claim to be Native for the perks. It's also in vogue to claim you're something exotic (ie. not 100% European ancestry) these days.

The above entry(s) I posted, make out of it whatever you want. Interpret the story however you need to be able to deal with it.

I have only had to deal that type of situation with the police(OPP/ Northern Ont) once. I was born and raised in this city and never faced racism from city cops, maybe I just got lucky, and just the one time from the OPP, but it does happen, it does exist.
You probably look white, right? Science tells us that the first humans likely came out of Africa so all of our ancient ancestors were African. But how much sense would it make for a white man in modern society to claim he is African or black?

My question is this: are Natives actually benefitting from these handouts? Would they be better off or worse without them?

A parent may want to shelter and coddle their child forever, because her heart desires to protect it, but the right thing to do is to let the child face the real world. Without doing so the parent retards the child's social development.

I sometimes wonder if generations of people in certain communities have been so relatively isolated that they've become genetically incapable of functioning outside of a welfare type situation - the white trash communities, urban ghetto blacks, and natives on reserves. These people were likely the weakest to begin with, and entire generations of them have suffered from substance abuse, mental illness (often born from mothers who abused drugs), and dysfunctional infrastructure (poor schools etc.) in their communities. I often wonder if they're forever doomed.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Native means born here. As in "our home and native land". If you want to establish that Native means the indigenous First Nations people, then you'd better start singing, "our home on Native land.

Using 'Native' to divide us by heritage is a dumb and demeaning as most such descriptors. Sticking to the word's proper meaning makes it something that brings us all together. Even the proud immigrant parents of native Canadians.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
This has been an interesting read, rant and ramble.

Bif_Butkiss wants his cake and eat it to. Continuously referring to my people, we all bleed red, breathe air and when it all stops we're all dead.
Bif_Butkiss, you live in a space that holds you back from growing as a person, and teaching others (us) and youths about the positive things that Aborinals have done in Canada (Kanada).

It's time to put the past in a vault and move onward with the future for everyone. You have said your piece in other threads too about the atrocities bestoyed on Aborginals and now it's just fruit of the poisonous tree for your personal bitterness. I don't disagree that Aboriginals have been treated poorly, but no differently than many groups of people in Canada (Kanada) You have your beliefs for which all have been countered, stop beating your head against a wall. You even said that you were a transit driver, so you had a government level positiion.

However, I will completely disagree with you that it is my fault or my families fault. They landed here in the 30's and 50's. Married worked hard had children and suffered through their last years.

What happened to St. John de Brebeuf?

I will tell you 22 years ago, I received a call from the OPP just outside of Wiarton. My parents were in their 50's and were not permitted entrance to the road leading to our cottage. In fact, they were terrorized spat upon and their car damaged. 5 hours later 3 of my friends and I arrived. We made a stop outside of the town, I found out that my father had gone into heart failure because of what had happend, and my mother wasn't well either. My father had to be airlifted to Hamilton. You better believe those 4 young punks from cape croker and lions head took a pounding! Never had a problem again! So, just keep crying your blues, having standoffs, assaulting people that are trying to build communities. The civil war isn't really all that far away. So I don't really give a flying fuck about your hard luck stories. In fact, in many situations, it's the aboriginals that foster and perpetuate this situations. Alcohol, drugs, Guns, Smuggling, working with H.A. and other organized crime outfits. Quite making yourself you foolish.
It is my cake to eat as you put it. Guaranteed me by the treaties that YOUR government signed with my people on YOUR behalf. So why shouldn't I be able to take advantage of it (you would if in my position). If the government took say your right to freedom of speech or freedom of religion away from you then I'd bet that you'd be just as mad as we are that our rights have been systematically taken away from us over the decades.

What happened to those punks in Oka in 1990 who stoned one of our elder's cars as he was trying to peacefully leave the rez. A piece of rock went through his windshield hitting him in the chest causing him to have a heart attack... which later claimed his life.... What happened to THOSE punks????.... One word.... NOTHING!!!!

I don`t really care if you or anyone else for that matter gives a "flying fuck" about anything. Your individual misguided opinions are inconsequential too me.

Alcohol and drugs are a bane that YOUR people introduced mine too.... Don't forget that!!! Smuggling???..... Obviously here's another who either hasn't read or understood what I wrote in my previous posts. And as far as working with the HA and other organized crime outfits, yeah my people to a small extent have some experience with them but no more than non native people from outside the rez. So with that being said I feel that this statement is just more inflamatory rhetoric from someone who doesn't know any better.

I think "cookie" put it perfectly in her post to this thread. And I quote " LEARN, THEN TALK OR SHUT THE HELL UP"!!!!!


New member
Jan 18, 2009
If you do some research into the credibility of many aboriginal land claims, you won't like what you find out... There's a reason the Canadian governments have continually been stalling on the resolution of aboriginal land claims...
Post one for us.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
It is my cake to eat as you put it. Guaranteed me by the treaties that YOUR government signed with my people on YOUR behalf. So why shouldn't I be able to take advantage of it (you would if in my position). If the government took say your right to freedom of speech or freedom of religion away from you then I'd bet that you'd be just as mad as we are that our rights have been systematically taken away from us over the decades.

What happened to those punks in Oka in 1990 who stoned one of our elder's cars as he was trying to peacefully leave the rez. A piece of rock went through his windshield hitting him in the chest causing him to have a heart attack... which later claimed his life.... What happened to THOSE punks????.... One word.... NOTHING!!!!

I don`t really care if you or anyone else for that matter gives a "flying fuck" about anything. Your individual misguided opinions are inconsequential too me.

Alcohol and drugs are a bane that YOUR people introduced mine too.... Don't forget that!!! Smuggling???..... Obviously here's another who either hasn't read or understood what I wrote in my previous posts. And as far as working with the HA and other organized crime outfits, yeah my people to a small extent have some experience with them but no more than non native people from outside the rez. So with that being said I feel that this statement is just more inflamatory rhetoric from someone who doesn't know any better.

I think "cookie" put it perfectly in her post to this thread. And I quote " LEARN, THEN TALK OR SHUT THE HELL UP"!!!!!
Again, you simply confirm your bitteness towards everyone. I said, "We all bleed and breed the same way." It was not my family or myself that created treaties-do you understand! You rant about systematics and such and having rights taken away because you feel that you are owed something; those days are long over and you should and the Aboriginals should start becoming more integrated and socialized with the rest of humanity. I'm not against Aboriginals hunting where appropriate, teaching their traditions along with new ones. I've attended several sweat lodges, used sweet grass and had traditional meals with very nice Aboriginal folks, who welcomed me and vice versa. No politics, open dialogue so I could learn about them and them about me.

Those "punks" would have done the same to anyone that's why they are punks. No different than any other group of thugs terrorizing others. I will remind you that it was a group of Aboriginal thugs that terrorized my parents. If they had been caucausian, asian, whatever, they would have met the same result.

How about those young punks (Aboriginals) that beat the contractor in Caledonia so badly that he's lost his memory and ambushed him. How about the punk (Aboriginal) who started the tire fire in Caledonia/Hagersville in the 1990s. How about the punk (aboriginal) from Timmins that chopped his father's head off in the 1990s. How about the punk (aborginal) from LaRonge Saskatchewan along with an 8 year old (aboriginal brat) that killed another 8 year old Aboriginal, skinned him, burned him and drank the fat because they wanted to fly like vampires. How about the punks (aboriginals) from Brant that steal cars for the fun of it. Oh, while we on it, what about the abuses of aboriginal women and children perpetrated by aboriginal men! Oh, what about that aboriginal woman who let two little children freeze in the car?
What about huffing? For those who don't know that is gas or glue sniffing. Most noted from the Davis Inlet children. Why did that happen, well one of the mitigating factors was the abuse of the children by their parents.

You say, that you don't give a flying fuck, if I or anyone else cares because we are inconsequential to you. Well, that goes both ways doesn't it! If you mean that, than why reply to anything. I know why you reply because you just want others everyone to think that aboriginals are so hard done by and it's everyone else's fault and that is an excuse for Aboriginals to take no responibility for themselves.

I have an aborinal friend who is in med school; he never declared his status. He went to his panel interview and was welcomed to the school because of his abilities before his ethnic background.

Again with the Your people (my people weren't around). Who do you think you're fooling. HA, OC has long been associated with Aboriginals because of the old no borders among your people.

Everyone has a different knowledge of history and the events that take place through their cultural learning and education. I know there are many wonderful aboriginal people that would lend a hand, help anyone and be open to others; you're just not one of them.

Now, if we're really irrelevant in your world, there's no need to respond because we don't matter.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Again, you simply confirm your bitteness towards everyone.{
I'm not bitter towards everyone.... I'm bitter to the abuses, the broken promises , the lies and the prejudicial treatment that my people have suffered at the hands of non natives over the past few hundred years.

It was not my family or myself that created treaties-do you understand!
It was the government that was voted into office that was empowered to act on Canada's behalf that signed the treaties with my people. No, you or your family probably had nothing to do with it BUT your legal representatives did.

You rant about systematics and such and having rights taken away because you feel that you are owed something
My people have contracts with your governement, with NO termination date. These treaties are written with such language as " as long as the river's flow and as long as the sun shines". Just because you haved lived in a house for 100 years that is still owned by someone else does not automatically give you the right to stop paying rent!

very nice Aboriginal folks, who welcomed me and vice versa. No politics, open dialogue so I could learn about them and them about me.
Obviously you have not learned enough.

How about those young punks (Aboriginals) that beat the contractor in Caledonia so badly that he's lost his memory and ambushed him. How about the punk (Aboriginal) who started the tire fire in Caledonia/Hagersville in the 1990s. How about the punk (aboriginal) from Timmins that chopped his father's head off in the 1990s. How about the punk (aborginal) from LaRonge Saskatchewan along with an 8 year old (aboriginal brat) that killed another 8 year old Aboriginal, skinned him, burned him and drank the fat because they wanted to fly like vampires. How about the punks (aboriginals) from Brant that steal cars for the fun of it. Oh, while we on it, what about the abuses of aboriginal women and children perpetrated by aboriginal men! Oh, what about that aboriginal woman who let two little children freeze in the car?
I've heard of the first incident you mentioned but I can't really comment on that because I was neither there or have first hand information about what happened and I'd rather not speculate on comments based soley on reports in the media.

What about huffing? For those who don't know that is gas or glue sniffing. Most noted from the Davis Inlet children. Why did that happen, well one of the mitigating factors was the abuse of the children by their parents.
You haven't got the faintest clue about what goes on in places like Davis Inlet. The kids in isolated places like Davis Inlet watch TV all day because there is nothing else for them to do..... They see the kids in the south with their Ipods, Gameboys, playing sports, going to college or university, having fun in the big city. Then they look outside of their "shack" and what do they see? They see nothing, no opportunity to go to school, none of the toys that the kids in the south take for granted, no opportunity, no hope and they revert to substance abuse for the exact same reason as the addicts do around the world..... To get away from their reality. The high that they get from huffing silver or gold spray paint, paint thinners or gasoline takes their feeling of isolation away for a while. It gives them the ability to care a little less about what goes on in the big city, about the opportunities that the kids there have and they don't. You have no clue.

You say, that you don't give a flying fuck,
Perhaps you have forgotten already but it was YOU who first said that to me. I was just repeating you ignorant statement. I think that before you go pointing your finger in my face that maybe you should try looking in a mirror first.

I know there are many wonderful aboriginal people that would lend a hand, help anyone and be open to others; you're just not one of them.
Another mis guided statement by you. I'm on the highway a lot for my job and (especially in the winter) I stop at EVERY accident. Every time someone tries to flag me down or I see someone in distress I stop and offer whatever assistance I can. So, like I said..... Just another mis guided statement by you.

Now, if we're really irrelevant in your world, there's no need to respond because we don't matter.
No, you may not be but your obviously uneducated opinions and how that rhetoric may affect others in forming their own opinions about my people are.

Prejudice starts with ignorance and apathy.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I'm not bitter towards everyone.... I'm bitter to the abuses, the broken promises , the lies and the prejudicial treatment that my people have suffered at the hands of non natives over the past few hundred years.

It was the government that was voted into office that was empowered to act on Canada's behalf that signed the treaties with my people. No, you or your family probably had nothing to do with it BUT your legal representatives did.
For most if not all of the land issues, I may not have been alive, I know of some. Treaties, Contracts change, evolve and end.

My people have contracts with your governement, with NO termination date. These treaties are written with such language as " as long as the river's flow and as long as the sun shines". Just because you haved lived in a house for 100 years that is still owned by someone else does not automatically give you the right to stop paying rent! Language has evolved and so should contracts and treaties, and I'm not aborginals should loose, but do you not believe the evolution would probably be better for aborginals. Listen, I would rather Aboriginals would live off the reserve and interact more with everyone, and that's how I see change happening.

Obviously you have not learned enough. I enjoy learning about other cultures and would be open to learn more, but sorry for oneself attitude is overdone. All Aborginals should should be treated with respect but give it too.

I've heard of the first incident you mentioned but I can't really comment on that because I was neither there or have first hand information about what happened and I'd rather not speculate on comments based soley on reports in the media. Ah, well, I worked with that person and there was no remorse for his actions. He didn't care who was hurt by his actions.

You haven't got the faintest clue about what goes on in places like Davis Inlet. The kids in isolated places like Davis Inlet watch TV all day because there is nothing else for them to do..... They see the kids in the south with their Ipods, Gameboys, playing sports, going to college or university, having fun in the big city. Then they look outside of their "shack" and what do they see? They see nothing, no opportunity to go to school, none of the toys that the kids in the south take for granted, no opportunity, no hope and they revert to substance abuse for the exact same reason as the addicts do around the world..... To get away from their reality. The high that they get from huffing silver or gold spray paint, paint thinners or gasoline takes their feeling of isolation away for a while. It gives them the ability to care a little less about what goes on in the big city, about the opportunities that the kids there have and they don't. You have no clue. Ah, I can understand you saying that, but Bif, I can assure you that I do know as I worked with many of those youngsters that have damaged lives beyond repair, and I can sense your sadness in this writing. Yes, I'm talking about the youths from Davis Inlet

Perhaps you have forgotten already but it was YOU who first said that to me. I was just repeating you ignorant statement. I think that before you go pointing your finger in my face that maybe you should try looking in a mirror first. It's very possible that I may have made the statement before you did and I take responsibility for that I'm not goin' fishin' to find it now. You can look in the mirror too as you've made your own statements.

Another mis guided statement by you. I'm on the highway a lot for my job and (especially in the winter) I stop at EVERY accident. Every time someone tries to flag me down or I see someone in distress I stop and offer whatever assistance I can. So, like I said..... Just another mis guided statement by you. Oh, and you missed that I said many aboriginals would stop, help, be neighbourly; with all your ranting about this and that you didn't present as someone that would be helpful. Good for you on doing so that's how I measure people.

No, you may not be but your obviously uneducated opinions and how that rhetoric may affect others in forming their own opinions about my people are.

Prejudice starts with ignorance and apathy.
Oh Bif, It is not my intention to affect anyone's opinions. I am educated and I form my opinions from first hand experiences there have been good and bad in that mix. Again, you only hear what you want to because that's your rhetoric.

Hey Here's some articles backing up what I've said too!
http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2000/06/26/charles000626.html Sandy Charles

http://www.religioustolerance.org/ra_psych.htm Sandy Charles and 8 year old murder Jonathon Thimpson.

http://www.canada.com/saskatoonstar...42ad7-af4f-443a-b0d4-ec34a297bf73&k=57086&p=2 Layne Larose kills 2

http://archives.cbc.ca/on_this_day/02/12/ Hagersville Tire Fire

http://www.citytv.com/toronto/cityn.../16825--nine-protestors-arrested-in-caledonia Contractor Beaten by Native Thugs.

http://www.cisc.gc.ca/annual_reports/annual_report_2004/aboriginal_2004_e.html Aboriginal Gangs and associations.

http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=8d76803d-40d9-4a68-aea5-8e2ca822c71d History of Violence.
Toronto Escorts