Ashley Madison

Natives do not pay taxes?


Feb 16, 2010
I've heard of the first incident you mentioned but I can't really comment on that because I was neither there or have first hand information about what happened and I'd rather not speculate on comments based soley on reports in the media.
That's a very interesting statement. I'd say you just choose not to comment in this case because normally you seem to have no problem giving your opinion on events you or anyone alive today was not around for.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
You haven't got the faintest clue about what goes on in places like Davis Inlet. The kids in isolated places like Davis Inlet watch TV all day because there is nothing else for them to do..... They see the kids in the south with their Ipods, Gameboys, playing sports, going to college or university, having fun in the big city. Then they look outside of their "shack" and what do they see? They see nothing, no opportunity to go to school, none of the toys that the kids in the south take for granted, no opportunity, no hope and they revert to substance abuse for the exact same reason as the addicts do around the world..... To get away from their reality. The high that they get from huffing silver or gold spray paint, paint thinners or gasoline takes their feeling of isolation away for a while. It gives them the ability to care a little less about what goes on in the big city, about the opportunities that the kids there have and they don't. You have no clue.
How do we fix that?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Don't know that we can, anymore than we can 'fix' anyone else's problems but our own. But for sure one of the things that doesn't help at all is begerudging any of the few things these kids can look to that might make them feel special. If somewhere in all the stuff that makes up a person, they can see they have inheirited something important enough that the society at large can forgo a few buck in taxes in recognition, that's a real cheap deal for the rest of us.

But for my 2¢: No First Nations kid with the ability should ever have to stop school—to postgrad if they want—for lack of money or resources. And if she decides she shouldn't have quit school back then, fine: we pay.
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CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Some of each. After we grossly oversimplify what went on.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
HOF and BIF need to understand each other first. Stop shouting. You're both wrong in many ways.
I understand Bif well. I was never handed anything for free in life, so suck it up!

BTW, I'm native (born here) He's aboriginal.


...voted Most Open-minded
Yes, applaud those that have found legal ways to become a burden to society.
Gee, you dont like the fact that aliens came over here many moons ago and took over the land from my ancestors??? The "society" that you speak of wouldn't exist here in Canada if the people from other lands did not stray from them to begin your society.
...and yet you use the monicker "Huron" here at Terb....!?!???


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
I have to throw this in again. There is a ton of money going to aboriginals. they mis-manage. yes, aboriginal kids should go to a good school. plenty of cash has been doled out for that. clean up, talk right, stop dopin, stop drinkin, get good marks and any school would welcome them. nothing to it. it's not my fault that being (effectively) on welfare is demeaning. get off it. be proud.


Active member
Apr 17, 2007
So like I said.... Deal with it and move on because no amount of hot air is going to make any difference.
It's 2010: I think we should focus on this year and going forward. The rest is water under the bridge. We should stop paying guilt money for one society besting another in the distant past [which has happened countless times through history].

We should spend money to make sure all people have equal access to education and medical care. We should stop giving money to people for being different and thus keeping them dependant.

"Deal with it and move on".



New member
Apr 29, 2002
I guess it is somehow related to trying to somehow pay them for TAKING OVER THEIR LAND?
lol...great reply, TRUEDAT Rub.

Doesn't bother me one bit that they don't pay taxes.
I mean, how would you feel if your land was taken away from your entire culture?
Not paying taxes seems more than fair if not, even a bit like they're being robbed.


Well-known member
I can only speak concerning one reserve I know of.Greed and corruption is not just a white mans sin.Alot of money does not make it from the top to the citizens below. If you are given opportunity and do not take it, you can only blame someone else so much.I grew up very outhouse poor until the age of six.i know poverty also.I also deal with a skin condition known as psorasis which makes you stand out a bit to say the least.My father was also a violent alcoholic.

I compare natives today to a bit like blacks of today.Your grandparents knew racism....perhaps even your parents, but natives and blacks today have more opportunity then ever before to make change and build a successful life for themselves.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts