Revoke Smoking Ban In Toronto?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
That's ok too. BUT it is almost impossible to determine the exact cause of these problems. For eg: I have high cholesteral. I don't eat meat, fried foods (rarely), and eat reduced fat and no-fat foods. I buy foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids (good cholesteral). But I have high cholesteral simply due to genetics. My body makes cholesteral from cardboard.

Now you're starting to get into Gattaca territory........

but by the same token:
If you have health issues due to alcohol consumption, you pay your own health care costs
If you cause an accident due to DUI, you pay ALL the costs out of pocket (negating insurance)
If you get injured due to lifestyle choices (ie: parachuting, bungee jumping, rock climbing) you pay your own health costs
Is there not a corelation between high LDL levels and smoking?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

Ever found it funny how if you smoke, you get NO support from the government or health plans for smoking cessation programs?

But if you're addicted to crack, meth, heroin, coke, speed, hash, dope, they not only throw money at you, but put you in rehad centers, give you food and clothing, and pay for individual and group therapy........

(btw, it is a scientific fact that nicotine is more addictive than any of those drugs)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
what he said ^^^^^ in spades........

Just read that smoking reduces your good HDL cholestrol levels.
doc never mentioned that when we were talking about cholesteral........good to know......

What I find really funny is that the anit-smokers/pro ban cannot give me ONE solid reason against having a place that allows smoking. Sorry, you can't use the excuse that "second hand smoke is bad" because anyone there KNOWS that.......

I'm against fucking fat chicks but you don't see me trying to stop anyone from doing it.......

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
As for sp's who smoke, you should see their faces light up when I tell them they can. I tell you there's nothing like the first smoke after a good romp in the sack and I know the ones who smoke appreciate it......

I haven't did it yet but I have thought of getting a smoking allowed hotel room just so the SP can have her smoke, lol

But I do dislike the smell of tobbacco, pot I like thou, lol


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I haven't did it yet but I have thought of getting a smoking allowed hotel room just so the SP can have her smoke, lol

But I do dislike the smell of tobbacco, pot I like thou, lol
see? I hate the smell of skunk some really good hash? Or a nice euro blend of tabacco? or a good $5.00 cigar?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Toronto should have public places to smoke indoors because the weather is so poor many days. Heck it should be like for health reasons ha ha. True smoking anything can not be healthy for you but freezing your butt off having a smoke outside must be even more harmful to your health.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
You know NY City has a city wide smoking ban but its well known that in certain areas the law like looks the other way--some high end clubs too.

Smokers tend to go to those clubs and the non smokers go else where. But its not the law, just how it worked out. Even the mayor has been know to be with his rich cigar smoking buddies--but he lied and said it wasn't true.
But you'll miss it

I don't miss that now, so why would I ever miss it in the future? (I guess I am not sufficiently on your "radar" for you to know- I DON'T EAT fast food EVER or any processed foods for that matter.... The only time I ever eat a hamburger is when I personally make it, or it is otherwise "homemade".)

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
what he said ^^^^^ in spades........

What I find really funny is that the anit-smokers/pro ban cannot give me ONE solid reason against having a place that allows smoking. Sorry, you can't use the excuse that "second hand smoke is bad" because anyone there KNOWS that.......

Personally I would like too see the cessation of the habit altogether.

In the end the user is going too suffer and that is something that is hard too watch and go through.

I know you are going too say that it is your right too die anyway you want but I'd rather see you live the best way you can.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Personally I would like too see the cessation of the habit altogether.

In the end the user is going too suffer and that is something that is hard too watch and go through.

I know you are going too say that it is your right too die anyway you want but I'd rather see you live the best way you can.
I appreciate your concern but I do....(live the best life that I can).

I don't have many bad habits....other than sp's and cigs that is. I don't eat fried foods (rarely if I do), don't drink coffee, don't eat red meat, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't stay up too late, hell even my DOC says to me: I realize that you dont' have many if any bad habits but one day we REALLY have to start thinking about you quitting. Then she proceeded to give me a lung capacity test and I cam out above average. She got the results and said...SHIT....thought I could throw this in your face as a reason to quit lol.....


Oct 31, 2005
I agree Oracle. The point YOU are missing is the freedom of choice.

A university is a public enterprise. A hospital is a public enterprise. A bar/nightclub ISN'T. It should be up to the individual business owner to decide what or who his patrons are.

As I said: I have NO problem with a bar or restaurant saying: we're a smoke free environment. Then smokers can go, and not smoke. By the same argument we should allow a business owner to say: We allow smoking. Then people have the right to choose.

The whole problem with the smoking ban is you take away a person's freedom of choice. One group's rights supercede another's.

Put it another way: if a vegetarian walks into a steak house and hates the smell, should they be allowed to dictate to the business owner to stop cooking meat? No. But if they rally enough support they certainly can. Imagine if city council was 51% vegetarian? Say goodbye to your favourite eatery.....

As for the health costs. In the previous thread there were numerous links to the actual stats of health care costs of smokers vs non-smokers.

It showed smokers died earlier than non-smokers so the actual accrued costs to treat them were less than non-smokers. There were also stats that indicated that health issues due to air pollution caused by industry and especially cars, outweighed the issues created by smoking by something like a factor of 4.

So, if you REALLY want to cut down on health costs, ban cars. They are far more dangerous than smoking.......
First, I am a non smoker. I love being able to go to places that are smoke free. Including bars and resteraunts. I agree with tboy about public places like hospitals, universites etc being smoke free. As everyone should have a right to enjoy these places. I don't think anyone will argue with that.

In theory, I think tboy has been hitting the nail right on the head. In a PRIVATE establishment, such as a bar, it would be nice if the owner had the choice to make it a smoke free place or to allow smoking. However, the issue i see with this is no bar owner, in his right mind, would ban smoking. 100% of bars would allow it. So where is a freedom of choice there for people who want to go to grab a drink at a popular venue without second hand smoke? Where would waitresses be able to get jobs where they aren't exposed?

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
I would ban the sale of tobacco at retail outlets across Canada.
I wouldn't criminalize the act of smoking itself or possession of any quantity of tobacco. I would just force people to drive to Indian reservations to get their fix or make them drive across the border and purchase 50 cartons to last them for the next year.

Petty institutional harrassment like that would reduce tobacco consumption by 80% in this country.
Smoking is such a pointless, stupid, weird activity for people to engage in.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
This Oracle is NOT a homosexual act. Really fucking close though!

The logical extension of your reasoning is that no one should drive, ride motorcycles, live in cities, live in apartments, own pets ..... you name it.
Oh - quit hobbying by the way - there is SOMEBODY out there that is going to make the excuse that its bad for you.
Just remember this: A vegetarian, non-smoker, non drinker was the guy who thought that visiting the Rhineland, Czechoslovakia and Poland was a good idea.
Prone too hyperbole much up there in outerspace?
That is not the logical extension of my reasoning at all.
there simply are no benefits at all too smoking and therefore I question as too why we even allow it.
Lets be honest if it was invented today it would be illegal.
hitlers lack of vices have nothing too do with it.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
the WHOLE ARGUMENT about banning ANYTHING is hyperbole.
Thrillseeking is dangerous blah blah blah
The point I am trying to make is that everything that anyone does is dangerous - so are we going to restrict the rights of everyone ? I can find excuses for declaring any behavior dangerous.
The stupidity of the outright ban is that there can exist a very middle of the road solution which any reasonable person could live with. And curiously enough - think this through - if smokers were allowed to smoke in bars that were designated as smokers lounges - then you wouldn't have to have the smoking police out anymore.

Hitler's lack of vices have everything to do with it.
If anyone tells me they have no vices I am very wary of what they are willing to do.
The most dishonest experiences in my life have been at the hands of these holier then thou pricks.
I'm at this Sales seminar once by this gent Zig Ziggler and he comes out with the statement that he will not enter into any type of partnership with anyone who smokes.
His reasoning is that their judgement cannot be trusted.
Too me thats pretty far out there.
Listen I would propose increasing the purchase age every year till we get to a point that a person will have to be fifty to buy a pack of cigarettes.
Slowly the problem would be fazed (sp?) out

The bars are a conundrum for sure.If you allow them too do what they want then every bar will be a smoking bar.
Then the non smokers with be forced too breath in the second hand smoke.
Your argue ment will be if you don't like it then don't go which is reasonable.
If there was a referendum on the subject maybe that could help decide the issue.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
There's nothing wrong with someone smoking. That's their right, no one has any business meddling with it. Including telling them whiat can or cannot be in the smoke. But that's another story.

However this thread is not about someon's right to smoke. It's about revoking the ban on smoking in bars and other public places. That ban is the only thing that keeps smokers from forcing their unwanted smoke on others. It's about the non-smokers' right to be free from smoke. It's about the smokers' responsibility to keep their effluent to themselves. It's about how we get along together in public places.

No one can complain if you want to pee in your own pool. But you are not allowed to pee in a public pool. You can smoke in your own place, just not in a publiuc one. Exactly the same principle.

So far I'm unaware of anyone proposing to open an establishment specifically for smoking, a real cigar bar, where the point of going was to smoke, not just a liquor bar with a humidor. If they did, I'd be in favour of amending the public place definition to allow it. But the suggestions I'm reading here and have heard elsewhere are as much a matter of free choice for smokers and protection for the majority as putting "Warning, Contains Toxic or Diseased Materials" on sausages would protect free choice for pus eaters and be fair warning for the rest of us.
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