Revoke Smoking Ban In Toronto?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
and yes, they have the right to leave and find employment elsewhere by their own volition. That's the equivolent of a stripper deciding she didn't want to take her clothes off any longer.
No. In the example at hand, it's the equivalent of the pub owner telling the waitresses he'd gotten a SC licence and if they didn't wear the haltertop and micromini, or serve topless they'd have to find other work. Long ago decided against the owners.

Don't be distracted by fuji pointing out that no one gives up their overall right to a safe workplace by accepting an unsafe condition on some occasion. And remember, no one can legally make accepting an unsafe situation a condition of employment.

Enough of these hypothetical bar examples: Give us something real about people buying into self-endangerment for pay. Tell us how working in a Smokers' Club would like being a trapeze artist, or a movie stuntman.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You know what?
How DARE you make that kind of assumption.
Here's my accusation of you.
You are an illiterate fool who when faced with an argument that he can't refute then decides to attack the poster.
So BOOM re-read the post and shut it.
Fix your grammar before you sling accusations of illiteracy.

The 'irrefutable argument' you think you made is old news and was long ago dealt with—refuted even—in this thread.

Before you tell people to re-read your stuff, do us all the courtesy of reading what's been said already just once and not repeating it.
Really I like tboy's argument. You see I find fume hoods, and WIMIS education, really, really expensive, at MY PRIVATE PLACE OF BUSINESS.
If I could post a sign warning my workers and Customers that they will be exposed to foul air...I'm in the clear.
No labour standards for us any more...why we will even make more money...Sounds GREAT!!!

I don't care if you smoke or not. In your house, car what you want.
I also agree that the government should not force a company/bar to be long as the labour standards are applied equally.

Ain't gonna happen....and that's why smoking in bars won't/can't be allowed.
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