Vancouver Olympics = FAIL

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
I can't believe you pissed on Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' sung by KD Lang.

A great Canadian song written by a great Canadian man & well-sung by another great Canadian man.

As well, I liked the fat guy's rant. It sounded like the Molson "I Am Canadian" commercials which everyone loved years ago.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Haven't watched any of it. Spent my day celebrating a birthday of somebody close to me.

Opening ceremonies that last over 15 minutes (let alone hours) = FAIL

It's only sports FFS.

Get on with the events already.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
The majority of the ceremony will be forgotten. The cauldron malfunction will be remembered for generations. Other ceremonies will refer to it as the yardstick of incompetence. And did those CTV bastages have to make reference to the Olympic ceremonies origins being steeped in Nazi tradition? Was that necessary?

On the positive side, I was particularly heartwarmed by the way the aboriginals were invited to welcome the olympics. I know you might say, "it's not like they had a choice.", but just the same, it's a far cry from Canada's recent and former policy of residential schools.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
I think having to do the opening ceremonies in a giant indoor living room created a weird atmosphere. This is the first time winter Olympic opening ceremonies were conducted indoors.

I prefer authentic outdoor cold air for opening ceremonies.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Haven't watched any of it. Spent my day celebrating a birthday of somebody close to me.

Opening ceremonies that last over 15 minutes (let alone hours) = FAIL

It's only sports FFS.
Get on with the events already.

My sentiments exactly!!! outside of hoping Nelly Furtado would have wardrobe malfunction, the only part I tuned in was the parade of nations. Seeing a single athlete from an African nation or a Dutch speedskating hottie, is far more interesting than some lame ass singing and dancing. And had to switch over to the American coverage as Bob Costas' anecdotes about individual athletes was superior to Lloyd what's his name, telling us about Armenia marching to symbolize their freedom, FYI Lloyd it's not 1992 anymore.


hung like a squirrel
Jan 28, 2006
Peeler Region
I can't believe you pissed on Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' sung by KD Lang.

A great Canadian song written by a great Canadian man & well-sung by another great Canadian man..
LMFAO - made me choke on my coffee!

Guess they had to let KD sing since she was the big star of the 1988 opening ceremony.
Just heard this song...


Although I am REALLY sick of the "Do you believe" CTV Olympics advertising campaign (which has been running constantly for the last 2 years!), I have to say, this song is actually quite inspiring. That girl has a helluva a set of pipes!


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I definitely thought the opening ceremonies up until the lighting of the torch was really good. The Native American parts were very good, and though I thought the slam poet would be insufferable, he was actually decent, and I really enjoyed k.d. lang's intereption of Hallulujah, cuz it's a sick song, and though kd lang is a huge dyke, she's an amazing singer. The torch fiasco sucked, and unfortunately it's what most people will remember, but other than that it was definitely good. I didn't get the Quebecois singer, but then I was just glad they didn't get Celine Dion to play any major role in the ceremonies.
Unfortunately, becuase of the pro-American bias in the media, I'm sure this will be chalked up to an epic failure, even though it reallly wasn't/

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I don't understand?

Avril Levigne was front and center at the closing ceremonies in Torino (and she looked GORGEOUS) was she left off the opening ceremonies? Vancouver really should get over their inferiority complex about Toronto.

They are spending a billion dollars on security alone, so you can imagine what the price tag will be.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Sorry fellow Canucks but that ceremony was a bit lame. We could have done much better. 6/10 - passing grade but not a wow.

Shallow Throat

What, Me Worry?
Aug 18, 2001
I admit not being into opera and it was obvious the singer has a great voice, but that really felt like an assault and not a song.
That, and the Anthem just took foreeeevvvveeerr to finish.
Say what you will about KD, but she sung that extremely well.
Interesting choices for the olympic flag bearers - especially loved seeing Bobby Orr and surprised by the choice of a military man in the group


Active member
Oct 16, 2002
I can't believe you pissed on Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' sung by KD Lang.

A great Canadian song written by a great Canadian man & well-sung by another great Canadian man.

As well, I liked the fat guy's rant. It sounded like the Molson "I Am Canadian" commercials which everyone loved years ago.
I loved the song and the singer; I cringed at the fat guy and what he was saying -that was so 10 years ago.

happy the man

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Sorry fellow Canucks but that ceremony was a bit lame. We could have done much better. 6/10 - passing grade but not a wow.
Agreed Rama...maybe a 7.

A few points worth pondering.

Was bouncing back and forth between the CTV and the NBC feed. Was it just me, or did NBC NOT show close-ups of KD? Do they not like fat old lesbians? I noticed that and pointed it out to my friend who is a westerner...

The dis of Ontario, representing only 'half' of the country's population, was a really big faux pas! It was my 'westerner' friend that pointied that out. Now will that be remembered for the PAN-AM games? Hope not, classless acts should just speak for themselves and not be repeated.

The NBC commentary of the lighting of the flame was something like 'this represents a cross section of canadians across the country'. Sigh! Putting Donavan in that group could have done that (a phenominal achievement at that) but that would have meant bumping the 'Great One'...couldn't have two Ontarions in there.

Otherwise, let the games begin! This is the only time I leave my tube on 24/7....and it's for sports! Not a big TV person. The only other times its on are for the late rounds of the SCup, the WCfinal, WSfinalgame, SBowl, GCup and the WeatherChannel for 2 minutes every morning. Probably should cancel the cable...

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Umm luge is supposed to be fast hence one reason why it is dangerous.
And you completely missed his point.

The designers intentionally made this particular track super fast, to the point some of the lugers were complaining beforehand that it was too dangerous. Now someone has died. That's what you call SUPER FAIL. There's a point where you cross over into recklessness and this is a good example...
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts