TTC Workers don't like being held accountable to the public


New member
Jan 23, 2004
TTC has been pitting operators against riders, strangling the system with ever tightening resources. It makes no sense. Drivers and collectors are already working split shifts. Now they work overtime just to secure their jobs in light of new metrics that are intended to raise attrition rates.

New technology allowing for the measurement of every minutia of driver and collector activity enables management to warehouse petty grievances against every staffer. The end result is noone has a secure job anymore. Staffers have no time or energy for pleasantries. They are helpless against black marks being placed on their record for every single instance of falling 90 seconds behind reaching point "X" on their route or passing Y-number of passengers through their turnstiles. No wonder they feign deafness when someone stops the flow to ask a question. With the added attrition rates, they are becoming increasingly short-staffed. Some of the veterans are taking advantage of the first right to overtime just to secure their jobs until their pensions kick in. I often wonder, with overtime on a split shift, if they don't nap on the job, when the hell do they sleep at all?
Welcome to the new and improved Dickensian Canadian workplace.....where everyone is expected to contribute to ever greater levels of productivity while getting less pay and security in return. Oh, and the government, colluding with corporate interests, will make darn sure that they keep the flow of indentured servants a.k.a immigrants at peak levels, during a recession (something not even Trudeau did), just to keep you suitably compliant.


Jan 31, 2005
There's nothing wrong with a TTC employee taking a necessary washroom or coffee break
I don't begrudge the guy an emergency stop. Shit happens. Sometimes literally. However, the news is this guy made it a ROUTINE stop. He can take his routine breaks at the end of the line, he does not need to inconvenience a bus load of customers.


Apr 25, 2007
Leave the ttc alone could be next

I was on a bus last week and some guy was putting his camera on me and what was i suppose to do belive me i was pissed off ! its going way to fuckin far


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Me thinks diddio either is a union hound or married to one or has one in his family.

TTC employees being treated NO differently than 99% of the others in the workforce? OMFG the horror...the horror......

SPlit shifts: they get a bonus for that and if it is anything like their wages, you can bet it IS a pretty nice bonus.
Filiming cops: I have no problem with that. In fact, don't cruisers already have dashboard cameras? I know a LOT do in the US.
Food/Coffee/Washroom breaks: Sure, everyone by law is allowed x amount of breaks per shift. I have no problem with that but like any other service industry, you don't take your break when you have customers to tend to.

I have a question though: You would think there would be some law about a driver leaving a running bus unattended. What would stop someone from jumping in the driver's seat? Having the drivers take their breaks while the bus is in a secure station environment is a hell of a lot better than leaving it parked at the curb.


Apr 10, 2004
TO - aka The Big Smoke
No tboy I am not related to any union hounds nor am I one. i just have a lot of friends working in the system. And operators and collectors are not working split shifts plus overtime for the bonus. They do it for job security. If they dont do it, out comes the performance appraisal with the 1000 unfair black marks (ie one mark for each time they miss a 90-second target of passengers thru the turnstile or kilometers travelled) and out the door they go for incompetence. There is no job security and noone no matter how exemplary their job performance is safe from the axe. So they exhaust themselves just to save themselves the agony of losing the only job they know after 30 years of loyal service.

Meanwhile managers cut the job requirements, the service, the quality and quantity of deployed vehicles to the bone. They pit the staff against the passengers in an increasingly strangled system. And when conflict happens, as it inevitably does, they blame the passngers, the drivers, the collectors, everyone but themselves.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Meanwhile managers cut the job requirements, the service, the quality and quantity of deployed vehicles to the bone. They pit the staff against the passengers in an increasingly strangled system. And when conflict happens, as it inevitably does, they blame the passngers, the drivers, the collectors, everyone but themselves.
To be fair, Management isn't cutting costs and services for kicks. It's cutting because they don't have the funding. And we all know how the TTC is one of the most underfunded public transit systems in North America.

But somehow I doubt TTC employees would be willing to accept a wage freeze rather than service/job cuts...


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
The TTC doesn't just transport customers from point A to point B. They are transporting people who are depending on them to get them to work on time, young people who have that date they are looking forward to, children that need to get to and from school on time, and people who are going out to enjoy an night on the town, maybe to a show or dinner, and need to get there in a timely manner.
Don't the TTC drivers all have a time schedule that they go by? Don't they have to be at each of their stops by a certain time? If they are ahead of schedule I would assume the drivers take their time, ie. drive slower or take a break, etc., so they won't arrive too early or else customers will complain they missed the bus that came early.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Food/Coffee/Washroom breaks: Sure, everyone by law is allowed x amount of breaks per shift. I have no problem with that but like any other service industry, you don't take your break when you have customers to tend to.

I have a question though: You would think there would be some law about a driver leaving a running bus unattended. What would stop someone from jumping in the driver's seat? Having the drivers take their breaks while the bus is in a secure station environment is a hell of a lot better than leaving it parked at the curb.
And the door was left open, in spite of the chill. There's protecting the farebox. What if an impatient passenger thought he could drive a bus?

Management spokepeople have already admitted they set up many routes (and I believe they said all night routes like this one) too long for entitled breaks to happen only at the ends of the line. And waiting until there are no customers isn't an option unless the bus is empty AND ahead of schedule. Not like anyone who's ridden a bus or streetcar hasn't seen the dash for a cuppa for decades already. It was easier for all if management just let the drivers fend for themselves w/ regard to the breaks the contract gave them and management couldn't schedule. Or supervise. How many managers do you suppose ride how many Blue Night Buses in a year just to see how it's going?

Mr. Seven Minutes was a boob and justifiably disciplined for his offence. As in most institutions, the systemic problems however, are the fault of those who manage the business. Supposedly manage that is.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I have a question though: You would think there would be some law about a driver leaving a running bus unattended.
How about the inherent law of common sense, or maybe that's an oxymoron, sense is not that common any more.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
No tboy I am not related to any union hounds nor am I one. i just have a lot of friends working in the system. And operators and collectors are not working split shifts plus overtime for the bonus. They do it for job security. If they dont do it, out comes the performance appraisal with the 1000 unfair black marks (ie one mark for each time they miss a 90-second target of passengers thru the turnstile or kilometers travelled) and out the door they go for incompetence. There is no job security and noone no matter how exemplary their job performance is safe from the axe. So they exhaust themselves just to save themselves the agony of losing the only job they know after 30 years of loyal service.

Meanwhile managers cut the job requirements, the service, the quality and quantity of deployed vehicles to the bone. They pit the staff against the passengers in an increasingly strangled system. And when conflict happens, as it inevitably does, they blame the passngers, the drivers, the collectors, everyone but themselves.
I don't believe a word of it. If a union employee can't be fired for THEFT, then they certainly won't be fired for poor performance. Hell, that is what unions are for! protecting the poor performers!!!

Leave the ttc alone could be next

I was on a bus last week and some guy was putting his camera on me and what was i suppose to do belive me i was pissed off ! its going way to fuckin far
As much as it is a pain, it is 100% legal. When you are out in public, your image is public domain. I know there was a hearing on this subject a few month ago but didn't hear what the result was (they were addressing the legal nature of the use of a person's image in public and one big factor was that during hockey games, sporting events, races etc it would be impossible to get every spectator to sign a release prior to the image of the game being transmitted. Changing the law would effectively ruin the television/sports industry).


May 22, 2007
Don't the TTC drivers all have a time schedule that they go by? Don't they have to be at each of their stops by a certain time? If they are ahead of schedule I would assume the drivers take their time, ie. drive slower or take a break, etc., so they won't arrive too early or else customers will complain they missed the bus that came early.
I agree, but so do all the other drivers from the other transit commissions and you don't see them doing the same thing. Most GO bus drivers don't just stop in the middle of traffic (which by the way is another annoying thing TTC drivers do, and is unsafe for other drivers on the road), to grab a cup of coffee because they are ahead of schedule. Scheduling buses, is an art the TTC hasn't quite gotten down as well as the other agencies. When GO says they will be there at a certain time, they are usually reliable with sticking to it. When the TTC does, sometimes 2 or even 3 buses will pass one right behind the other, and then the next bus doesn't come for a long time.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
I don't believe a word of it. If a union employee can't be fired for THEFT, then they certainly won't be fired for poor performance. Hell, that is what unions are for! protecting the poor performers!!!
Unions have less clouth than they used to in these matters. It was true that they could arbitrate on your behalf when performance evaluations were more subjective, but there is no refuting a hundred black marks for missing a long list of 90-second targets issued and measured by a computer. The rules need to be changed and the unions seem to have trouble finding their legs.

Scheduling buses, is an art the TTC hasn't quite gotten down as well as the other agencies. When GO says they will be there at a certain time, they are usually reliable with sticking to it. When the TTC does, sometimes 2 or even 3 buses will pass one right behind the other, and then the next bus doesn't come for a long time.
TTC used to have it down to a science. But new management was mandated to reduce costs. So they reduced the number of vehicles they deployed, and with no reason for doing so other than $ savings redeclared the length of routes. Some of which had been established for decades. For example a 45-minute route was suddenly declared a 35-minute route. So now to achieve 8-minute service, instead of deploying 8-9 buses, they deploy 6-7. Of course a shortfall results, due to overcrowding and slower loading and unloading of passengers at major stops. Drivers are forced to make a choice at every stop -- do I make that light and remain on schedule or do I stop and pick up that handicapped, package-laden, senior in the pouring rain and get a black mark? Do I drive with a dehydration headache and a full bladder, hoping the stars align for an opportunity to stop for a drink and pee without impacting a single passenger or do I find a consistent place to stop and break along my route regardless?

Experienced drivers tend to take advantage of the inexperienced ones. They run their vehicle slowly, forcing the inexperienced driver to leapfrog them on the route. The inexperienced driver then becomes bogged down with excessive passenger volumes while the experienced ones coast the route, providing less service, yet satisfy all the metrics.

And once again managemen has pitted staffers against each other and the passengers. When predictable conflict erupts they blame the drivers, the passengers, everyone but the people responsible.

tboy must be a manager or related to one. He's too quick to devalue the working staff.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Meanwhile managers cut the job requirements, the service, the quality and quantity of deployed vehicles to the bone. They pit the staff against the passengers in an increasingly strangled system. And when conflict happens, as it inevitably does, they blame the passngers, the drivers, the collectors, everyone but themselves.
They cut the job requirements this causes employees to fall asleep on the job? Why because he's bored ? They cut the service so this makes them decide it's time to read the newspaper instead of working ? They cut the quality of deployed vehicles so this makes the driver hop out of his bus leaving his passengers stranded in addition to his regular break ?

Some really strange logic here. One has to conclude that only a dyed in the wool unionist would even think in such a convoluted manner. Yup, it's all management's fault that I'm sleepy and lazy. Tough to argue with that:rolleyes:


Mar 16, 2008
TTC is run by a bunch of morons for exmaple a friend of my wrote the ttc about the subway schedule on sundays , why does it start at 9 am in the morining , this is the same schedule that was in place since 1972 or 1974. , do you know how many people work on sundays now a days as oppose to 35+ years ago


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
A good example of a bad management decision.


Active member
May 3, 2006
TTC is run by a bunch of morons for exmaple a friend of my wrote the ttc about the subway schedule on sundays , why does it start at 9 am in the morining , this is the same schedule that was in place since 1972 or 1974. , do you know how many people work on sundays now a days as oppose to 35+ years ago
Sorry, but what does this have to do with employees sleeping or taking unauthorized breaks?


Jan 31, 2005
Sorry, but what does this have to do with employees sleeping or taking unauthorized breaks?
I think I know the answer: The lazy, expensive, and unproductive workforce is the reason why the TTC doesn't have the resources to expand and offer earlier services on Sunday. Did I get it right?


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
TTC employees work to rule! anyone see this on

It's laughable how they always try to turn it around and blaming it on the public. Who said regular people regardless of age, cannot take pictures in a public place. Are we still in Canada? That statement was a great example. I can't believe more happy hasn't stepped up about this BS that's been going on for too long. Everything is the publics fault WTF! Goes to show you how good they are at customer relations.
Anyone else see the story on The pictures they showed of people destroying TTC proper is funny. There was a couple pics where it was just newspaper scattered all over a train. Then another pic of 1 guy putting his foot up on an empty seat LOL, which someone pointed out might not even be TTC but Brampton Transit. When are they going to end this joke. I'm sorry, TTC will never ever be better than it is now. They ain't turning nothing around as long as the same people are in charge.
Why is it that Adam G has been very quiet recently regarding these TTC situations last little while
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