Allegra Escorts Collective

TTC Workers don't like being held accountable to the public


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Why am I not allowed to take a picture at the security check point in the CN tower? I am not allowed to decline being photographed by security (Every customer is phtoographed.), and the tower is public.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Leave the ttc alone could be next

I was on a bus last week and some guy was putting his camera on me and what was i suppose to do belive me i was pissed off ! its going way to fuckin far
I love what is going on with camera recording on the TTC workers who do not do their job properly ! I hope this go on forever big brother aka " the public" watching your every moves taking video or photos of TTC workers when they do not do their job properly then posting on you tube . I hope this will results in the any TTC employee (management or union workers) getting suspended or fire .... If you do your job properly will have nothing to worry about. The public is pissed at the TTC with the increase in tickets prices during a recession!!! Plus attitudes toward the public is lousy ... arrogant union attitude and incompentant management who could not manage at all . I am going have my phone ready when you guys fuck up and I will takes lots of picture or videos a post in you tube. Then I will email the link to the SUN and Toronto star.
P.S. I also hate Adam Giambrone he is the TTC Chairman Adam who kiss the union ass cannot fucking manage the TTC budget at all.
Also should fired the incompetant TTC Chief General Manager Webster. The private sector should take over the transit system.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Why am I not allowed to take a picture at the security check point in the CN tower? I am not allowed to decline being photographed by security (Every customer is phtoographed.), and the tower is public.
I would have to say the security issues due to the location as being exempt from the law. BUT YOU are being photographed (legal) you photographing a checkpoint, illegal. But the legality could be up to the owners of the location to make the rules: ie no flash photography during concerts, plays etc.......


Active member
Aug 21, 2009


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
I would have to say the security issues due to the location as being exempt from the law. BUT YOU are being photographed (legal) you photographing a checkpoint, illegal. But the legality could be up to the owners of the location to make the rules: ie no flash photography during concerts, plays etc.......
You can take pictures and videos all over the CN Tower, just not at the security checkpoint.

The inconvenience of being falsely arrested/tased/shot is greater than the inconvenience of waiting an extra 7 minutes for a TTC driver getting a coffee, so I don't like an exemption for security checkpoints.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
F' them and their Union bullshit, each pic/video proves a point they can't deny. Taxpayers pay you and you must be accountable...get to work you bums.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Two words: fuck them. Do your job properly and there won't be any pictures.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
Originally Posted by Spanglerdoo View Post
Leave the ttc alone could be next

I was on a bus last week and some guy was putting his camera on me and what was i suppose to do belive me i was pissed off ! its going way to fuckin far

As much as it is a pain, it is 100% legal. When you are out in public, your image is public domain. I know there was a hearing on this subject a few month ago but didn't hear what the result was (they were addressing the legal nature of the use of a person's image in public and one big factor was that during hockey games, sporting events, races etc it would be impossible to get every spectator to sign a release prior to the image of the game being transmitted. Changing the law would effectively ruin the television/sports industry).
don't you think being photoghaphed or filmed at a sporting event is a bit different than the situation she's describing? I would think if you're a criminal , or you're calling sick or something, and you get busted because your boss saw you at a hockey/baseball game is different than being filmed on the bus for the guy's jerk-off material. if you're at a sporting event , you should know there will be cameras and if you end up on film you can't really complain.

I think I'd take offence to some creep filming my wife/ daughter /sister under those circumstances. it may be legal , but its still wrong.


New member
May 2, 2006
Downtown Canada
Adam Giamboner has been very quiet because he knows his association with the TTC will kibosh his mayoral aspirations (his boning a 20 yr old in his office will probably be the final nail tho).

Union leader Bob Kinnear is anything but a leader. His press conference today was an example of what not to do. You cannot win a war against the public (and your customers) especially when you need favorable public opinion to win the war. When the guy got caught sleeping in the booth - he blamed the photographer for not making sure the guy wasn't having a medical emergency. I thought that was a bit aggressive but now with today's press conference it is obvious that this guy is a moron. He is telling the public to back off. He is telling 13 yr olds not to video his employees. The right approach would have been to admit that there have been some bad apples that have been brought to light and that he appreciates the publics contribution. Now they will look at what kind of systemic problem that has caused this breakdown in employee morale and poor service and work to improve it with management. Most important is the level of service and being reliable and responsible to their customers. If people can cut them some slack and give them some time to get to the bottom of things they will hopefully come through this in a few months with some improvements. The TTC and their employees is a large organization that stretches across the city and deals with all types in the public and there have been cases of threats and abuses that hurt the morale of its employees which the public should try to refrain. Just ask people for a little patience.

That would've been a better approach instead of trying to confront the public. And btw who here has the time to attend town halls put on by the TTC Union? What a waste of time that will be.

Just my 2 cents.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Wow you're tough train. How productive would you be if they lengthened your shifts (even with a bonus), measured your performance every minute and recorded every step you took and countermeasured it against an unachievable standard to create a list of meaningless shortfalls that they could later hold against you any time you need to go to the doctor, ask for a raise, or refute an insane customer's petty complaints? How would you like a job where you are penalized for helping a senior with her packages? For daring to relieve yourself more than twice in 8 hours? You'd get fed up too. You'd take an opportunity to read the paper at the inconvenience of the passengers if it complied with metrics. You would stop caring about anything but your own sanity savers throughout the day. Instead of spitting on them for everything they do, why not talk to one of them?

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
I've rarely used the TTC since I was in Highschool. The past month I decided to use it regularly to see what all the fuss was about. Most times I found the TTC staff to be professional and friendly. More often, passengers were the ones exhibiting rude behaviour - almost always it was young teens and almost always it was males. That said, the TTC should 'expect' that, unfortunately and sadly, being a service to the public.

There were two incidents that I have tell. The first was on the Ellesmere bus. Somewhere past Military Trail, with only two passengers left - me and an elderly lady, the driver decides to stop the bus at Conlins and run to the convenience store. 17 minutes later he arrives.

The next incident was at Union Station, the ticket collector after I asked a couple questions (I've rarely taken the TTC and didn't know many things) said to me "Did you just come off the boat or something? These are pretty stupid questions."

The TTC is the business of dealing and servicing the public. My opinion is that if they can't handle the public, they should find something else to do.


May 22, 2007
What Canada needs to do is to raise a workforce who will step in when the unions threaten strike action. Take kids from high school, and apprentice them, and in one swift blow replace all the unions simultaneously at once. Allow Americans to come in and offer them free health care as an incentive to stay, for teaching and other jobs like firefighting nursing etc. Also fast track VISAs from other countries for working permits. Import labor from Mexico. Build a database of qualified individuals from around the world and offer them incentives like free healthcare in return for replacing union workers. For jobs like waste removal etc, hire high school kids. Then after this database is filled, keep them in the workforce as interns, and replaced as needed. If the Teachers strike, replace. If bus drivers strike, replace. If all the unions strike at once, replace all at once.

Replace unionized administrative assistants, who can barely type, with young high school students. Eliminate unions, and see what happens. All these lazy people will change their attitudes real quick.

The problem is Canada is corrupt. Organized crime rules this country. Unions are run by the entrenched mob. If it isn't the Italian mafia, it's the Hells Angels and their families and friends. Canada is a great place for organized crime. The Chinese and Russian mobs are flourishing, and our police force has been bought off. We've got a police force that no longer serves the public trust, but themselves and the mob bosses who've infiltrated and/or paid them off. Policemen who own their own marijuana grow ops:

Policemen who are bought off by organized crime leaders, and Police who frequent brothels threatening shake downs.

Then we have a corrupt legal system. Judges and lawyers who snort coke all the time and bang hookers, but then punish others who do the same.

This is going to get worse for a very long time, before it ever gets better.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And what incentive lured you to take a dose of the medicine you think will be so attractive to others winstar? Whatever the many faults of unions, they are exactly like the many faults of capitalism: people out for themselves with not a care for anyone else. 'Splain to us, how your dreamworld gets that under control.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I never thought I would agree with Old Jones on anything, however that post by Winstar displays a complete lack of understanding of labor relations
Most of Winstar's suggestions would just plain not work

Unions will never go away in a democracy. That is a fact of life.
The amount of power and influence they sway is however variable depending upon political and economic conditions.

Currently the economic conditions demand that union influence be culled
Particularly in the public sector.
Canadians are taxed at a very high rate to pay for the services we require (health care, transportation (ie TTC subsidies), military defense etc).
Most Canadians begrudgingly accept this high taxation (I personally think it is way too high), however they expect value for their hard earned dollars.
In the case of the TTC they are not receiving fair value for their money

This union in particular is oblivious to the fact that they are in the public service sector & must serve the public.
The irony of the union head trying to paint this PR disaster as the fault of the paying customer (ie the public) displays the contempt the union has for the people who pay their excessive wage.
1.Strikes every few years,
2. extremely excessive wage demands relative to the value provided,
3. piss poor customer service,
4. service delivery determined by union rules (ie short-turning of routes) &
5. now it appears beauty sleep and extended coffee breaks at their leisure.

There needs to be some very significant changes at the TTC. Perhaps in management, but most definitely in the union.
They have suckled from the public tit too long and it is starting to run dry


New member
Aug 7, 2004
If they don't like the public speaking bad about them, THEN GET OUT....there is alot of people that can replace them....and remember TTC employees are only a number and they are easily replaceable....
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