All prostitution = violence against women

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
I only caught the end of the segment a couple of minutes ago, but there was a woman named "Tricia" (they didn't give her last name in the 30 seconds I caught) on CBC Newsworld who claimed that all prostitution is violence against women. And that all "Johns" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It appeared to be a segment on prostitution during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and human trafficking. Nice to see a balanced and progressive bit of reporting. :rolleyes:

Anyone else catch this? Maybe the whole segment?


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Ya, it's called self-righteousness.

Check out the Dr. Phil show for a lynch mob mentality. One of those beasts said, "legal or not, it's paid rape!"


Jun 6, 2009
I only caught the end of the segment a couple of minutes ago, but there was a woman named "Tricia" (they didn't give her last name in the 30 seconds I caught) on CBC Newsworld who claimed that all prostitution is violence against women. And that all "Johns" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It appeared to be a segment on prostitution during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and human trafficking. Nice to see a balanced and progressive bit of reporting. :rolleyes:

Anyone else catch this? Maybe the whole segment?
If it's on NW, it'll be on a bunch more today, probably every hour.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's the classic 1980's Radical Feminism position. Those women believed that our current civilization as a whole was just a vicious and ruthless system of exploiting and oppressing women. I once had a Women's Studies Prof with saggy tits and a crew cut explain to me that ALL hetero sex is rape because women cannot validly consent to any form of sexual contact with men due to the inherent duress caused by sexist oppression in our society.

While few people take this crap seriously, the proponents of these views are entrenched in the grant-giving mechanisms of our universities and arts councils and thus, these opinions survive and are duly trotted out as "respectable" and "thought-provoking" whenever the subject arises.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
I only caught the end of the segment a couple of minutes ago, but there was a woman named "Tricia" (they didn't give her last name in the 30 seconds I caught) on CBC Newsworld who claimed that all prostitution is violence against women. And that all "Johns" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It appeared to be a segment on prostitution during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and human trafficking. Nice to see a balanced and progressive bit of reporting. :rolleyes:

Anyone else catch this? Maybe the whole segment?
I didn't watch the segment but I know about women like "Tricia"

They're called femnazis. They follow a radical form of feminism founded by Andrea Dworken which basically says all women are victims and all men are predators no matter what. They would rather have abortion legal then have prostitution legal.

They are just like any other radical group. They have an agenda and their agenda is basically to hate men because they don't know how to deal with them. They say they are all about women's rights and liberation yet they have the same misogynistic mentality because they don't want women thinking for themselves. Which is why they will say "it's paid rape" By saying that they are taking away a woman's consent. They will use porn and prostitution to further their man hating agenda. They are trying to protect prostitutes from us when in reality it's them that the prostitutes need protection from.
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Apr 13, 2004
It's the classic 1980's Radical Feminism position. Those women believed that our current civilization as a whole was just a vicious and ruthless system of exploiting and oppressing women. I once had a Women's Studies Prof with saggy tits and a crew cut explain to me that ALL hetero sex is rape because women cannot validly consent to any form of sexual contact with men due to the inherent duress caused by sexist oppression in our society.

I was in a class where some students thought that way - so it ain't only the dried up profs that have those ideas but some nutty radical feminists in their 30s too. Fuckin' load of crap that radical feminists ironically perpetuate the "woman as weak/victims" myth. Also ironic that they equate "power" from a maculine perspective and they can't get over that woman can be as powerful as they care to be and in ways they want to be (just like any human) and that power is not measured solely in the terms of what a man can do.


Jan 31, 2005
To be fair, I bet that many women think "all prostitution is violence against women", including many women who see nothing wrong with pornography and do not think all sex is rape.

It is not a position I agree with, but if you are going to answer the accusation it's probably worthwhile recognizing the view for what it is. I believe it is based on misinformation, I suspect most of those women who hold that view know very little about prostitutes or their lives or what motivates them. Essentially I suspect they think all prostitutes are somehow coerced.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
As with everything in this world, the statement is false because it's so black and white. It makes for a good sound byte but it's almost always inaccurate. Yes, if you look at the streetwalkers, the homeless underage girls taken in by pimps, then her argument can be supported. However, if you look at some of our ladies here, Becky, Noir, Gen, Molly, or Kyra, or Belle Dujour, you see a different, fully consensual side of prostitution that blows her argument out of the water.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
ALL hetero sex is rape because women cannot validly consent to any form of sexual contact with men due to the inherent duress caused by sexist oppression in our society.
.....said the man hating lesbian....Nobody ever wonders this?

What a pant load that what they are really saying is that women dont have the capacity to make decisions for themselves?? wow, if I were a woman I would be very insulted. Its amazing how such a hate group can thrive without recourse.

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
I think that the SP would voluntarily accepted my fistful of bills lask week and consented to fucking me would respectfully disagree.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
I've paid an SP for an hour and been asked to stay over night....this has happened on a few occasions...was it rape then? :rolleyes:

I've also become friends with many SPs and I'm sure that happens all the time with many of us...I've been given discounts and freebies without asking for peep....had tips turned about then? rape?

What if the SP likes you? I'm sure that happens alot....

...gimme a break...what a weak argument. I mean lets face it...prostitution (if done right) is actually a pretty good temporary get paid tax free money to have sex with guys that are for the most part not bad at all and in some cases you would have fucked them for free under different circumstances. The bad client really is few and far between. How do you beat that? If I were a girl and a student I'd probably be a part-time SP


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
They're called femnazis. They follow a radical form of feminism founded by Andrea Dworken which basically says all women are victims and all men are predators no matter what. They would rather have abortion legal then have prostitution legal.
And lots of them are in Sweden. Prostitution is illegal in Sweden but only johns can be convicted. It is not illegal for women to offer services, only for men to buy.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Let me guess, she use to be a prostie herself but is now too old and just a rubbery piece if chicken from the past that no one wants.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It's the classic 1980's Radical Feminism position. Those women believed that our current civilization as a whole was just a vicious and ruthless system of exploiting and oppressing women. I once had a Women's Studies Prof with saggy tits and a crew cut explain to me that ALL hetero sex is rape because women cannot validly consent to any form of sexual contact with men due to the inherent duress caused by sexist oppression in our society.

While few people take this crap seriously, the proponents of these views are entrenched in the grant-giving mechanisms of our universities and arts councils and thus, these opinions survive and are duly trotted out as "respectable" and "thought-provoking" whenever the subject arises.
Indeed you speak the truth!


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
This has taken effect in some countries like Sweden, where a guy caught with a prostitute is prosecuted in the same section of the criminal code as a guy who beats his wife. By the way the only thing that is being raped when I see an SP is my bank account :D


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Ya, it's called self-righteousness.

Check out the Dr. Phil show for a lynch mob mentality. One of those beasts said, "legal or not, it's paid rape!"
could she have been referring to a common marriage?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
This has taken effect in some countries like Sweden, where a guy caught with a prostitute is prosecuted in the same section of the criminal code as a guy who beats his wife. By the way the only thing that is being raped when I see an SP is my bank account :D
Much of the other Scandinavian countries too. For a place that is commonly admired for being forward thinking, this attitude is disappointing.


Well-known member
Have you ever noticed that a very strong majority of ultra feminists who rant about rape and prostitution are ones you'd never to pay to fuck, or do it pro bono in the first place?
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