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What has Canada done for the world...?


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
oh come on is fun. That and I do think Bush has his moments of bumbling.. Ronaldus Reagan he aint.
Mar 19, 2006
Bearlythere said:
What did the US Invent or have to be proud of? Internet, Airplanes, mass production, the transistor, the nuclear reactor, an constitutionally protected free press, ....good lord, do you THINK before you spout off your anti-American crap?

It is the one thing Canadians should be ashamed of, gratitutious YANK bashing...for a nation whose economy is tied into just about every aspect of American life, we should drop the attitude, for it just makes us look petty.

I love this thread and what people did, but then a few whiney snivelling people had to turn it into yet another attempt to demean either the US or Bush. Can you just not be proud of your nation without having to put down another to justify it? I guess not....
Great post!

A little national pride goes a long way but where is the glory in bashing our brothers to the south?

Both countries have made substantial contributions to the world. Can't we be proud of our accomplishments and acknowledge the contributions of others?


New member
Aug 18, 2006
lookingforitallthetime said:
Great post!

A little national pride goes a long way but where is the glory in bashing our brothers to the south?

Both countries have made substantial contributions to the world. Can't we be proud of our accomplishments and acknowledge the contributions of others?
Petty assed American bashers make me sometimes embarasssed to be a Canadian. If you could pick any country in the history of mankind to be the world's lone super power right now who would these whiners pick ahead of the USA?
How about Russia with their record of human rights and democracy?
England perhaps with her record for conquer and colonialize?
France? Forget it.
Spain with it's record of enslaving the people it conquered?
Japan with it's record in WW 2
China? God forbid.
How about the Romans and their penchant for conquer, mass killing, slavery and crucifictions?
How about Canada and the way we handled our FLQ terrorist threat? One guy dead and the tanks rolled into Montreal's streets. Innocent people thrown into jail in the middle of the night. Hell Trudeau's response was tougher than Bush's response to 9/11.
We should be damn gratefull that the USA is the world power of our lifetime.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
...We should be, that's very true, but it never seems to work out that way.
I really think we'll soon rue the day that china has a greater say in how this world will be run.....I don't put much stock in a country whose leadership harvests the organs of 'political prisoners' for profit.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Canada didn't make the cut because of how we handled the FLQ threat but the US makes the cut inspite of all the democracies they've overthrown (mainly in Latin America), wars and covert ops they've been involved in to destablize governments acting against US interests, the teaching and practice of torture. That's some fucked up logic. I'd like NO country to be the lone superpower, but if I'd have to choose it'd be the Norway of today.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Didn’t you know OTB was a vegan?


Apr 24, 2005
Canada gave the world the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Every single human being (and a few animals) on this planet is protected by the Charter, unless you are having consensual adult sex in York Region.


Jun 14, 2008
Canada's WWI military deployment was something like 600,000 troops. For a country with a miniscule population (under 8 million I believe) that is absolutely incredible. We put 1 in 11/12 people in our entire country into the uniform and deployed them across the atlantic ocean in a bloody war with no real prospect of ever reaching our shores in its own right. Per capita we deployed more troops than anyone except maybe Germany.

Canada also entered WW2 with basically a tiny paper army of 1-2 divisions and finished as what most historians agree to be the 4th greatest military power on earth. Canada and Canadians have always risen to the occasion when called upon to fight for the freedoms of Western society, and when we set our minds to real mobilisation and public opinion is behind a real just cause, we become a powerful force to reckoned with.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I think we should definitely be proud of our ancestors military contributions, but by no means should we claim them as our own.

Our military is a joke. The USA would roll over us in 10 seconds if they were so inclined and everybody knows it. They just won't admit it.

Personally I find the general Canadian attitude towards Americans ill informed, and disrespectful at the least and downright hypocritical in many respects. Our high standard of living is because of our relationship with the USA. Who do you think buys all our shit?

One thing we might be leading the world stage in is the "obnoxious tourist"

I have been all over the world, and I cringe every time I see the Canadian tourist uniform. Pin on hat, flag on backpack, truly believing that the whole world loves them because of where they're from.


They do not. You are an embarassment.

Spare me the "time I was in Belgium and they were rude to me until..." and the "Americans buying Canadian disguises" stories, please.

Our country has contributed many things to the world, but can we please stop bending and stretching the truth and facts about it?

Basketball - invented in Massachussetts BY a Canadian. Not in Canada.
Alexander Graham Bell - Not Canadian.
Burning down the White House - British Army (who were willing to abandon Canada if the US attacked again)

I think it is time to lose the little brother syndrome.

Trying to be as good as America and at the same time trying to make sure the whole world know you aren't American.

One more thing, hockey is an afterthought in every other country on the planet. We pride ourselves on being good at a game that nobody else cares about. Even in "good" countries (Czech, Sweden, Russia...) hockey is #2 at best.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Cyberfeab said:
I think we should definitely be proud of our ancestors military contributions, but by no means should we claim them as our own.

Our military is a joke. The USA would roll over us in 10 seconds if they were so inclined and everybody knows it. They just won't admit it.

Personally I find the general Canadian attitude towards Americans ill informed, and disrespectful at the least and downright hypocritical in many respects. Our high standard of living is because of our relationship with the USA. Who do you think buys all our shit?

One thing we might be leading the world stage in is the "obnoxious tourist"

I have been all over the world, and I cringe every time I see the Canadian tourist uniform. Pin on hat, flag on backpack, truly believing that the whole world loves them because of where they're from.


They do not. You are an embarassment.

Spare me the "time I was in Belgium and they were rude to me until..." and the "Americans buying Canadian disguises" stories, please.

Our country has contributed many things to the world, but can we please stop bending and stretching the truth and facts about it?

Basketball - invented in Massachussetts BY a Canadian. Not in Canada.
Alexander Graham Bell - Not Canadian.
Burning down the White House - British Army (who were willing to abandon Canada if the US attacked again)

I think it is time to lose the little brother syndrome.

Trying to be as good as America and at the same time trying to make sure the whole world know you aren't American.

One more thing, hockey is an afterthought in every other country on the planet. We pride ourselves on being good at a game that nobody else cares about. Even in "good" countries (Czech, Sweden, Russia...) hockey is #2 at best. may have some interesting points but if you think so little of this nation's accomplishments, no matter how minor you think they are, I feel sad for you.

We manage to keep things in perspective in this country for the most part, and THAT is one of the things that seems to set us apart.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Rockslinger said:
Canada gave the world the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Every single human being (and a few animals) on this planet is protected by the Charter, unless you are having consensual adult sex in York Region.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a bit of a over used and righteous document that has done little to clarify true rights and freedoms and has done much to make work for lawyers and humans rights tribunals to run over the rights of the majority for political purposes.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
great bear said:
Doug and Bob Mackenzie. The 2-4. Don Cherry.
Don't forget the Red Green show....



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Bearlythere said:
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a bit of a over used and righteous document that has done little to clarify true rights and freedoms and has done much to make work for lawyers and humans rights tribunals to run over the rights of the majority for political purposes.

Very true.



New member
Aug 6, 2005

Canada has demonstrated that all the people of the world can live under one roof with relative peace and harmony and maintain their respective beliefs, customs and traditions.

Yeah, I know no one values this, but we do it better here than in the entire world (which is effectively the same thing).

If there was a world government, the state of affairs in Canada is what they should aim for.


Probably we're all better off killing each other. If only we would properly kill everyone and put an end to all problems...

Sigh... :(


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
wet_suit_one said:

Canada has demonstrated that all the people of the world can live under one roof with relative peace and harmony and maintain their respective beliefs, customs and traditions.

Yeah, I know no one values this, but we do it better here than in the entire world (which is effectively the same thing).

If there was a world government, the state of affairs in Canada is what they should aim for.


Probably we`re all better off killing each other. If only we would properly kill everyone and put an end to all problems...

Sigh... :(
Are you sure?

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