I'll give you some free advise, I'm an expert at this:
I always say that I'm going to my friend's house. But I never give her the number of my friend because I always say that it's a co-worker. You have to acclimatize women to your lying. Always make sure that you have to work overtime to accustomize her to your bed-hopping.
Remember never to bring anything from your other women home. Be careful with pieces of paper with phone #'s on them. Be careful with lipsticks marking on t-shirt's or your neck. Be careful with perfume residue from the other woman. Also always deny deny and deny. Always plan ahead and rehearse what lie you are going to give your wife. Always have an alibi that cannot be proven. Never give your phone numebr to the other woman, not even your own private FIDO ###. My wife once started searching my FIDO and found numbers but because I'm smart I always keep the numbers of other women under male names.
Use Mossad-like and KGB tacticts like I do. Always keep the phone ###'s of other women under male names. Never write phone ###'s in walls or paper or in your phone, write them in the pillars of your underground garage or in the back wall of a building that is not yours, you have to keep safe. And to avoid 1,000 strangers calling your mistress, always write her phone number backwards when you write them in a familiar public place. I keep all the numbers of my girlfriends in the pillar of my underground parking. But I'm not stupid, I don't write them in my own parking space, I write them in the pillars of other space parkings.
Keep all this in mind and you will never get caught. I have cheated like a hundred times on my wife without a quip of complaints from her.