Your thoughts on the FHITP debate?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
I asked my sister, she says she probably wouldve laughed and told the guy she prefers men with better manhood.

But then she doesnt take life so seriously and has a decent sense of humor
Give me her work address and we'll see what she says when I walk up to her cubicle and tell her that I want to fuck her right in the pussy, her brother said it would be fine.
Didn't think so... loser.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Let me try this at work. I go up to a female co-worker and tell her I want to "Hate Fuck you". It's Ok, Gomeshi does it. I have to be smarter than that. I know I'll be fired ASAP and i'll be company shaming poster boy.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Maybe I'm just a lout. I found #FHRITP funny the first time I saw it in that World Cup interview on college. Now it's annoying and immature. Im not sure a guy who does it is necessarily sexist and I definitely wouldn't wouldn't equate it to threatening a co-worker (someone you actually know) or Magnotta. It's more like vandalizing a bus shelter with a giant penis.

* I guess I should distinguish between a buffoon just yelling it out into a mic vs a dick who says it as a proposition to a female reporter.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Lighten up and get a sense of humor, people. It was a harmless prank
We have complete faith that you'll still think it humorous when your work is disrupted daily by brainless baboons shouting profane insults at you and urging anyone within earshot to attack you sexually. How sad for you, and the community we share with you.

It isn't harmlesss, it doesn't rise to anything near the level of a prank, and it's the loudmouth dorks who lack the intelligence to understand what humour is.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
We have complete faith that you'll still think it humorous when your work is disrupted daily by brainless baboons shouting profane insults at you and urging anyone within earshot to attack you sexually. How sad for you, and the community we share with you.

It isn't harmlesss, it doesn't rise to anything near the level of a prank, and it's the loudmouth dorks who lack the intelligence to understand what humour is.
I agree with you oldjones.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Blame it on unions.
I do.

As for the FHITP debate, I'd never personally do it because it's pathetic and not really all that funny. But the response to all this is equally pathetic. Banned for life from games. Potentially lose his job. Becomes a scapegoat for feminism. The guy's pretty much ruined for one stupid comment.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
Lighten up and get a sense of humor, people. It was a harmless prank
Sexual harassment is not harmless. Congratulations to the reporter for standing up to them. If other female reporters do the same the taunting will cease.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
I don't think the Hydro 1 dude is fired as yet and I don't think he should be. Why being a part of the group he wasn't actively a part of the prank, just laughing his drunk ass at his drunk friends acting like jackasses. When your in a group and drunk, stupid shit seems hilarious. She went over and confronted him. At that point he was just a bystander. He personally didn't talk vulgar or was rude when on air just explained in his druken manner that he found it funny. I don't see grounds for dismissal and I think he will win a lawsuit if he is fired.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2011
I don't think the Hydro 1 dude is fired as yet and I don't think he should be. Why being a part of the group he wasn't actively a part of the prank, just laughing his drunk ass at his drunk friends acting like jackasses. When your in a group and drunk, stupid shit seems hilarious. She went over and confronted him. At that point he was just a bystander. He personally didn't talk vulgar or was rude when on air just explained in his druken manner that he found it funny. I don't see grounds for dismissal and I think he will win a lawsuit if he is fired.
Yes he did. Watch it again.

"You are lucky there is not a fucking vibrator in your ear like in England where it happens all the time."

Anyway while it may seem harsh he doubled down on being a dick even after knowing he was live on television. He works for government agency who obviously has no tolerance for bad PR.

The guy is an idiot. Best quote I saw yesterday. "He got Fired Right in the Paycheck".


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I do.

As for the FHITP debate, I'd never personally do it because it's pathetic and not really all that funny. But the response to all this is equally pathetic. Banned for life from games. Potentially lose his job. Becomes a scapegoat for feminism. The guy's pretty much ruined for one stupid comment.
At least a moment's consideration should be given to how a guy who wants to prove he can be brainless dork just because a camera's pointing at him can be qualified to hold a responsible engineering position in a corporation whose smooth functioning is essential for the livelihood and the very lives of so many people.

I'm inclined to think he didn't get proper process at termination, but he certainly gave lots of after-the-fact evidence he was an unwise choice at the hiring end.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Lighten up and get a sense of humor, people. It was a harmless prank

I'm going to speak sincerely and authentically to you AK and others with similar attitudes towards this kind of behaviour.

I have a close female friend, an ex-girlfriends who is now in her 30's. She is quite beautiful looking.

As a young teenager she was the victim of familial sexual abuse that began as simple, complimentary but sexual, remarks when she hit puberty around 12. Being 12-13 and having large breasts she started getting comments from men as she walked down the street.

Fellow 12-13 year old male children, as you know, have an immature weird way of expressing attraction. They will tease or sort of bully the girl, as they feel any attention is better than none and they won't be outright nice and express sincere attraction as this puts them at risk of rejection. Moreso from a really pretty girl. Combine this with a 13 year old girl who is already being sexually abused at home and who otherwise, at age 12-13 has little interest in ,let alone have developed any sexual desires at this age.

Many girls like this are bewildered at the attention they are getting simply because they have breasts or are attractive and because they don't react favourably, if at all, they are then subject to taunts and the whole gamut of insults that insecure young boys and perverted older men will express in defense of their unrequited advances.

Whether you believe it or not, their attractiveness becomes a curse in daily life. As a demonstration she asked me to walk a few step behind her as she walked down Queen Street W. Within a block, 5 men had initiated some sort of exchange with her. Everything from "Hi Beautiful" to "Fucking HOT!!!" to "are you a model" to "wanna have a drink with me", to "hey baby you want some?". She said this happens all the time and she can't even stop at a shop to look in the window without someone sidling up to her to try to start up a conversation. Her strategy to the polite ones is to simply give a tiny indication of a smile back and keep walking. She does not acknowledge the hard core comments out of fear. She says 1/5 guys yell BITCH or FUCK YOU back. I just spoke to her this morning at breakfast and asked about this FHRITP thing. She says that she is now getting this said to her when there are two or more guys in a group as a follow up to some typical opening line. She says it scares her because she doesn't know what they are going to do next if they will say something like that to her and there are a group of them.

She is NOT a bitch. She is a really sweet, but very afraid woman. Her history of sexual abuse (which is wayyyy more common than you can imagine) combined with the incessant approaches and now this vulgar statement of rape (I mean rape joke) has a really bad effect on her.

Even if a woman has not been raped or abused, words hurt and scare people.

And guys, let me tell you clearly... any attractive woman you see "walking down the street" has heard your lines a million times before and she ignores you at best, or thinks you are a loser or a "creeper". They are just trying to live their life and get sit done and your "Hey baby" or "nice dress" are not generally well received.

So, although to us men (especially those not so attractive) we can't understand why a pretty woman isn't "complimented" by being approached in the street, or being told that someone should "fuck her right the pussy"... they aren't complimented and don't think it's funny.

It often actually scares them.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6

You actually make a decent point, but of course we dont know if Shauna Hunt was ever abused or not


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Knowing a woman who is not offended by the comment is not carry Blanche to shout it in a public forum.

I have no sympathy for people who say stupid stuff on a public forum getting in trouble.

To call it a harmless prank is to minimize it.

Thr banana on the ice for the black hockey player...... was that just a harmless prank?

Anyone should know thst shouting that in public is wrong.regardless of whether there is an explicit law against it.

This is not a case of political correctness i dont think theres ever been a time when shouting that was considered okay.

O forget if i was at a ny Yankees or giants game and we were all given a number to text if there was a fan who was out of line...... and that was years ago.

As for football in the U.K. it used to be really bad in thr 80s and while there is still room for improvement people who cross the line can expect ejection or arrest.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

You actually make a decent point, but of course we dont know if Shauna Hunt was ever abused or not
Because you would have no reason to know you should err on the side of caution

Especially since the probability of a woman who was abused being in ear shot is disturbingly high. I think it is like one in three.


Apr 14, 2011
I'm going to speak sincerely and authentically to you AK and others with similar attitudes towards this kind of behaviour.

I have a close female friend, an ex-girlfriends who is now in her 30's. She is quite beautiful looking.

As a young teenager she was the victim of familial sexual abuse that began as simple, complimentary but sexual, remarks when she hit puberty around 12. Being 12-13 and having large breasts she started getting comments from men as she walked down the street.

Fellow 12-13 year old male children, as you know, have an immature weird way of expressing attraction. They will tease or sort of bully the girl, as they feel any attention is better than none and they won't be outright nice and express sincere attraction as this puts them at risk of rejection. Moreso from a really pretty girl. Combine this with a 13 year old girl who is already being sexually abused at home and who otherwise, at age 12-13 has little interest in ,let alone have developed any sexual desires at this age.

Many girls like this are bewildered at the attention they are getting simply because they have breasts or are attractive and because they don't react favourably, if at all, they are then subject to taunts and the whole gamut of insults that insecure young boys and perverted older men will express in defense of their unrequited advances.

Whether you believe it or not, their attractiveness becomes a curse in daily life. As a demonstration she asked me to walk a few step behind her as she walked down Queen Street W. Within a block, 5 men had initiated some sort of exchange with her. Everything from "Hi Beautiful" to "Fucking HOT!!!" to "are you a model" to "wanna have a drink with me", to "hey baby you want some?". She said this happens all the time and she can't even stop at a shop to look in the window without someone sidling up to her to try to start up a conversation. Her strategy to the polite ones is to simply give a tiny indication of a smile back and keep walking. She does not acknowledge the hard core comments out of fear. She says 1/5 guys yell BITCH or FUCK YOU back. I just spoke to her this morning at breakfast and asked about this FHRITP thing. She says that she is now getting this said to her when there are two or more guys in a group as a follow up to some typical opening line. She says it scares her because she doesn't know what they are going to do next if they will say something like that to her and there are a group of them.

She is NOT a bitch. She is a really sweet, but very afraid woman. Her history of sexual abuse (which is wayyyy more common than you can imagine) combined with the incessant approaches and now this vulgar statement of rape (I mean rape joke) has a really bad effect on her.

Even if a woman has not been raped or abused, words hurt and scare people.

And guys, let me tell you clearly... any attractive woman you see "walking down the street" has heard your lines a million times before and she ignores you at best, or thinks you are a loser or a "creeper". They are just trying to live their life and get sit done and your "Hey baby" or "nice dress" are not generally well received.

So, although to us men (especially those not so attractive) we can't understand why a pretty woman isn't "complimented" by being approached in the street, or being told that someone should "fuck her right the pussy"... they aren't complimented and don't think it's funny.

It often actually scares them.
thanks for sharing Shlong... guys like AK47 or Barca and their complaints are typical of douchebags


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I don't have twitter etc so if anyone can tweet or spread this I think it would be awesome!!!

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