That's one of my fav episodes.
I don't know about quotes, but this was one of the most insane scenes.
it was the copsI forget the set up line, but someone tells Junior that he wants or needs something. Uncle Junior's response:
"I wanna fuck Angie Dickinson..let's see who gets their wish first"
Two pricks with semi-automatics, my self esteem is at an all time low. It's pussy and psychiatry that got us to this.
(Around the dinner table when the Sopranos were raided by the FBI, and one Italo-American agent, Grasso, broke Carmela's bowl):
Tony complains that Italians are targeted by police and reminds his children about the accomplishments of Italian-Americans:
Tony: Did you know that an Italian invented the telephone?
Jr.: Alexander Graham Bell was Italian?!
Tony: NO! It was Antonio Meucci who was robbed and don't you forget it!
I think Jr. made a compliment to Dr. Kennedy by saying that JFK was also a good person but that they (the Mob) should have left him alone.Furio tells Dr. Kennedy "There are worse ways for a person to die than cancer" on the golf course.
I understand that Meucci didn't renew his patent for $10, and that Bell beat him with a new one. The U.S. Congress passed a resolution making Meucci the inventor of the telephone, but the Cdn Parliament passed a motion that AGB was the inventor of the telephone.Actually, that is true. Bell just beat Meucci to the patent office.
I don't know about quotes, but this was one of the most insane scenes.
That's right!When Christopher is in the bakery and shoots the bakery kid. The kid says "You shot me in the foot" and Chris says "Sometimes it happens" which is a cool reference to him getting shot in the foot in Goodfellas.