Toronto Escorts

You Have To Read This In The Sun Today--be Careful!!!!!


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
poonhunter said:
I wonder how many of those men visiting were cops? You can't arrest anyone without having catching them in the "act" ;)
No, you don't have to be "caught in the act" of saying or doing anything. The potential charge for a customer at an incall is being found in a common bawdy-house, under Section 210 of the Criminal Code. Your mere presence at the location is enough to be arrested and charged, if you are unlucky enough to be there when the raid occurs.

Before a raid to make arrests, the police usually say they spend a month or more gathering evidence to show the location is being commonly used for prostitution, which can often include undercover visits posing as customers.


Aug 3, 2003
I think they are targeting the underage girls which I have no problem with.

Just reading the SUN article to find that girl I was thinking of seeing half hour ago is on their list. Chances are they are monitoring her already so I probably got lucky on this one. This is too funny as I have been really wanting to book with this lady and now I will stay far, far away. I think I'm going to stick with outcalls for time being.



Dec 8, 2006
Just a thought to put out there......I look in the Now and the Eye and the amount of ads there are, brutal amounts and yet nothing being done about these ads so why is it all about Craigslist????


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
with many years experience all i can say is OUTCALL it may cost more but if you get a nice hotelroom and call a reputable agency .......


New member
Mar 7, 2005
Great thanks to the Sun I had a really good laugh today. What a crock of contradictory BS.

re: 'Page said Mitakina agreed to be deported to Russia and forfeit $150,000 to the Crown that included money she had spent on two condos, $70,000 in a bank account and $7,000 in cash.'

Omg this made my cry, that's a lot of fucking. Bad law. Now I got a good excuse to spend my money everyday and enjoy the fruits of my labour.


Jan 16, 2004
The Big Smoke
Supplementary to LEs focus on CL, their efforts may assist in irradicating many of the SCAM and Bait & Switch artists.

News flash, "the GTA is experiencing an unseasonal spike in hotel occupancy levels".

Perfect timing for summer.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fabulous said:
Great thanks to the Sun I had a really good laugh today. What a crock of contradictory BS.

re: 'Page said Mitakina agreed to be deported to Russia and forfeit $150,000 to the Crown that included money she had spent on two condos, $70,000 in a bank account and $7,000 in cash.'

Omg this made my cry, that's a lot of fucking. Bad law. Now I got a good excuse to spend my money everyday and enjoy the fruits of my labour.
""Natasha: An upscale escort," pleaded guilty Feb. 14 to keeping a common bawdy house and possession of proceeds of crime. "

That may have made you cry for the wrong reasons:

Since it stated she was keeping a common bawdy house (aka incall) she was living off the avails (which means she was the booking agent).

So, do the math:
7 - 10 girls a day on. If each sees 4 clients, at $50 - 70 per client for her, that means she's making $200 - $280.00 per girl per day, or $1400 - $2800.00 per day. Now say they only are open for 6 days a week, that is $8400 - $16800.00 per week x 52 wks that totals $436,800 to $873,600.00 per annum.

Even if say you half that amount, that's still $218,000.00 - $436,500.00. Not unreasonable for a relatively busy location. Shit, I know people that have that much cash and assets and just work a regular job........

So my point is: she may not have had to do very much fucking at all (just dealing with all the usual crap lol)


tboy said:
""Natasha: An upscale escort," pleaded guilty Feb. 14 to keeping a common bawdy house and possession of proceeds of crime. "

That may have made you cry for the wrong reasons:

Since it stated she was keeping a common bawdy house (aka incall) she was living off the avails (which means she was the booking agent).

So, do the math:
7 - 10 girls a day on. If each sees 4 clients, at $50 - 70 per client for her, that means she's making $200 - $280.00 per girl per day, or $1400 - $2800.00 per day. Now say they only are open for 6 days a week, that is $8400 - $16800.00 per week x 52 wks that totals $436,800 to $873,600.00 per annum.

Even if say you half that amount, that's still $218,000.00 - $436,500.00. Not unreasonable for a relatively busy location. Shit, I know people that have that much cash and assets and just work a regular job........

So my point is: she may not have had to do very much fucking at all (just dealing with all the usual crap lol)

You see that is where the article is confusing to me anyway. The Sun made it sound like she was a 38 year old woman minding her own business and doing a couple of guys every day. That is very different from a huge operation with many women and girls.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
enduser1 said:
You see that is where the article is confusing to me anyway. The Sun made it sound like she was a 38 year old woman minding her own business and doing a couple of guys every day. That is very different from a huge operation with many women and girls.

Well, one cannot be charged with keeping a bawdy house unless they were doing that.....and I may be misreading it: I thought that when they charged her with "possession of the proceeds of crime" indicated that she was guilty of "living off the avails....".

If she bailed on all that money and was only operating a 1 woman incall, she's dumb....VERY dumb because it would cost her a lot less than her forfeiture to fight the charge and even if found guilty, if this was her first offence I bet she wouldn't get jail time.....probably just probation.....

Again, I bet there's more to it than what is being reported....


tboy said:
If she bailed on all that money and was only operating a 1 woman incall, she's dumb....VERY dumb because it would cost her a lot less than her forfeiture to fight the charge and even if found guilty, if this was her first offense I bet she wouldn't get jail time.....probably just probation.....
I would agree with that. But forfeiture doesn't require guilt. That is why I hate the law. It is taking money from people who are not guilty, that I find offensive. In her case she was guilty so what is the point of fighting?

BTW this forfeiture law will benefit the pimps. They will take all a girl's money anyway. The girls get deported and the pimps send all their money to the Bahamas so all they will lose is their cash float. Then after they get out of jail their money is safe and they can restart immediately on exit from the jail. Hell, they can operate form their cell.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I would agree EU but forfeiture here isn't like the US (or so I understand) where if they catch you with a joint in your car, they immediately take your car and you never see it again (unless you buy it off the arresting officer lol).

The crown here I believe has to prove 100% that you had no other source of income that could have been used to purchase the property (in this case).

For eg: if she had ever held down any other job, or could show that someone else gave her the money, then they couldn't seize the entire asset. In addition, if she could prove that any of the money or property was purchased via an outcall, again, they couldn't seize it because outcalls are legal and there would be no grounds for them to seize it (for eg: if they did, they could seize anyone's property at any time, even people who work at McDonald's)...

Anyway, if someone knows better n me, I'm all ears!!!!


New member
Dec 15, 2005
The lesson here would be ... report your income, or at least some of it so that you can back yourself up. Most SP do not report their earnings.. operate under a business name, take advantage of the write offs allotted to business owners...

As far as LE cracking down on underage providers or providers that are being forced against there will... I'd welcome it.

Now to try to shut down hard working SP and agencies that are trying to make a honest go at things providing a needed service to the community ... thats just fucked ...

Why incalls?.... well that does keep girls off the street. Makes it easier for clients to make a short visit ... rather then book a room call a girl or agency ...wait for them... now an hour visit ... just cost them 2-3 hrs. Most of us... can't take that kind of time off work... for a afternoon treat... nor can we afford to do that 3-4 times a week...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, let me answer some of those questions there Drty:
Incalls getting girls off the streets: Well, organized outcalls get the girls off the streets too.

Incalls: yes, I am all for legalizing them, but where? Other than changing an entire neighbourhood to a red light district, where do you allow them?

Frankly while it would be handy to have one in my building, I certainly wouldn't want the traffic they bring. I can totally understand why someone who spent $500K on a nice condo wouldn't want one across the hall. What about trying to explain to your 5 yr old son or daughter why the room across hall gets 20 male callers a day or why the finish is worn off the door?

Ok, so a private house then. Would you want to have your street clogged with cars at all hours? Again, with kids around, would you want to try to explain to them why there is so much traffic in and out of a certain house?

No, the only answer to legalized incalls would be a red light district and say one area is designated as one. What about existing businesses that don't relate to the sex trade, do they just up and move? How about businesses that have been there for x number of years? Tough shit?


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
tboy said:
Incalls: yes, I am all for legalizing them, but where? Other than changing an entire neighbourhood to a red light district, where do you allow them?
Moss Park area: Maybe Sherbourne St between Dundas and Richmond.


Jan 31, 2005
Incalls are a business open to the public and as such are presumably in violation of various bylaws at a residential location. So you could call a bylaw inspector and have them fined and/or evicted, just as if someone rented the unit across the hall and then opened a convenience store there.

The big difference, though, is the criminal record: If it were a bylaw infraction while it is "illegal" in some sense, it is not illegal in the life-destroying sense. You do not wind up unable to work, unable to enter other countries, etc., by breaking a bylaw.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
markvee said:
Moss Park area: Maybe Sherbourne St between Dundas and Richmond.
But where would all the freeloaders live? Rosedale? Sorry, can't offend the offal of society.....


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
such erudite posts on outcalls / incalls and recommended operating procedures:

She was deported, she agreed to be deported, means she was not a citizen, means she did not have whatever visa required, means she was essentially a tourist.

All your head-up-ass erudition does not apply in this situation. A deportee forfeits everything confiscated as proceeds of crime. All your beautiful grandstanding doesn't apply to someone working as an illegal alien in this country, whether she's 18 or 38.

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
Mongrel4u said:
has anybody ever written a retort to these papers?

We need SPs to write back
How about some clients write back? Respectfully, SP's take on the greater portion of the risk & responsibility. How about some of the guys step up and take their share? No need to point out that the entire reason for this business is so gentlemen can do what they want without risk/responsibilty (surprise, surprise) and I certainly do my best to not alienate my clientele. What has concerned me recently is how these examples (pimps, certain agencies, illegal immigrant SP's & underage SP's - including MP's) play unfair, saturate the markets and undercut already reasonably listed rates. They work solely on volume and it ruins the business for the girls trying to work safely & responsibly. And of course, in the long run, does affect the client.


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
SJ1001 said:
...There is a group of ladies who has challenged the supreme court to declare these laws unconstitutional. Their website is
There is another very similar challenge taking place in B.C., and there are other sex worker organizations advocating decriminalization, like Maggie's in Toronto and Stella in Montreal. Just in the last month there were some news articles about Jenn Clamen of Stella starting to organize one in Ottawa.

The dogmatic prohibitionist propaganda always insists that all (or most) the business involves women coerced into the trade being abused by evil men. Sex workers from these organizations speaking out for themselves are very effective in countering this nonsense, and pointing out that the prohibitionists are fighting against the sex workers they claim to be protecting. The New Zealand Prostitutes Collective was instrumental in getting the business decriminalized there.


Nov 11, 2006
I think they should be happy that its not has evolved away from the streets and prying eyes of all ages. I guess it comes down to tax revenues. So many municipalities have issued licences to cash in on it. Its hard to patrol someone on the corner, can I see your licences please??
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