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You Have To Read This In The Sun Today--be Careful!!!!!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Mongrel4u said:
has anybody ever written a retort to these papers?

We need SPs to write back

GB would say a good retort, thats taking a stand.

But I got to it first.

Seriously, there is no use trying to apply reason and logic to this situation. The sensationalism sells papers and gets good press for the coppers who then always get to explain that they need more money........ and so on. I would love to see one day if anyone had the nerve to follow a few off duty coppers and check what they did during the day. that would be a good story, but I'll bet you never see it.



Jan 31, 2002
For a more fair and balanced report, they should've quoted a few ads from their own publication. The police were investigating both the internet and newspapers, but only ads from craigslist were quoted in the article. The daily newspapers took a big hit in ad revenue when craigslist became a viable and cheaper alternative to the newspapers.


May 27, 2005
LancsLad said:
GB would say a good retort, thats taking a stand.

But I got to it first.

Seriously, there is no use trying to apply reason and logic to this situation. The sensationalism sells papers and gets good press for the coppers who then always get to explain that they need more money........ and so on. I would love to see one day if anyone had the nerve to follow a few off duty coppers and check what they did during the day. that would be a good story, but I'll bet you never see it.

heres one...its in the uk though


Active member
Dec 14, 2002
There are so many inconsistencies in their story that it’s funny.
Is this the best LE can do to “combat this problem”?
Since when is it illegal to advertise sexual services on a website hosted in another jurisdiction?
Nov 30, 2007
If the ladies are over age and not being forced, i don't see a problem with that? I consider an SP a profession, really....just like a lawyer, doctor etc. you have to be good at what you do! It's not easy to make a living in Canada, so LE...Let them ladies to their job and catch the real criminals, i don't pay taxes so you can stop me from hobbying!


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
whynot888 said:
If the ladies are over age and not being forced, i don't see a problem with that? I consider an SP a profession, really....just like a lawyer, doctor etc. you have to be good at what you do! It's not easy to make a living in Canada, so LE...Let them ladies to their job and catch the real criminals, i don't pay taxes so you can stop me from hobbying!
Nice in theory, but the laws say different. It's not the cops, it's the law makers. Cops enforce the stupid laws that politicians enact. However, I must say some cops do get over zealous at times in carrying out the letter of the law.

A thread on this article was also in the Lounge, so I'll post my comment here as well:

Hopefully examples like this one will strike a chord with you guys as to why ladies ask a lot of questions of you when you're calling for an appointment. Ladies have to protect themselves so the ladies, especially the experienced independents, ask pertinent questions so they can be satisfied they're safe.

So please, don't give these ladies a hard time, they are only asking so they can continue to offer good times for us guys. Be more empathetic, they take all the risk, not us.


Jan 16, 2004
The Big Smoke
Government Winfall and who profits

"...$150,000 to the Crown that included money she had spent on two condos, $70,000 in a bank account and $7,000 in cash..."

Ok, what happens to the cash and assets ?


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Aphrodisias Companions said:
If law enforcement claim to care about the ladies, then they should be ensuring they operate safely, and from my standpoint, that means working with people that ensure their safety.
Cops can't do that, they will be supporting the ladies breaking the law if they do. We need the ignorant politicians to change the laws and then cops can work at ensuring the ladies' safety.

Aphrodisias Companions said:
As for underage girls, explain the 38 year old who was arrested? It's a fuckin witch hunt........ but the hunt has begun,

I don't know if it's a witch hunt at the moment. It says in the article that neighbours complained! This is key, if you suspect nosy neighbours, it's time to move, and fast. Keep a low profile, you'll be ok for a while. Always good to move around when you can though.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
calloway said:
Nope... just a young Romanian snowboarder. :p
Damn she's hot! Must re-think my dedication to skiing. Maybe a Romanian snowboarding vacation should be on my to do list!


New member
Sep 2, 2007
It seems my fit of rage went in the wrong thread.
There is a group of ladies who has challenged the supreme court to declare these laws unconstitutional. Their website is Funny thing, the court challenges program was cancelled right after that. I wonder why.
Right now, they are being attacked by a Christian group called "Real Women of Canada" (and SPs aren't?) who are entering a moral plea on the crown's behalf because the crown's legal defence is insufficient to continue the abuse and marginalization of prostitutes.
Maybe some of the clients, for whom it will not be too big a privacy issue, can lend their support. I know SPOC needs money, but letter-writing means a lot, too. What I have heard is that one letter is taken to represent one thousand opinions.


Active member
Dec 3, 2007
How can LE tell the difference between Incall at a hotel or outcall at a hotel?



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Quaggitty said:
How can LE tell the difference between Incall at a hotel or outcall at a hotel?


I'm going to guess they may use security camera images, names on the room rental file, car parking charges, room service orders , conversations with the maids as a start and go from there.

Honest, I'm not a cop, just an accountant.:D

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
gar said:
The daily newspapers took a big hit in ad revenue when craigslist became a viable and cheaper alternative to the newspapers.
Rest assured this is part of the motivation for the SUN articles.
I highly doubt LE are policing the industry any different than they have done in the past ( mainly focussing on minors, street action, immigration and those who are forced to work gainst their will).

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Aardvark154 said:
As I already posted in greater depth on the first thread about this article.

The headline on the article tries to imply that it is about something it is not. Both cases involved incall where the neighbors had complained.
The person who is doing the articles is likely an intern, not a professional journalist, the articles in this series contain a lot of inaccuracies and half-truths.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
I got all full of piss and vinegar and wrote an article, which includes a sample letter to your MP supporting the end of these laws.
Here is the sample letter:
Dear <name>,

I am a citizen who purchases the services offered by a prostitute. She and I are consenting adults who each find the experience rewarding, enjoyable and therapeutic.

I oppose any moral argument claiming that prostitution is harmful to women. I have seen women empowered both financially and emotionally by their careers in the sex trade, and I am grateful to know that in a society in which very few industries are run almost exclusively by women, I have made financial contributions to the biggest. Prostitutes, too, are the "real" women of Canada.

I do not believe that prostitution is degrading to me or to my service provider. I respect her ability to set limits during our encounters, to run a business well, and to use her sexuality for her own benefit instead of solely for the benefit of others, as women have traditionally been forced to do, marriage, childbirth and marketing being the only socially acceptable outlets for female sexuality.

I am writing to lend my support to the ladies at Sex Professionals of Canada, and to prostitutes everywhere, for a safe, legal and supportive work environment, free of the ineffective and harmful laws, and of the discrimination that is leaving them with no support against violent criminals, and robed of their rights, assets and homes by the justice system.



And a link to find out who your MP is:


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Maybe all the ladies and agencies should consider taking their ads from the Sun for a week or two.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
For all those who are saying "witch hunt" let me point out a couple of things for you:
1) Incalls are already illegal in this city, so what else is new? No witch hunt, just enforcing the current laws.
2) Outcalls are 100% legal so anyone booking a legal aged sp, has not one thing to worry about
3) Private sp's who do outcalls have nothing to worry about, it is only when you do incalls that problems may arise. On this point I'd like to say that I personally wouldn't be too happy if I paid $500K for a condo downtown and had an incall happening next door. Yeah, the constant parade of strangers would become an annoyance. Now a private dwelling? Well, that is your property and I don't share it so more power to you
4) Agency owners may have a little more to worry about but I'm sure they have a legal out (aka booking agent). The ladies who work for an agency have nothing to worry about because they are NOT breaking any laws.
5) Now ladies doing outcalls may get contacted by the police and questioned as to their situation but you can look at it as harrassment, or you can look at it like the ride program: if they check everyone, then they'll end up getting some bad ones. If you're over 18, doing outcalls, then you have nothing to worry about because no laws are being broken....
6) Only the clients going to incalls may have to start being careful. If you're at a hotel and have a lady come over, you're fine because that is an outcall. If you prefer incalls, I'd go to ones that are not situated in a condo building where it could be bothering the neighbours. A townhouse or Rowhouse will probably be overlooked.....

So, if this "witch hunt" stops underage girls from being dragged into the biz, or slows it down a bit, then I say "more power to them....".
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