Massage Adagio

Yoga Instructor on CL


Active member
Jul 20, 2006
Once again, If it was me(I am not sure). What was it exactly that was offensive? I honestly don't seem to recall doing anything that would reasonably be considered, offensive or disrespectful yet I seemed to get a quite a bit of negative attitude during the session. I will once again ask you to explain what is it exactly that you consider behaviour that would provoke you into negative attitude? I would honestly like to know, since other MA's may also find certain behaviour disrespectful that I am not aware of.

Also, I cannot speak for anyone else's experience, only my own. I stand by my original review. I am not trying to ruin your business but to inform my fellow hobbyists.


Sep 22, 2009
Call me crazy, but after all this "banter" I'm curious to book a session and see what she's like.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
I was there last Friday....Although the massage was a bit "mechanical"... It was excellent and did last the full hour.... She really does have a great body, and she ensured that I left "happy". I'd rate the massage as one of the best I have ever had.... The ending was rushed, without much "build up".... It was all business.... Nothing to write home about. Would I return? I will.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
While I appreciate your reads more like a backhand. You said a few nice things but then ended with complaints. The complaints are what people will notice. If you can do this and are going to be a return client, please reword your review. If you can't do that, please come get your money back and take this down. I have a family to feed and I work very hard...too hard to have stuff like 'mechanical' and 'rushed' be adjectives in a return clients review. I feel like crying after reading this. A disgruntled client is one thing but how can you handicap me like this and still claim to be a return client. It is cruel. It means nothing to you and everything to me.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Not a was I said massage was excellent! Guys go see the girl, you won't regret it.... Just sharing my opinion on the entire experience. Was the ending good.... Yes. Was it rushed, and all business,....yes. Is it the end of the world.... No. Call it a three star ending, not a five star ending. You can't disagree can you? If you want to build a solid client base with rave reviews, and returning clients..... You need to draw out the grand finale a little more, and at least pretend you give a crap..... That's what separates the great from the average. Just like any small business, you need to give the clients a reason to choose you over the similar business down the street. Being average will not grow your business. Just ask any of the successful businesses out there..... That's my two cents of advice


Sep 22, 2009
You have to be able to take all reviews as constructive, the good, the bad, and the middling. You can't go around telling people to take down their reviews.

This is a fair/honest board and most comments are very respectful. The Ottawa market for massage is highly varied in terms of: price, location/facility, type of provider (independent, high/medium/low-end spa), age/attractiveness of the MA, massage skill, sensuality, mutual contact, release, and mileage/extras. Each provider needs to clearly understand: the service they want to provide, where they fit in the market, and what they need to do within that segment to generate happy customers (which drives good reviews and regular clients). Being organized and customer-oriented applies to all providers. And, from the many women I've seen, the more you actually enjoy whatever service you provide, the more your customers will enjoy that experience. Some comments in this thread may sound critical/negative, but people actually just want to help you succeed. :)


Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
After all the back and forth in recent weeks regarding the yoga instructor (her Terb name is Hotfemail), I decided to see for myself. So I had a 1-hour visit a few days ago.

I had a rather strange and unsatisfactory visit and I am disappointed to say, this will not be a good review. I even hesitate to post my comments because they will not help Hotfemail’s business. In the end I decided to post because Terb is a review board after all, and I feel the post will be helpful to the general Terb community. So all I can do is hope that Hotfemail is able to learn from these comments and improve her service.

First some good things: Hotfemail is a nice woman with pretty face, great curly hair, slim waist and very wide hips (which I really like). Her breasts are large and full and heavy, just the way I like ‘em. She is friendly and engaging, but also a bit reserved. I have to say, this was our first meeting after all so I certainly understand her being reserved.

Hotfemail operates from a compact and very nice recently renovated house in New Edinburgh. Nice street, and sufficient privacy when coming and going, at least sufficient for my tastes.

The house is rather cluttered, but not too much so. That said, in such a compact place, I would think it important to maximize the relaxing mood and for me, that includes a more tidy place. Mostly, there is a lot of stuff around, maybe other clients don’t mind it.

As others have said, the massage table is in the hallway, which I would not have felt would be a problem before I saw the set up. However, one side of the massage table is completely, totally jammed up against the back of the sofa, with the head-end barely a foot from the partially-frosted glass window of the front door. The foot-end of the table is only about 12 or so inches from the bookcase. Access is just from one side of the table, but that side is partially blocked by the arc of a floor lamp. As a result of this, there is NO and I mean none at all, room to maneuver around the table. From the back and one side, it is jammed against furniture. From the front there is the glass window in the front door to deal with (possibility of prying eyes). And because of the side that is jammed against the sofa, it was hard for me to get comfortable on the table as my arm was constantly pressed against the sofa. And because there was no rom to maneuver around the table, Hotfemail had to spend the entire time ON the table. This would seem to be a good thing, but it was not because there is really no room for two people to both be on the table for an entire hour.

More about the table: Hotfemail had run out of fresh sheets so I had to lie on a table that had just a small towel on it. The towel went from mid-chest to above my knees. The rest of me lay on the vinyl covering of the table. This was not particularly comfortable as the skin of my face kept getting stuck to the table surface. To her credit, Hotfemail did clean the table before I got on it, but she used a scented cleaner and it smelled like an industrial disinfectant, the kind that is used in the gym that I go to in order to wipe off the machines from peoples’ sweat. Although it is nice to know that the table was now sanitary, the overpowering smell was not pleasant at all and my nose was right in it for the entire session.

The selection of music was not in my view, particularly suitable for a massage session. It was mostly what I consider to be hard rock. Although I love George Thorogood’s guitar and gravelly voice, I just don’t find it relaxes me during a massage. When I asked for softer music , Hotfemail switched to a softer rock, but even that was still somewhat upbeat and hard pumping. For me, not relaxing at all.

Let me get down to the business of the actual massage. Hotfemail’s donation is 100 roses for a topless hour and a bit more for totally nude. I went for the totally nude. It turns out that I had some opportunity, but very very little of it, to take advantage of the nude part. Why? For the first part of the session, about half an hour, I lay on my front, head next to the front door, right arm jammed against the sofa. Hotfemail was behind me (more on that in a minute). So I was not able to even see her, let alone allow my hands to wander on her voluptuous body. In the second part, i.e. after the flip, she sat by my feet for most of the time, massaging my lower legs and feet. Again, no touching was possible from that position. Eventually, when it was time for the release portion of the massage, she sat closer to me and some touching was inevitable, but it was all very little, and no sensuality in any of this.

Back to the first part of the massage. Hotfemail sat on my lower back (not on the top portion of my legs, not on my butt, but on the lower part of my back). At her estimated 130 lbs (I do not know if this is accurate but I think it is close), this gets very painful rather quickly and it sure made it hard to enjoy the massage. By the time of the flip my back was numb and I actually had difficulty getting up and turning over.

So all in all: senses bombarded by loud rock music, cluttered location, strong smells, sticky face, strong pain on my back. Very little touching opportunity. No sensuality. Hotfemail is a nice woman but this scenario is just not for me.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
Thanks for a helpful review.

Hotfemail, the ball is now in your court.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
I feel sorry for you man. One time an MA started climbing on the table to climb on me and I stopped her right away. I don't want a weight on me at all when I am having a massage. Some people just don't think. You probably left with a back worse than when you got in.


Active member
May 11, 2009
Hotchilly, thanks for taking the time to write a detailed review, and for including the relevant facts so that Hotfemail can improve things if she so wishes.


May 18, 2006
Thanks for the detail Chiily. I was planning to go this week but now I will wait and see if the reviews get better. I am not holding my breath....


New member
Feb 1, 2014
Massage Offered: People who do not speak up regarding preferences need not apply.

I have great taste in music. Fair warning: it is not all elevator/porno style music but at the beginning of each massage I mention that if you are hot/cold, do not like music or volume or if I am too heavy/you need to shift; just ask.
If you read up there are clients who like me straddling them.
Your comment made it seem like the front door was there if you look up...not the case, its around the corner in the living room area. It was mean of you to make it sound like anyone looking through the bevelled door window would see you...again: the table is in the next room.
Cramped? Yes. I own it and wS working at Barefax when I bought it. It is lusciously central (which seems the common thread in my clients: proximity). I have been painting it throughout in the last while and have tried to mention to each customer to excuse the mess...having said that I am a neat freak usually.
Back to tunes: I have had way more compliments and a total of two complaints including yours.
With regards to cleaning table: I use lysol wipes: what would you suggest? I also wipe the excess off.
Lastly : my sex drive has returned after baby! (Which I came through otherwise unscathed: flat stomach, no stretch marks! Yay!)
So hotchilly: say something if you are uncomfortable. Also: would you prefer a house in the suburbs with more space?
To other would be clients: hope you like kick ass tunes (sick of my massage playlist but say something and more mellow tunes you will get.)
Hope you like naked girl on your back, but if not we can turn the table ;). Seriously no pun intended, There is room to turn the table lengthwise so please mention in correspondence and I shall alter my modus operandi.
Btw the table is in the living room. The only hall in my place is upstairs.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
I ask every client if they mind if I hope up on the table: all enthusiastically say yes. If I know its frowned upon I can easily adjust my mo...


New member
Feb 1, 2014
In the future I will ask if a client needs me to not be on the table and try a little more tenderness at the end.
Fair warning: I focus more on giving a good massage, am vocal about it to clients, and receive positive feedback: most are looking for a great massage as opposed to a sexual encounter.


Active member
Feb 8, 2013
out side of ottawa
hey never seen you
but a naked girl on my back yes and on my front yes
my last massage was 5 min then we play for a hour
I think that what guy in here are looking for
if they like a real massage I don't think they be in here
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