Toronto Escorts

Worst Sportscasters on TV...Toronto Sun


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Has anybody mentioned Dan Shulman?

No need to even say if he's liked or hated.


as in " you are such a "
Feb 16, 2003
Wherever I shouldn't be
Mark Lee

Doesn't understand football at all, especially the terminology.
It's into touch, not out of touch, though Mark is.
The flat, not the flats.

The first time I noticed him was when he did a sideline shot with the legendary kicker Looweeee Passuhgleeuh.:rolleyes:
Shades of Chai Chai Rodrigweez. Hopefully Mr. Rodrigweez can play up to par next time.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
yaya17 said:
I forgot to add one more: Paul Hendrick. Just ask the question already. Ive had enough of his cheesy monologues at the beginning and the questions he asks between periods are like mini-essays.
There used to be a guy on ESPN all night radio who beats Henny hands down. 'All Night With Todd Wright'. I could fall back to sleep for 40 winks, wake up and he would still be leading into a question as simple as 'hey, how are you doing tonight'. Thankfully he has since replaced by Jason Smith.


Jan 16, 2004
God for me it's Glenn Healy and Greg Millen in that order.
Both barely average goalies giving their professional opinions on stuff they barely know .... Can't stand either one.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Hughson for hockey or baseball (used to call the Jay games with Buck - a good colour guy with Jim)

Shulman and Buck on baseball. Shulman is great when he guests on the Fan.

Romanuk was the voice of the Juniors and was good on TSN.

Note to TSN on Junior telecasts - Do not mention every player with their draft pick (pass to Jones, the second round pick of the Flames, known for his large jock)

Sentimental mention is Don Chevrier on early Blue Jay telecasts - Mainly for his game call on Ryan's no-hitter (Yes I remember watching it). Aside from Don, Kubek and Olver sucked - Wednesday Night Blue Jay Games.

I always liked the guy who called the Expo games, forget his name, but he was cool

Speaking of Montreal, the classic pair of Gallivan and Irvine still sends shivers up my spine when I hear them (...and here's Lemaire crossing the line, dropping it back to Robinson, with a cannonading shot just wide of Cheevers...)

Another great voice was Dan Kelly (I believe he called the Canada Cup with Wayne & Mario)

The ESPN hockey crew is good (Clement and others)

For me the great Foster Hewitt never tickled my fancy. He was too gay for my liking. I preferred his son calling the Leaf games during that black period of the 70's.

Brian McFarlane,mainly for intermissions.

Gary Dornhoffner was a dornhoffner.

I hated that retard who called penalties at the leaf games a few years back - Glad he was put out to pasture.

Sunday night football took a turn for the worst when they dropped Mike Patrick, Joe & Paul.

Joe Buck & Aikman are the best NFL tandem out there.

Too bad Fox kept Bradhsaw and let Brown go

I hate Al Michaels - I wish Madden would beat him to death on the air one night

Madden and a drunken Summerall were the classic NFL game callers.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Ref said:
I always liked the guy who called the Expo games, forget his name, but he was cool
Dave Van Horne


CB Fan
Dec 27, 2001
I think that the NBA on TNT guys (Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley) could be on this list as well. I find the way they like to talk over themselves annoying.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Keith Olberman is the worst, occasional sarcastic remarks can be amusing when inserted at the right time, but not every comment.

-Glen Healy- entertaining and will rip anybody
-Dave Hodge- I idolized him when I was a kid, now he's almost an afterthought.
-Gord Miller- passable, but terribly ugly, poor fella.
-Holly Horton- like her professionalism, compared to the other clowns like Dutch, O'toole, and Onrait, the three stooges.
-Ron Mclean- lifetime nerd who is trying to be cool.
-Sunday night football show is unwatchable, Costas and co.
-Stuttering Ludzik and the loudmouth also unwatchable.
-Rod Black-figure skating and golf, nothing else.
-Rod Smith- excellent, or whoever does the 6:30 pm sportscentre on TSN, Rod something.
-Bill, 'at the end of the day' Waters, terrible.
-Sam Rosen, awsome

Off topic, isn't Bruce Buffer pathetic, he's the uglier less talented little brother that got no attention.

That's all for now.........


Nov 8, 2004
Pu'u Ola'i Beach
guyroch said:
Way to go Shack ... Dan Shulman and John Saunders .... Two Toronto Boys who took their
act to the U.S and have made us proud ...

Dan is from Barrie actually.

I'll liked Saunders until he became a shill for the BCS when it first started (and ABC had the rights!). Now everyone sees it for the POS it really is.

Glad to see someone mentioned Sam Rosen. He calls every sport pretty well and has a sort of classic delivery - sort of like Curt Gowdy in the 70s.

There are also alot of golf commentators I like (Miller, Feherty, Oosterhuis, McCord). I think Jim Nantz is best at gold except when he's saying how beautiful Augusta is. Ben Wright used to be good too until they canned him for saying that women could never be as good as men because their tits get it the way!


Jul 5, 2003
Paul Hendrick on Sportsnet. He asks the worst questions and looks like he has a piclkle up his ass. What a fuckin' geek.


May 1, 2004
Pargolfer said:
Sunday's Toronto Sun gives their list of the top 10 worst sportscasters on TV...Here they are starting with Number One..
-Bob Cole
-Joe Theisman
-Pierre McQuire
-Tim McCarver
-Steve Armitage (my choice as Number One after his Grey Cup performance)
-Tony Siragusa
-Don Cherry
-Terry Bradshaw
-Dick Vitale
-Sean Salisbury

Okay,anyone missing??????
Gotta go with Rob Faulds of Sportsnet (at least he is off the Jays broadcasts, now he's just boring junior hockey fans to death). Close second is Darren Dutchyshen of TSN -- I mean this guy has gotta be the most lame metrosexual ever. It's a SPORTS Network, dude! Get some glasses that don't make you look like your Aunt Matilda. And then his catchphrase "burries". (As in a hockey goal, "Sundin burries the puck past Hasek"). Dumbest catchphrase ever. Why would you want to be known for something so stupid?


Aug 30, 2001
Rod Black

I can't believe I had to go 4 pages until I saw his name. He could very well be the worst sports caster in the history of Television. the best part of him is that he thinks he is the greatest of all time. Some friends and I ran into him at an airport back in the fall and to speak to him you would think you were talking to Foster Hewitt. I mean this guy is so high on himself it's not even funny. Also add to your list the moronic Lansberg of OTR fame, what a pansy. Those are two guys on TV that must have dirt on somebody since there talent level is shit.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
guyroch said:
Who is the Greek guy who is on sportsnet and does Jr A games ... God his voice is anoying ...
Peter Loubardias. Yes his voice is annoying. He makes my all-time 'Most Annoying Voice' team along with:

Daru Dhillon - I want to stick needles in my eyes when I hear her
Hazel Mae
Barb DiGiulio
Jennifer Hedger
Steve Kouleas - does he have to yell so much?


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
guyroch said:
Steve Kouleas ?? I didn't know who you were talking about till you said yelling so much .. Must be that ass on the score .... Peter Loubardias its not only his voice but comes across as a know it all ...

Barb DiGiulio is one women who knows her sports ... I am surprised she has never made it too T.V ... All she does now is sports updates that are 2 minutes long ...
Similar to Mike Wilner. Oh sure, he does his homework but he tries to talk above many of his callers as if he knows it all and they don't.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Pargolfer said:
Sunday's Toronto Sun gives their list of the top 10 worst sportscasters on TV...Here they are starting with Number One..
-Bob Cole
-Joe Theisman
-Pierre McQuire
-Tim McCarver
-Steve Armitage (my choice as Number One after his Grey Cup performance)
-Tony Siragusa
-Don Cherry
-Terry Bradshaw
-Dick Vitale
-Sean Salisbury

Okay,anyone missing??????
If you're going to consider the very, very worst, I don't know how the commentators for the LA Angels of Anaheim could be overlooked. Steve Physioc and Rex Hudler have got to put all these wannabe worst picks in the shade!! Bumbling, fumbling, and stupid home team groupies.



Active member
Sep 21, 2001
K Douglas said:
I thought his best one was Eric "Sleeping With" Bienemy.
I liked Bert 'Be Home' Blyleven. A few others that I still lmao at include:

Kirt "What is That" Manwaring, Jeff "Brown Paper" Bagwell, CC 'Splish Splash I was Taking' Sabatthia.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
guyroch said:
Mike Wilner sounds like a kiss butt ... A big suck also if his opinions aren't being taken as gospel ... Bring back the guy before him who used to do take calls on the jays after games ... He left when the blue jays left but never came back to the fan ..

Does anyone know his name ..
Scott Ferguson?

Speaking of Blue Jays broadcasters, Tom Cheek was in a league of his own. I mean that in a good way.
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