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Women and antidepressants.

Maximus Decimus

Active member
Aug 12, 2018
It's a simple question and I want the women to chime in as well !
I've been seeing a young lady for about 8 months now and for the most
Part every one of our encounters has been incredible I mean like fucken wow.
All of a sudden she tells me she just got onto antidepressants and I said to myself
Ok here we go again. And the reason why I'm bring this up I do believe this alone was
The cause of my separation with my wife. Gentleman the labito just dives, no matter
What you do. I changes a woman sexual needs. It's interesting because, this is the medicine
Of choice with women with hormonal issues. Getting back to this one woman 22 years old I
Might add. Her libido is gone. Remember now she is 22. Any comments on this supject or experiences ?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It's a simple question and I want the women to chime in as well !
I've been seeing a young lady for about 8 months now and for the most
Part every one of our encounters has been incredible I mean like fucken wow.
All of a sudden she tells me she just got onto antidepressants and I said to myself
Ok here we go again. And the reason why I'm bring this up I do believe this alone was
The cause of my separation with my wife. Gentleman the labito just dives, no matter
What you do. I changes a woman sexual needs. It's interesting because, this is the medicine
Of choice with women with hormonal issues. Getting back to this one woman 22 years old I
Might add. Her labito is gone. Remember now she is 22. Any comments on this supject or experiences ?
FYI, it is libido.

Maximus Decimus

Active member
Aug 12, 2018
Hmm, this post is very reminiscent of Titalian. For the record, I have an undergrad or BA (with distinction) in Psychology and while antidepressants can affect a person's libido, they don't necessarily do so.
From my understanding, it's the level of high sexuality they have to begin with. Which this young
Woman had. From my understanding Titalian either removed himself or was deleted from terb ?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In my personal opinion, which I readily admit counts for 0, antidepressants are now given out by health professionals like smarties at Halloween.

Yeah, I get that some people are genuinely and deeply depressed. But many people that receive prescriptions for anti depressants do not fall into that category. They are feeling melancholy or have the Blues from time to time or just plain insecure and or lonely. More and more doctors rely on chemicals to treat people or people are demanding chemicals. As if they are some sort of panacea. The truth is that the entire expectation is false. They are powerful chemicals with significant side effects whose benefits are questionable.

Case in point as to how easy it is to receive a script for antidepressants. Me. Just after my dad died, I was going to my doctor to get rid of a plantar wart. (Pain in the ass.). We got to talking and I mentioned that my father had died and that I was surprised how much it affected me. She was very sympathetic and asked, "do you want something?"

I knew what she meant and declined the offer. Sadness is part of the mourning process and you just need to work through it. She let it go, but I was AMAZED at how easy it was to get a presentation for happy pills. No testing, no analysis, no anything. Just needed to ask. In fact, I didn't need to ask, I just needed to talk about the sadness I was experiencing with respect to my loss and she suggested it. (On the other hand, maybe she saw something in me that I did not, or was in denial about.)

I think just about every woman I know is on antidepressants. If I had to generalize, it would be that women tend to run to the doctor for every little issue. It's not unusual for many women to be at the doctor every week it seems. Men tend to be the opposite. We are like taking the dog to the vet.

Antidepressants can be a life saver, but they should only be prescribed after a serious investigation into whether or not they are truly needed. It's easy to start on them, it's truly hard to stop them.
In my personal opinion, which I readily admit counts for 0, antidepressants are now given out by health professionals like smarties at Halloween.

Yeah, I get that some people are genuinely and deeply depressed. But many people that receive prescriptions for anti depressants do not fall into that category. They are feeling melancholy or have the Blues from time to time or just plain insecure and or lonely. More and more doctors rely on chemicals to treat people or people are demanding chemicals. As if they are some sort of panacea. The truth is that the entire expectation is false. They are powerful chemicals with significant side effects whose benefits are questionable.

Case in point as to how easy it is to receive a script for antidepressants. Me. Just after my dad died, I was going to my doctor to get rid of a plantar wart. (Pain in the ass.). We got to talking and I mentioned that my father had died and that I was surprised how much it affected me. She was very sympathetic and asked, "do you want something?"

I knew what she meant and declined the offer. Sadness is part of the mourning process and you just need to work through it. She let it go, but I was AMAZED at how easy it was to get a presentation for happy pills. No testing, no analysis, no anything. Just needed to ask. In fact, I didn't need to ask, I just needed to talk about the sadness I was experiencing with respect to my loss and she suggested it. (On the other hand, maybe she saw something in me that I did not, or was in denial about.)

I think just about every woman I know is on antidepressants. If I had to generalize, it would be that women tend to run to the doctor for every little issue. It's not unusual for many women to be at the doctor every week it seems. Men tend to be the opposite. We are like taking the dog to the vet.

Antidepressants can be a life saver, but they should only be prescribed after a serious investigation into whether or not they are truly needed. It's easy to start on them, it's truly hard to stop them.
They should only ever be prescribed along with therapy to get at the root of the problem or what's causing the depression and shouldn't be taken for more than a year. I agree with you that drugs are prescribed too often and too easily because of big pharma's influence in the medical field.

I disagree with your viewpoint that women run to the doctor for every little issue or that we're all on antidepressants. I'm not and don't know of anyone other than my mother who's on them and my brother is the problem there. If she were a drinker he'd drive her to it. Women generally take better care of their health while men wait until they're on death's door to go to see a doctor. A lot of men perceive it as a weakness to ask for help, unless of course they're being a big baby over the common cold.
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Active member
Apr 1, 2007
Hmm, this post is very reminiscent of Titalian. For the record, I have an undergrad or BA (with distinction) in Psychology and while antidepressants can affect a person's libido, they don't necessarily do so.
Horseshit. Went on Antidepressants after my father died. It was near impossible to cum. So went off it after 2 months. Got a psychotherapist instead.

Antidepressants are pure evil. It makes women not desire sex. It is the perfect cure for post-wall corporate-slave women. If these post-wall unmarried childless women weren’t given antidepressants the female suicide rate would be of Stalinistic/Churchill proportions.
Horseshit. Went on Antidepressants after my father died. It was near impossible to cum. So went off it after 2 months. Got a psychotherapist instead.

Antidepressants are pure evil. It makes women not desire sex. It is the perfect cure for post-wall corporate-slave women. If these post-wall unmarried childless women weren’t given antidepressants the female suicide rate would be of Stalinistic/Churchill proportions.
If you read my other post they're not a cure all and should be taken in conjunction with therapy. Newsflash, depressed people can have intimacy problems, with or without antidepressants. It also takes four weeks for them to take effect and another four to completely leave your system.

I guess all my professors, textbooks and health care professionals I know are wrong and of course TERBites are experts.

Maybe so many women are on antidepressants because of all the bitter men out there they have to deal with, like some of the ones posting in the Lounge. I know I've considered going on them after coming on here. Instead I just go take a shower to wash all the toxicity off of me.

Maximus Decimus

Active member
Aug 12, 2018
The problem is I know too many women on them. My ex was given them on hormonal changes in her body because
Of her huge mood swings. But sex was never an issue !! After the pills and the kick in, bingo no more sex. She had a high
Sex drive before that ??

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I think the problem is that even trained professionals will not help you get to the root of the problem. Society still validates religion, ideology and culture. All these put fabricated layers on your core being. I think of it like getting a computer and installing programs. On the surface they seem to be good and helping but in the background they are slowly updating themselves, some come hidden with malware and eventually they take over your system and the computer can barely turn on. So what do we do. Reformat everything and start fresh. This is where our Ego comes in and all the labels and layers of shit society has placed on a person that they can’t recognize themselves anymore. I believe depression is like a mechanism that the body takes on for a person to start awakening to seek out their core, identify the intruders and the problem areas like these fucked up cultural expectations and religious bullshit do to us or parents and loved ones and try to rid of it. However these fabricated systems function like a collective themselves and will ego backlash to anyone who tires to attack it and undermine it. I believe this depression tries to fix the problem but then pain becomes to intense that people choose to run from it and from the core due to the malware overpowering.

Having said all this I believe the best cure is having an ego death. Kind of like a reboot to the computer. Wash everything away and start fresh based on your own terms by taping into your core consciousness. Even events that happen to a person that cause physical and emotional harm can be cured with ego death when you actualize and realize you are in control of your own being and consciousness.

I agree with James and that pain is a way to guide us and teach us about ourselves, our purpose and life. I also agree that there are some conditions that can’t be cured and people need these medications because they can’t function and will do harm to themselves, however many are being mis-diagnosed with this which further make the problem worse. Then it’s a downwards spiral because they make us less conscious and we ignore the ROOT of the issue and just try to keep hiding it only to have the malware spread even further and cause more damage.

A lot of people claim they have cured depression having ego deaths like through psychedelics such as ayahuasca or lsd. I don’t think you need this to achieve an ego death, you can do it yourself but some level of suffering, reflection, time and introspection is needed.

They should only ever be prescribed along with therapy to get at the root of the problem or what's causing the depression and shouldn't be taken for more than a year. I agree with you that drugs are prescribed too often and too easily because of big pharma's influence in the medical field.

I disagree with your viewpoint that women run to the doctor for every little issue or that we're all on antidepressants. I'm not and don't know of anyone other than my mother who's on them and my brother is the problem there. If she were a drinker he'd drive her to it. Women generally take better care of their health while men wait until they're on death's door to go to see a doctor. A lot of men perceive it as a weakness to ask for help, unless of course they're being a big baby over the common cold.
The problem is I know too many women on them. My ex was given them on hormonal changes in her body because
Of her huge mood swings. But sex was never an issue !! After the pills and the kick in, bingo no more sex. She had a high
Sex drive before that ??
A lot of women find their libido declines when going through the change of life you're describing. It may be just that and not the antidepressants or they may have exacerbated an existing condition. A good client was told by his older male friends when asked that many of their wives lost their libidos around 50 (onset of menopause) like his, but some gained it back in their sixties. He's hoping his wife's one of them and in the duration sees me. He's still happily married in every other way but for both their sake I hope she finds her mojo again.
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I think the problem is that even trained professionals will not help you get to the root of the problem. Society still validates religion, ideology and culture. All these put fabricated layers on your core being. I think of it like getting a computer and installing programs. On the surface they seem to be good and helping but in the background they are slowly updating themselves, some come hidden with malware and eventually they take over your system and the computer can barely turn on. So what do we do. Reformat everything and start fresh. This is where our Ego comes in and all the labels and layers of shit society has placed on a person that they can’t recognize themselves anymore. I believe depression is like a mechanism that the body takes on for a person to start awakening to seek out their core, identify the intruders and the problem areas like these fucked up cultural expectations and religious bullshit do to us or parents and loved ones and try to rid of it. However these fabricated systems function like a collective themselves and will ego backlash to anyone who tires to attack it and undermine it. I believe this depression tries to fix the problem but then pain becomes to intense that people choose to run from it and from the core due to the malware overpowering.

Having said all this I believe the best cure is having an ego death. Kind of like a reboot to the computer. Wash everything away and start fresh based on your own terms by taping into your core consciousness. Even events that happen to a person that cause physical and emotional harm can be cured with ego death when you actualize and realize you are in control of your own being and consciousness.

I agree with James and that pain is a way to guide us and teach us about ourselves, our purpose and life. I also agree that there are some conditions that can’t be cured and people need these medications because they can’t function and will do harm to themselves, however many are being mis-diagnosed with this which further make the problem worse. Then it’s a downwards spiral because they make us less conscious and we ignore the ROOT of the issue and just try to keep hiding it only to have the malware spread even further and cause more damage.

A lot of people claim they have cured depression having ego deaths like through psychedelics such as ayahuasca or lsd. I don’t think you need this to achieve an ego death, you can do it yourself but some level of suffering, reflection, time and introspection is needed.
This has a lot of merit!

It really comes down to finding the right therapist (think Good Will Hunting), etc. and for many therapy isn't effective, possibly because the problem is/problems are chronic, not acute, which is much easier to treat. Either way it's an active process and takes a lot of effort, Change, or what you're suggesting, rebirth, isn't easy.

Thank you for the adult discourse as is usually the case with you.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2019

Maybe so many women are on antidepressants because of all the bitter men out there they have to deal with, like some of the ones posting in the Lounge. I know I've considered going on them after coming on here. Instead I just go take a shower to wash all the toxicity off of me.
Respectfully Sophia, you're not obliged to come on this board and deal with us at all.

You need to wash off all our toxicity? Well, all these "professional women" in this business with chips on their shoulders make me want to take a long walk off the pier in Bronte sometimes.

Now, I know you're probably going to say the reason the chips are on the shoulders is because of us bitter men; and you probably would have a point; yet, you seem to be doing just fine; so good for you!
I also have personal experience with this. Any drugs that mess with your Serotonin can affect your sex drive and ability to orgasm.
Yes, MDMA can boost sex drive, at least temporarily, which is why they prescribed it in couples therapy until they learned of some of it's side effects and stopped doing so. Serotonin levels also effect, mood, sleep appetite, etc. While many find a decrease in libido while taking antidepressants, not all do.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This has a lot of merit!

It really comes down to finding the right therapist (think Good Will Hunting), etc. and for many therapy isn't effective, possibly because the problem is/problems are chronic, not acute, which is much easier to treat. Either way it's an active process and takes a lot of effort, Change, or what you're suggesting, rebirth, isn't easy.

Thank you for the adult discourse as is usually the case with you.
Much love <3

I always value your thoughts and opinions. Thanks for providing your insights and feedback .
Respectfully Sophia, you're not obliged to come on this board and deal with us at all.

You need to wash off all our toxicity? Well, all these "professional women" in this business with chips on their shoulders make me want to take a long walk off the pier in Bronte sometimes.

Now, I know you're probably going to say the reason the chips are on the shoulders is because of us bitter men; and you probably would have a point; yet, you seem to be doing just fine; so good for you!
I didn't say all of you are, but many are (e.g. poster #9 whom I was directing my comment to), which is why you find so few of us in the Lounge any more. It really is a "B" session for men on here a lot of the time. Now posters like #12 aren't bitter and therefore are a pleasure to deal with. If more were like him you'd see civil discussion between the sexes here without a thread dissolving into arguing. Blaming women for all your problems isn't the answer. It's frat boy mentality that turns us all off, including male members who no longer come to/post in this forum. Mods have tried to clamp down on this in an effort to increase female participation and gain back some of those lost male members as well.
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