Women and antidepressants.


Feb 26, 2020
Montreal, Canada
I do understand that there are people who suffer from severe depression and need to take antidepressants. But I also noticed that doctors prescribe such meds when it is possible to avoid taking any pills. For example, my niece's friend took antidepressants because he was anxious about the upcoming exams. According to this logic, we all have to be on meds all the time. And I checked the info about these medications on the Canadian pharmacy site, they have side effects and it might be difficult to stop taking them. Though it's only my opinion, and I'm not a doctor.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I know someone who got put on them because a friend died. She found she couldn't get off them and it's been years.

OTOH if you have some sort of chemical issue, it's probably OK, I mean there is no way to fix the imbalance so you can expect to be on them.
I suspect that if you are down and out from situational issues and can't shake it off, a short course of pills might provide the break you need to get back to normality
Also being on the pills for life is better than painting the wall with your brains and a shotgun. Killing yourself has some pretty serious side effects.
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New member
May 19, 2022
Hello, Maximus Decimus! Well libido can disappear by other related to depression factors, is not necessary that consuming antidepressants will affect libido, libido can be affected by depression and other psychology-related problems. To prevent these cases you should approach a consultation with your doctor or to the proper company that occupies with the cases like you described, for example, you visit this site https://www.andalahealth.com/condition/treatment-resistant-depression/.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Yes, there's a high probably that antidepressants will mess with libido, as well as a plethora of other things. As far as I'm concerned, they're prescribed far too easily. The first course of action should always be behavioral changes, not a pill. So many people are depressed because they don't get enough exercise, don't eat right, or consume way too much social media. Maybe try altering those first before shackling yourself to a drug with so many potential side effects.

I can absolutely see antidepressants ruining relationships, and not just because of the sex.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Hmm, this post is very reminiscent of Titalian. For the record, I have an undergrad or BA (with distinction) in Psychology and while antidepressants can affect a person's libido, they don't necessarily do so.
I have always found money to be a very effective antidepressant for women. The side effects can be a real bitch, though, if you know what I mean...


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Don't be surprised if you find out your girl has a prescription for Mirtazapine ODT.

The pandemic of the depressed.


Active member
Jul 19, 2021
There are new generation antidepressants that do not show sexual dyfunction side effects (e.g. Bupropion). However it is always trial and error finding the one that works for you.
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
A question: Isn't having regular, mutually satisfying sex, helpful in protecting us from depression?

You would think it should be prescribed more often.
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Not really. Good quality sleep, regular physical exercises and vitamin D can reduce risk of depressive episode.
Regular healthy sex is part of the 'healthy lifestyle' is in not?

Our bodies and minds were designed from the beginning to crave, and value sexual activity.
Not having regular sex, to me anyway, is quite unhealthy.

I recognize there are people throughout history that have practiced chastity, and if made as a conscious choice, I suppose SOME people can live with it.

I'm not sure I understand the way that civilization has evolved. As we left behind the dark ages of the 1950s, and let the light in on repressive sexual attitudes (As an aside: More people were married then, and generally married people have more sex...or at least they should), and started to enjoy the concept of free love, I think people in general were happier.

Now, while we celebrate every possible sexual union, why are sexual encounters falling? Why do teenagers refrain from sex far more than their parent's generation?

Why have we turned sex into a contract-like mine field requiring multiple levels of sign off, as things become more heated?

I suggest we've taken much of the fun and playfulness out of sex. The pure pleasure of being WITH another person...in the moment...looking for that 'high' that only come with true sexual engagement.

Is it not possible...that maybe the lack of sex, or the re-complicating of sex, could be part of the reason people are more depressed?
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