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Woman outraged after spotting confederate flag at Scarborough community festival


New member
Apr 3, 2011
As a North American?

Or a slave owner?

100% seems a little high. Are you basing this on what you watch/have watched or what exists? Because I don't see most of what I see on TV in Central and South America airing up here. It just doesn't translate...
It is what it is, whenever the topic of the trans Atlantic slave trade pops up all fingers point to the united states more specifically the southern states. Less than 5% ended up inside the states, where as countries like brazil took in almost ten times more slaves and worked them twice as hard with half the nutrition.


Jun 19, 2013
It is what it is, whenever the topic of the trans Atlantic slave trade pops up all fingers point to the united states more specifically the southern states. Less than 5% ended up inside the states, where as countries like brazil took in almost ten times more slaves and worked them twice as hard with half the nutrition.
Who's arguing with you?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So majority rules here? Since most aren't offended, it's all good?

American Indian and Alaskan Natives make up 0.9% of total US population... it seems like they should count for more than 0.9% if a hypothetical poll based on "how offended are you by this logo" or similar question were to be conducted.

I wouldn't expect you to personally find it offensive, unless what you're saying is that you're indigenous and don't find it offensive personally.

I see no reason why you would take offense to this if you aren't indigenous. I can recognize a number of ways in which this image is offensive to some.

The NCAA can recognize something as "offensive." They aren't stupid... they probably have a couple college grads in their ranks.
Most Sioux did not find it offensive.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So Managee, what's with managee (which means someone who is managed). With a Manatee image?

Hey I'm a Southern African termite eater but curious none the less.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
People today including you or any of your family cannot truly relate to that terrible period of American history. The generation of people that lived through that time are long gone.
Then why do many Southern Whites fly the Confederate flag from their houses? Why do many Southern Whites have the names of Civil War heroes? And why do many Southern Whites fantasize about reliving the Civil War?

The Confederacy may not carry any positive emotional weight in Toronto; but in South Carolina or Georgia, it's still pretty potent.


Jun 19, 2013
Then why do many Southern Whites fly the Confederate flag from their houses? Why do many Southern Whites have the names of Civil War heroes? And why do many Southern Whites fantasize about reliving the Civil War?

The Confederacy may not carry any positive emotional weight in Toronto; but in South Carolina or Georgia, it's still pretty potent.

So Managee, what's with managee (which means someone who is managed). With a Manatee image?

Hey I'm a Southern African termite eater but curious none the less.
Manatees are great.

And maybe I'm a person who is managed, or maybe I'm part manatee - part gangster.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Over 95% of the trans atlantic African slaves went to central and south America, yet 100% of the time a slave master is portrayed as north offended.
I am surprised by the 95% figure. That would imply
a vastly greater South American slave population than
the U.S. which already had as many as 4 million slaves
by 1860.

I can think of an explanation of such seemingly unfair
and one-sided portrayal of Americans as slave masters.
I think it is because none of the founding fathers of any
of the South American nations ever made a declaration as
noble as

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the pursuit of Happiness."

In light of its loftiness applying a higher expectation of moral
principles to North Americans is understandable.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The car is not a symbol of hate, and that flag should not be banned. You can't pretend history didn't happen by removing elements of it.
I see the reb flag as no different than a nazi flag. Yes it is part of history but it represents hatred. The only place where either is appropriate is in a museum or history text.

If someone was dressed as Sgt. Shultz from Hogan's Heroes while wearing a swastika I would find it equally inappropriate (and yes, I know technically wouldn't have worn one). The flag on the General Lee might have been seen as okay decades ago but we now know better.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Being offended is one thing, but this woman took it to a whole new level. She insisted to lecture another person and tried unsuccessfully to educate the car's owner. Funny since she said she wasn't there to educate other people.
Oh no. Someone used their right to speak.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I see the reb flag as no different than a nazi flag. Yes it is part of history but it represents hatred. The only place where either is appropriate is in a museum or history text. . .
Or as already posted at the grave of someone who fought under it in the C.S.A.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Then why do many Southern Whites fly the Confederate flag from their houses? Why do many Southern Whites have the names of Civil War heroes? And why do many Southern Whites fantasize about reliving the Civil War?

The Confederacy may not carry any positive emotional weight in Toronto; but in South Carolina or Georgia, it's still pretty potent.
It's the Southern Whites choice to fly the flag. I suspect that many are doing it out of habit or tradition and don't give it a second thought.

My earlier point is that people today cannot fathom what slavery truly is because they were not around to personally experience it. There is also no one left from that era that can give a first hand account of what it was or was not like. Yes, we can gain some knowledge through books and documentaries, but they pale in comparison to the real events.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I would be offended by a Nazi flag on a soldier's grave too.
While I and throngs of others are offended by the idea that a flag at a grave is the same as that flag appropriated by some bunch of racist jerks and that it should be banned.


Jun 19, 2013


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Oh I see. Contrary positions are only allowed if the people paint them on their car.
Not what I or many others have said by a very long shot. Try again. Of course course contrary positions are allowed in a democracy. What I take issue with is that these and many people are not actually speaking to each other. It's just a yelling match of my facts vs your facts and we're left where we started with both sides digging in further. It it should be very obvious that confronting each other does nothing to address the root cause of these issues.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I'm often outraged when I see people wear Che shirts. And I DO have a good cause for the outrage. Yet, I would never dream to try to banish such shirts. And that makes me feel really good. About myself.
Because you hate to see the peasants rise up against their repressive oligarchs? You are probably offended by Tommy Douglas T-shirts too as you make your way to the Doctor's office for your free checkup.
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