Woman dies in waiting room hospital after hour on the floor.(Video)

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New member
Oct 28, 2006
If you go to the ER, you must receive medical care.

People, especially those without health insurance, know this, and they go there with anything: a paper cut, a sore muscle, athlete's foot.

And the hospital staff also knows and is more than used to people coming up with all kinds of fake stories to make their needs seem more urgent than they are.

Tragically, sometimes, you no longer know who's faking and who's not.


It's been good to know ya
Faking or not if they see someone laying on the floor they should walk up and check on them. This woman was completly ignored. :mad:


May 27, 2005
ig-88 said:
If you go to the ER, you must receive medical care.

People, especially those without health insurance, know this, and they go there with anything: a paper cut, a sore muscle, athlete's foot.

And the hospital staff also knows and is more than used to people coming up with all kinds of fake stories to make their needs seem more urgent than they are.

Tragically, sometimes, you no longer know who's faking and who's not.
Faking or not thats no excuse to leave someone lying on the floor...you gotta check on them as you never know, and if they are faking tell them to get up and act right or get out.

A bunch of people got fired/suspended as a result and rightly so


It's been good to know ya
This is obviously not a good hospital

The hospital, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, may have a much bigger problem on its hands. In May, Kings County Hospital was targeted in a federal lawsuit by three organizations that described hospital conditions as "inhumane." Attorneys for the plaintiff released the footage of Green's death Monday night to illustrate in brutal detail some of the allegations made in the suit.

The Mental Hygiene Legal Service, New York Civil Liberties Union and Kirland & Ellis LLP filed the lawsuit after an investigation at the hospital "showed that Kings County psychiatric facilities are overcrowded and often dangerously unsanitary and that patients -- including children and the physically disabled -- are routinely ignored and abused," according to the groups' May 3 release announcing the suit.

The groups claim that alleged mistreatment of patients at the hospital is a violation of the federal Americans With Disabilities Act as well as several New York State provisions that guarantee the delivery of mental health services in a safe and sanitary manner.

Aviles is named as one of the lead defendants in the 36-page suit, which specifically cites five patients, all with some type of disability, who allege "abusive and neglectful" treatment at Kings County.

One patient, L.D., claimed that she was laughed at when she asked to call her family and was placed in a bed with soiled sheets. Another patient, identified as J.P., said that she had to sleep sitting up in a wheelchair after she got up in the night to use the bathroom and returned to find another patient in her bed.

The New York Daily News reported that in addition to the neglect in Green's case, staff members entered false information into her medical chart during the hour in which she lay on the ground to cover up the lack of treatment.



No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
There is absolutely no excuse for what happened. The video on CTV showed two absolutely useless human beings in security guards uniforms. The second guy was so disgustingly lazy that he could not get off his ass and investigate the situation.

I hope those responsible for the care of the people in that room look in the mirror - if they are human, they will not like what they see.

If the woman has family, I hope they sue the state for 9 figures.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:
Awful.... I used to work in a hospital and if I would have been linked in any way to such a situation, I would not be able to forgive myself. Period. Ever.
would you have killed yourself, quit or given the family every dollare you would earn untill you are ready to retire?????


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:

I would just have felt really bad and sorry for this person, having in mind that I had not done my best - if I had been in that area of the facility, of course - to assist her, and improve (potentially) her health status...

Ever work in an Er?????????

You need to focus for minutes at a time..........Every paitent you see is likely to die. Well untill you realized they have a hot dog stuck up their ass.

A patient come in vomiting blood.....................Are they OD-ing or do they have a sever internal injuries???????


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:
Actually yes, during my internship, papasmerf....
and now??????????

which is it??


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
AngéliqueforyouAngéliqueforyou said:
which is what?

why I'm I losing my time talking to this guy.....
We sing we dance we try to shift all attention to others..............You need to think ...........if you miss something that results a death.....did you kill them????


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:

If you are a doctor, I do NOT want to work with you, esp. in ER. We do not have the time.... we have to RESPOND.... stat. Are you with me? If not, you do not belong in the ER.
Look people die and sometimes there is nothing anyone can do.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
The medical examiner's office says it is still trying to determine what caused Green's death. Her medical records will be the focus of an investigation. Hospital documents say she was "awake and sitting quietly" at the very moment she was actually struggling on the floor.

Before you condemn find the facts........If the warrant condemnation then pursue it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:
true.... had several pts w/o their families next to them in their final moments... in palliative care for e.g.... just broke my heart... but nothing I could possibly, and humanly could do. I just prayed with them.
the day we are born our death is written into the book of life.............we can not advoid it


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Angéliqueforyou said:
I understand that... but can I just feel bad for her.... Isn't there a glimpse of 'maybe something could have been done'... seizure? stroke? I do not condemn pops I am being a devil's avocate per se.... I just wonder if something could have been done... sooner, .... more efficient care...
If the paitent walked into her personal physicans office would she have received better care????

Er's are staffed with professionals in the ER and administrator suck asses in the reception area..............


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
The video was just a display of what we the human race have become overall .... disgusting and self indulging........ first there was the ER staff that ignored her and then tried to cover it up .... second were the people waiting in ER .... they just sat there and watched her lie on the floor ........ whether she was dying or not ...... she was on the floor with her head stuck between chairs.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
On the flip side I see that Bill and Hillery live in this area.................Hillery would not stop to save anyone


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Unfortunately ....

Angéliqueforyou said:
which is what?

why I'm I losing my time talking to this guy.....
There are several hopeless morons like him on this board. Thats what your ignore list is for AFY.;)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
y2kmark said:
There are several hopeless morons like him on this board. Thats what your ignore list is for AFY.;)
People are entitled to opinions ans yet many who never met one person will share negitive opinons about them.............How about lunch then you can pass judgement??
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