I'm kind of on the opposite side of this.
First of all, my wife and I love sleeping together. We're very touchy/feely. And when my wife hears stories of married folks taking up separate bedrooms, she looks at me with concern and asks, "That won't ever happen to us, will it?" And I toss and turn all night, but it doesn't bother her a bit. If I start to snore, she turns my face sideways and snuggles. Also, I sleep hot. She sleeps cold. She's always trying to get closer to warm up.
And, oddly, I don't want sex as much as her. In every relationship before her, I wanted sex more than my partner. Much more. A lot much more. But then I met my wife, and she wanted it more than me. And my appetite waned. A lot. No idea why. All I can figure is that if one person wants sex more than the other, the two wants diverge wildly. Don't get me wrong, my wife is beautiful and takes care of herself and she's fun to have sex with. Almost nothing is off-limits with her and she gives in to my crazy desires (sometimes I tie her up for fun). But, there it is.
But, my sex-drive has not waned. As crazy as that sounds. Just my sex-drive with her. I can't explain it. If I had opportunity, I'd bang hot young chicks every day of the week. But with my wife, it's ho-hum. Also, we almost never do it in the evenings. I'm a morning guy. No idea why. And she'll take it almost any time she can get it. If, on the rare occasion she says, "No," she usually regrets it.
I remember being in relationships where I always wanted it more than my SO. And it was the same in reverse. The more I wanted it, the less they wanted it. And I hated not getting enough. Makes me feel sorry for my wife. I try to put out more often, but I find it difficult.