I would walk away saving her and myself a poor session because I would struggle to find her sexually attractive.Because those age old roles have not completely disappeared. How would you react if an SP you booked, showed up with a military haircut, no makeup, black t shirt, carrhart pants, work boots and fingernails trimmed with her incisors? Things are changing, but expectations for men and women are still pretty different from society as a whole.
Expectations for men and women under certain circumstances are different, have always been different, and will always be different, because we are different. And that's okay. Equality in the modern sense has been bastardized to mean identical, which is ridiculous. This modern religion of equality is something we all pay tribute to, incessantly, all day every day (publicly, that is) yet none of us... absolutely none (this goes for all men and all women) believe an ounce of it. Because it defies what we see before us.