I can't believe you're asking this question.
Trump was not.
Do you think I have the right to head over to your home or office and just start reading through your records?
What gives the public the right to full disclosure of a private citizen's personal or business records? Or is freedom of the press the only constitutional right you believe in?
Nowhere did I say we had a right to compel Trump' to disclose. Trump isn't just any citizen. He's applied to become the top public servant in the land by the most public process we have. And he's made as much capital as he could from Clinton's email sins, but without being even minimally forthcoming about his own doings. I'm interested in seeing the same sauce poured on the gander as he has poured on the goose.
So because he's never served the public a day, you think it's fine for Trump to keep his supposedly smart, legal business dealings and taxes secret from voters? Given the foregone taxes that billion dollar bankruptcy netted him, there's certainly a realistic public interest in the business dealings around it, which as you have said were all deeply rooted in public law and policy. But perhaps that's all in the tax audit, we're unlikely ever to see, but which his secretiveness suggests can't be spun to his benefit. Or is your entire view of his conduct limited to what we can compel, leaving you blind to all else? No matter: How are voters any more hindered in deciding about Hillary because we can't see her emails, than Don has hindered them because we can't see his?.
As for the duty of a public servant, given that her emails were Classified, Secret, Top Secret and such, we'd always have had to trust security-cleared insiders like an FBI Director to tell us about them, and that would be limited to essentially what we already got from just such a source. And as I recall, not only did he determine her wrongdoing didn't merit any charges, but that copis and replies in other repositories meant there was no major deficiency. Like The Don in his bankruptcy court, she's had her wrist legally slapped.
So tell us which of the candidate's records you know the least about,. and who's the one being the least forthcoming to the voters. Don't they have a right to the same honesty and openness from both?