Ashley Madison

Wikileaks: The polls are rigged


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
So you pull out 3 left-wing media as your sources, and thats your evidence?? :D
Left wing? Stupid comment.

Even your buddy Bud Plug realizes Hilary is much more popular in Canada as stated it in this thread.

Those were the first 3 in a quick google search. I read through about 10 others, all saying the same thing.

Feel free to prove me wrong with your examples from more credible sources .... if you can.


Jun 11, 2011
Kelly Conway, Trump's Campaign Manager stated in the last week: "that she doesn't "believe" there will be widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election". Trump's VP running mate also states he believes voter fraud won't be significant.

Only Trump and his surrogates are making these claims.

You sound alot like Trump.
Actually it's the voters who are now saying they are choosing republican on the machines and its selecting a democrat, so now the voters are having to double and triple check their votes, which of course, they are willing to do.

Also, it wouldn't be the first time it has happened before.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Actually it's the voters who are now saying they are choosing republican on the machines and its selecting a democrat, so now the voters are having to double and triple check their votes, which of course, they are willing to do.
Yet no similar reports in the early polls for this election.

also, it wouldn't be the first time it has happened before
Did you watch the whole video?? The report was for a single machine in Chicago in 2014. A calibration problem for the machine was identified and corrected. The voter immediately saw the error and did verify his vote was eventually properly counted. Nothing was hidden from him. No FRAUD occurred. No other similar reports for other machines or other districts. This appears to be a one-off incident.

In your own words "voters are having to double and triple check their votes, which of course, they are willing to do" ..... so clearly the votes are being correctly counted.

You should have said "voter" not "voters". That was fraud on your part. Any other proof of "widespread voter fraud"?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
The GOP commissioned polls that Conway and other spokespeople have referenced to in their formal interviews (not the CNN panel shows).

LOL, I think you spent too much time watching headlines and not watching the full interviews. Conway was interviewed on Meet the Press, MSNBC and CNN. She was indeed asked and when pressed she first said "somewhat behind" then "1-4 points in key states" and then stated "4-5 country-wide". On MSNBC she stated: "she doesn't believe there will be widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election".
I haven't watched every interview she's done, but I did watch the MSNBC interview. You pretty much confirmed my take. She did not agree with the much higher 7-9 percent national figure thrown around on that network. 4-5 isn't time to throw in the towel, given the margin of error and turnout issues.

That would be true for both sides wouldn't it Bud Plug? HRC could therefore win with a larger advantage including possibly taking the house, senate or both. Since Hilary has a larger ground team, is better organized and has a larger budget this could certainly happen..
Statistically true. She has spent a lot more money on a lot of things this election, but it doesn't appear that her excessive spending has been that effective (imagine that - a politician whose spending is innefficent!) That's why Trump is still in the game. It's going to take a hell of a ground game to get those Bernie supporters to the booth and all those unregistered voters signed up. No problems of that kind on the Trump side. Clinton can't even get her supporters to come to a rally. Kaine can't even draw family members to one of his rallies.

We KNOW that do we? Co-ordinated? You've already stated in this thread it wasn't coordinated. LOL, you are doing exactly what you accuse others of, making up facts. MSM spends more time covering Trump rallies, speeches and activities than for any other candidate including the primaries.
We sure do know that, from WikiLeaks #1. Read back on my posts, I've never said otherwise. I've simply said that some things, like the media organizing favourable poll reporting for Hillary, wouldn't necessarily take active co-ordination.

A particularly good example of co-ordination was Anderson Cooper setting up Trump at debate #2 asking him if he ever did what he was talking about on the bus. What coincidence that a couple of days later all of the accusers come out, to a newspaper, but then are quickly interviewed at length on CNN by Cooper himself.

Yes, the MSM provides as much negative coverage of Trump as they can possibly fill the air with, because they haven't got any positive Clinton stories to present.

Bull. Trump is intentionally attacking the press in order to create an conspiratorial association with the establishment in the mind of his targeted followers. It's worked for the crowd that won him the primaries and he's simply trying it again. Under this strategy, negative press is good press.
It's a little rich for you to use a term like "bull" and then counter with such a wild speculative theory. A simpler explanation is more credible. Trump would praise the press if they were on his side. He's criticizing them because they aren't. In any case, they clearly deserve the criticism they are getting, and then some.

BULL. You obviously didn't watch Trumps last few speeches. He spent 60-75% of the time attacking his woman accusers, attacking the press, talking about the rigged election and he's back talking about putting Clinton in jail. When he does talk about his plans, the details are still too thin.
Nope. Where do you think I got those numbers from? They are exactly correct from the only speech he gave on the day he announced he would be suing the accusers. On that day, almost 100% of the coverage on CNN and NBC concerned the lawsuit, and hardly any coverage was given to his 100 day plan.

I doubt you're watching many Trump speeches in their entirety. Did you watch the one today? I did. What percentage of the time in the speech today did he spend talking about his accusers?


Jun 11, 2011
Yet no similar reports in the early polls for this election.

Did you watch the whole video?? The report was for a single machine in Chicago in 2014. A calibration problem for the machine was identified and corrected. The voter immediately saw the error and did verify his vote was eventually properly counted. Nothing was hidden from him. No FRAUD occurred. No other similar reports for other machines or other districts. This appears to be a one-off incident.

In your own words "voters are having to double and triple check their votes, which of course, they are willing to do" ..... so clearly the votes are being correctly counted.

You should have said "voter" not "voters". That was fraud on your part. Any other proof of "widespread voter fraud"?
The first part of my response in regards to the voters double and triple checking IS happening now throughout a few States. As to the video, it's 2 years old, i posted it as an example that it does happen and voters are saying as much in this election.

Or maybe the one machine that was faulty was just Soro's machine eh?


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Yes I did, and the machine changed it on him, because he was voting for his fellow republican, how many voted and didn't even bother checking?Or maybe it was just Soro's machine eh?
Again - from the video - it was a single machine. The voter saw the error on the screen - no fraud intended or occurred. It was identified as a calibration problem and fixed. The calibration error could have just as easily gone the other way - curious did you check and verify if the state was red or blue before posting? You do realize different states use many different voting tools?

Your words "voters are having to double and triple check their votes, which of course, they are willing to do". So where is the problem?

In summary: No other similar reported problems with other machines. No problems reported in this election yet. Checks and balances in place and working. Where's the "widespread fraud" Supercharge?


Jun 11, 2011
In summary: No other similar reported problems with other machines. No problems reported in this election yet. Checks and balances in place and working. Where's the "widespread fraud" Supercharge?
Do you have an hour? Do you know how many states have Soro's smartmatic machines? Here, I will help you out, 16 States have his machines.

Side note: In the video, he wasn't just a regular voter, he was a republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan having trouble voting. How many laypersons didn't even bother to check I wonder?


May 6, 2006
Not sure if this has been covered yet, but oversampling is just a technical term for a deliberate survey technique used to make a sample more representative of the population being polled.

This may be useful:


Oversampling is used to study small groups, not bias poll results

By Andrew Mercer

Every election year, questions arise about how polling techniques and practices might skew poll results one way or the other. In the final weeks before this year’s election, the practice of “oversampling” and its possible effect on presidential polls is in the media spotlight.

Oversampling is the practice of selecting respondents so that some groups make up a larger share of the survey sample than they do in the population. Oversampling small groups can be difficult and costly, but it allows polls to shed light on groups that would otherwise be too small to report on.

This might sound like it would make the survey unrepresentative, but pollsters correct this through weighting. With weighting, groups that were oversampled are brought back in line with their actual share of the population – removing the potential for bias.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Do you have an hour? Do you know how many states have Soro's smartmatic machines? Here, I will help you out, 16 States have his machines.
Supercharge, as usual, you are 100% wrong. The correct answer is zero.
1) Soros does not own Smartmatic, nor does he have any investments in the company. That was a rumour started by ...... guess who (hint it was a web site managed by one of Trump's campaign managers).
2) According to the Smartmatic website, their machines will not be in use in the US 2016 election. <-- I verified this information from several outher sites.

A small detail, but it was 307 counties in 16 states, not the entire state. Full disclosure, Mark Malloch-Brown the CEO of smartmatic sits on one of the boards of Soros’ Open Society Foundation. OSF has 22 boards, with dozens of members between them.

BTW, The smartmatic hardware includes voting machine models with voter-verified paper audit trail. I wonder if those counties bought that model, as it would certainly eliminate the controversy.

Please, start taking the time to check what you are posting as almost all of your (conspiracy) posts are full of easily identifiable errors these days.


Jan 31, 2005
Do you have an hour? Do you know how many states have Soro's smartmatic machines? Here, I will help you out, 16 States have his machines.

Side note: In the video, he wasn't just a regular voter, he was a republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan having trouble voting. How many laypersons didn't even bother to check I wonder?
Which part is promo's post did you have trouble understanding. A single machine in 2014.

That's insignificant.


Jun 11, 2011
Supercharge, as usual, you are 100% wrong
1) Soros does not own Smartmatic, nor does he have any investments in the company. That was a rumour started by ...... guess who (hint it was a web site managed by one of Trump's campaign managers).
2) According to the Smartmatic website, their machines will not be in use in the US 2016 election. <-- I verified this information from several outher sites.

A small detail, but it was 307 counties in 16 states, not the entire state. Full disclosure, Mark Malloch-Brown the CEO of smartmatic sits on one of the boards of Soros’ Open Society Foundation. OSF has 22 boards, with dozens of members between them.

BTW, The smartmatic hardware includes voting machine models with voter-verified paper audit trail. I wonder if those counties bought that model, as it would certainly eliminate the controversy.

Please, start taking the time to check what you are posting as almost all of your (conspiracy) posts are full of easily identifiable errors these days.
You should take a look at Wikileaks then, Soro's ties are deeper than you might think. Basically, by removing the machines they are confirming the machines are rigged or they are flawed, bigly.


Jan 31, 2005
What part of I wasn't talking to you don't you understand?
It doesn't matter who you were talking to, you were posting nonsense. One broken machine two years ago is insignificant.

You have no reasons for the things you post. None. It's just stupid conspiracy theory like the utter garbage you post about 9/11.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
What part of I wasn't talking to you don't you understand?
This is an open bulletin board. Everyone has the right to comment. Shall I start pointing out every time you respond to someone who wasn't talking to you?

you should take a look at Wikileaks then, cause he does, through a partner
Not that it's relevant, but feel free to provide a link. You had better check your facts though, because you know I will and you are looking pretty damn foolish these days.

Did you miss this key fact: Smartmatic machines AREN'T BEING USED in this election! Why are you still scandalizing Smartmatic and/or Soros?

Did you also miss the fact that this lie originated with one of Trump's campaign managers? When are you going to realize you are being played?


Jun 11, 2011
It doesn't matter who you were talking to, you were posting nonsense. One broken machine two years ago is insignificant.

You have no reasons for the things you post. None. It's just stupid conspiracy theory like the utter garbage you post about 9/11.
Fuji I don't know if you are living on earth with the rest of us or not, but you are way behind my friend. Look alive, many voters are saying they're votes are not counting the way it should be and are even getting video evidence.


Jun 11, 2011
This is an open bulletin board. Everyone has the right to comment. Shall I start pointing out every time you respond to someone who wasn't talking to you?

Not that it's relevant, but feel free to provide a link. You had better check your facts though, because you know I will and you are looking pretty damn foolish these days.

Did you miss this key fact: Smartmatic machines AREN'T BEING USED in this election! Why are you still scandalizing Smartmatic and/or Soros?

Did you also miss the fact that this lie originated with one of Trump's campaign managers? When are you going to realize you are being played?
I learned about this Soro's deal through Wikileaks. So the video from 2 years ago was Trumps fault too? You guys just don't want to accept the facts. It's happens before, and it's happening now, look at the video evidence. Your google friendly, go nuts.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Look alive, many voters are saying they're votes are not counting the way it should be and are even fetting video evidence.
Like the evidence you already provided? Turned out to be all lies originated by the Trump team itself.



Jan 31, 2005
Fuji I don't know if you are living on earth with the rest of us or not, but you are way behind my friend. Look alive, many voters are saying they're votes are not counting the way it should be and are even getting video evidence.
Sorry, but the only people talking about this are die hard Trump supporters who refuse to admit that Trump is just not that popular.

Which seems more plausible:

1. Trump is just not that popular


1. Many opinion polls by many polling companies are all rigged, and

2. Even the Republucan sponsored polls are rigged, and

3. Many media companies are all in on this giant conspiracy, and

4. The Republucan party is in on the conspiracy too, and

5. The many different election commissions in many different states are all rigged as well

Basically you have gone beyond Kookville and teleported to an alternate kook universe.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
I learned about this Soro's deal through Wikileaks. So the video from 2 years ago was Trumps fault too? You guys just don't want to accept the facts. It's happens before, and it's happening now, look at the video evidence. Your google friendly, go nuts.
What facts? What proof? What video evidence? Do you really think if you repeat the same garbage over and over it will suddenly be viewed as truth? Ohhh, I guess Trump tries this all the time.

Did you read that the Trump organization has chosen to not use his name on several of their new buildings? Several Trump partners have made the same decision. Seems his brand has taken quite a hit of late.
Ashley Madison
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