Why Tipping Is A Scam!!!


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Mar 16, 2021


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Nov 6, 2010


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Ha ha I know what you mean! I was a bartender/waiter for most of my 20's (got to university and other job later...).

One night a new bartender girl came for her first shift ever. She asked me why she would be doing client's and me service bar. I looked at her tits smiling haha She got it. Later that night I told her I was lucky because the tradition at that bar was for the new girl to give a blowjob to her partner. Of course I told her it was all bogus but she execute it anyhow... To my pleasure.

In all the years of working bars/club and restaurant I would say it's rare the staff will hook up with clients. But the quickies executed between the staff was very high.
And in today's reality, you just admitted to sexual harassment and potentially sexual assault if the girl felt pressured into servicing you or she could lose her job. I know you portray it as joking but as the more senior employee it isn't very professional.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
And in today's reality, you just admitted to sexual harassment and potentially sexual assault if the girl felt pressured into servicing you or she could lose her job. I know you portray it as joking but as the more senior employee it isn't very professional.
I don't know if it changed much to be honest. Anyone who worked long enough in this industry can relate.

And I am not talking about the boss asking stuff to the staff here (there was some harassment back then and that must have stopped I think).
But the stuff between co-workers? It's probably worst due to sexual liberty they have today. I am older now and this stuff is over for me but my god the stuff I hear from the girls.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't know if I would agree that tipping is a scam, per se, but it is definitely getting out of control. I would be willing to pay more for my meals if I didn't have to tip, especially as tips have become so normalized that many establishments feel entitled to add a gratuity to the bill! This becomes even more egregious if you don't notice it and end up leaving an additional tip at the table.

What I really take exception to is the people who defend this cultural norm. Why can't a restaurant pay minimum wage just like any other business? If someone is skilled and/or brings in additional business for whatever reason (friendly, attractive, a flirt, whatever) they should be able to negotiate a higher pay than the person who does the bare minimum. Why should I, the customer, be responsible for rewarding the restaurant's staff for doing a good job? My only responsibility should be to act like a civilized human being, enjoy the food prepared, or not, pay my bill at the end and leave with a memory that will presumably cause me to choose to return to that establishment in the future.

If I get bad service my recourse is to choose not to return. Consistently bad service will result in the business closing, much like any other type of business. Personally I don't go to a restaurant to flirt with the waitress. Don't get me wrong, like any guy on a site like this, I would prefer to have an attractive server that is friendly but friendly and polite doesn't equal flirting and we aren't talking about a go-go bar with takeout service, lol.

Unfortunately we need the government to address this first. They need to eliminate the lower minimum wage for wait staff as this is the main argument I hear from people that defend tipping culture. Once that is done, hopefully our society will start to treat it like any other job. It isn't like a waitress or waiter has to put up with crap that nobody else has to deal with. I'm sure everyone could list at least a half dozen jobs that deal with crap on a daily basis, for minimum wage, that doesn't get a tip for doing what they are paid to do already.
Studies have shown servers rank consistently in the top 3-5 for stress levels in jobs, usually right behind Air Traffic Controllers (always #1) and cops. As well incidence of alcoholism, due both to proximity, availability, on top of stress, is some of the highest by profession.

It was a byweekly occurance for a female server to lose it, go on a crying jag, or a guy to throw something or punch a wall. And you have no idea how casually cruel people can be to servers. Other service industry get their share I agree. But its usually for a few minutes. We get them for hours. And when they have been drinking. And there are lots of mean drunks out there. We have to deal with assaults, things thrown at is, the ladies some real and dangerous moments. Walk outs, and people literally coming in, and openly mocking a working server as beneath them.

Burnout is high. You should see how many quit within a week because they can't handle it. You work nights, weekends, holidays. Miss Family gatherings, can only date other servers due to hours, end up feeling like a Vampire sometimes because you are up until 4am or later(we still need to party to). And all the while we can't have a bad day, can't have a grumpy day, and are constantly being judged. Imagine if every single little job you had, and every little mistake you made could and would cost you money, or if even if you did everything right you could still get stiffed.

That's the life. I did make good money, and my demeanor meant my stress was lower. But even I burned out. It happens to almost everyone. You start to hate people. Because you get quite good at judging from greeting who a person is. The cash is the only benefit. Thats why its defended. Take that away and believe me the whole industry will change.

But you are right. It has to come from the govt.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And in today's reality, you just admitted to sexual harassment and potentially sexual assault if the girl felt pressured into servicing you or she could lose her job. I know you portray it as joking but as the more senior employee it isn't very professional.
Yup. And you obviously have never worked in the hyper sexualized atmosphere of the bar industry. Its filled with good looking young people, single, with alcohol, drugs and a nightly party atmosphere we are expected to maintain and heighten for the customers. Coupled with the high stress, ready cash, and need to blow steam. The girls were raring to go. Managers got offered sex for shifts. And generally fell into a party mindset.

That type of behavior was far more prevalent in offices(sex for promotions and jobs) and supposed Professional workplaces.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Yup. And you obviously have never worked in the hyper sexualized atmosphere of the bar industry. Its filled with good looking young people, single, with alcohol, drugs and a nightly party atmosphere we are expected to maintain and heighten for the customers. Coupled with the high stress, ready cash, and need to blow steam. The girls were raring to go. Managers got offered sex for shifts. And generally fell into a party mindset.

That type of behavior was far more prevalent in offices(sex for promotions and jobs) and supposed Professional workplaces.
Wow. Did you consider auditioning for the role of lawyer for Harvey Weinstein? I'm pretty sure that would have been his defense as well...


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2021
I will tip %20 if the service is good and the server brings water and such but I find here in Toronto ( especially good looking women ) feel entitled to a huge tip with the sad song of we live off our tips . Well get a better job it’s not my fault you choose to work in non skilled labour !
and let’s be clear you can learn to be a waiter in a day


Jan 25, 2011
We, as a society should do what we can to get rid of tipping in all service industries. Staff should be paid a living wage just like all other non-tipworthy jobs (nod to Mr. Pink)

Given capacity limitations, servers are not going to get the volume of customers or tips that they got before the pandemic.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I will tip %20 if the service is good and the server brings water and such but I find here in Toronto ( especially good looking women ) feel entitled to a huge tip with the sad song of we live off our tips . Well get a better job it’s not my fault you choose to work in non skilled labour !
and let’s be clear you can learn to be a waiter in a day
Lol. Go ahead. Try it. I can tell you have never worked a busy floor. Or any one for that matter. You would quit within a day.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Wow. Did you consider auditioning for the role of lawyer for Harvey Weinstein? I'm pretty sure that would have been his defense as well...
Lol. Not a clue. And Harvey was a scumbag who who was in a position of extreme authority, literalky could get you the Oscar. I'm talking about putting groups of young, outgoing single good looking people together in a party atmosphere every working night. With high stress, ready nightly cash, and few rules.

You obviously spent your time in the library, or the AV room.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
As a former server it can be eliminated.

Of course all your meals and drinks will cost more. In case of bad service you really wont have any recourse. And you will have less serving staff. Most restaurants over staff now with 3-4 table sections. Which will slow things down a bit. And the hot girls? Well a bunch of them won't work anymore. Do you think they don't know they get cash due to looks. When I bartended I played service bar while my partner put on the low cut top. And we split it even. But for the most part they aren't great servers. So either crappier service from the ones in, and or less of them for hire as they will find other means of cash. And they sure won't dress sexy, or flirt with you. They won't have any reason to. Right? Unless they overpaid to wear it, and do it. Will you pay strip club prices for a beer everywhere?

There is a reason there are no chains like Hooters, Earl's, various sports bars etc. in Europe.

So there is the reality. Enjoy.

You nailed it.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Lol. Not a clue. And Harvey was a scumbag who who was in a position of extreme authority, literalky could get you the Oscar. I'm talking about putting groups of young, outgoing single good looking people together in a party atmosphere every working night. With high stress, ready nightly cash, and few rules.

You obviously spent your time in the library, or the AV room.
I so much understand you. For a long time I tough about writing a book about my years in this industry. My god all the juicy details I could write. Once in a while you would see stuff happening directly in the restaurant/club/bar... But only on slow nights. Never ever on busy nights with many staff. And truly I never witness anything against the will of the girl/boy. And never with the bartender/waitress/waiter who were not into it (cus they had a regular bf/gf or were married). No was no. And one thing that different in this industry is that there is no battle for position. Bartenders/waiter/waitress do not want to become managers... That would mean even longer hours with less money! Sex was purely for fun.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
Lol. Not a clue. And Harvey was a scumbag who who was in a position of extreme authority, literalky could get you the Oscar. I'm talking about putting groups of young, outgoing single good looking people together in a party atmosphere every working night. With high stress, ready nightly cash, and few rules.

You obviously spent your time in the library, or the AV room.
Nah, my handle is meant to mislead. Although I did, and do, read a lot. I get that young, attractive people get horny and fuck like rabbits. I miss that part of being in my 20's. I was more talking about your comment regarding managers being offered sex for shifts and the, right or wrong, perception that it was more prevalent in offices and other professional work spaces. I'm only in my early 40's and I work in a small office so that has never been my reality.

My point was just that it is wrong to expect society to support a lavish lifestyle for the attractive young. My sister in law used to work as a waitress and on a busy night she would bring home a few hundred dollars in cash as her share of the tip out. No tax paid on it and she was making more than I did. Her paycheck was a joke but she never needed it, she lived on her tips.

And to respond to your comment about the abuse, try working in customer service for a company like Rogers or Bell. Do you think that a customer who has sat on hold for 45 minutes to dispute a charge is nicer than your average diner?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
I think the culture of food and dining out is totally different in Europe vs most other places. They generally take their time eating. Pretty much everyone else wants to shovel food in their mouths and get the hell out. I think the French view waiters as being in a honourable profession. I'm sure this has gradually changed as more Western food chains have expanded globally though.
Yeah, I’ll totally agree with you.
If I’m eating in a restaurant in the US, I always feel rushed. Mostly because they are trying to turn over the table. One time at an outback in orlando they started clearing dishes off our table 20 min into the meal. Rude and terrible. It’s all about shoveling food into the customers mouth as much and fast as possible.

Anywhere in europe I’ve been, the culture of dining out is more civilized. The portions are the right size, you are encouraged to linger. I’d rather have an hour and half to two hour dinner and graciously pay whatever the menu price is rather than a US chain.

Don’t even get me started on Golden Corral.

I swear im not a snob but man, US food, aside from BBQ just ain’t that great.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Ha ha I know what you mean! I was a bartender/waiter for most of my 20's (got to university and other job later...).

One night a new bartender girl came for her first shift ever. She asked me why she would be doing client's and me service bar. I looked at her tits smiling haha She got it. Later that night I told her I was lucky because the tradition at that bar was for the new girl to give a blowjob to her partner. Of course I told her it was all bogus but she execute it anyhow... To my pleasure.

In all the years of working bars/club and restaurant I would say it's rare the staff will hook up with clients. But the quickies executed between the staff was very high.
Post this to the "Ever lie to get sex?" thread. I have heard of some similar situations with some strip clubs....


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Nah, my handle is meant to mislead. Although I did, and do, read a lot. I get that young, attractive people get horny and fuck like rabbits. I miss that part of being in my 20's. I was more talking about your comment regarding managers being offered sex for shifts and the, right or wrong, perception that it was more prevalent in offices and other professional work spaces. I'm only in my early 40's and I work in a small office so that has never been my reality.

My point was just that it is wrong to expect society to support a lavish lifestyle for the attractive young. My sister in law used to work as a waitress and on a busy night she would bring home a few hundred dollars in cash as her share of the tip out. No tax paid on it and she was making more than I did. Her paycheck was a joke but she never needed it, she lived on her tips.

And to respond to your comment about the abuse, try working in customer service for a company like Rogers or Bell. Do you think that a customer who has sat on hold for 45 minutes to dispute a charge is nicer than your average diner?
Glad you see that side. And yes I lived on tips too. I would forget to cash paychecks. Btw the sex for shifts was OFFERED. The managers never asked.

And I did telesales too. All I can say is there is a big difference between an irate caller, and a 200+ # drunk who you just cut off, with his buddies, or sometimes worse the self entitled drunk Karen. They are right there, in your face and ready to start punching. And yes, I had to do it in Family Restaurants on Mother's Day.

Dont get me wrong most nights ran smooth(but busy, I could lose a pound in weight), i made bank, and had some fun. But when It went south, it really went south. You have to have worked a floor to understand.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I have to agree with "Mr. White" about the importance of tipping. What I don't like is tips expected for other transactions in which they really provided no service other than processing your payment. There are more and more tip jars in various retail outlets that are not traditional tipping transactions.
The other thing I was shocked to learn about is some restaurants asking that customers buy a round of beer for the kitchen staff. That's shameful and problematic.....
I heard something more weird. In Germany, off the tourist area in small towns, some bar have a bell like a statue hanging or on a pedestal. If you ring the bell you have to buy a round for everyone in the bar at that moment. The person who told me the story, on business there with his comrade, were told this by their host. Well the Comrade was a clown and decided to ring it. All patrons cheered and the bar in instant started serving everyone and his bill came close to 4 digits. Meaning they jacked up the price.
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