Why I will vote liberal ........


New member
Dec 3, 2005
• Because I believe in the extent to which the Official Languages
Act is carried out and enforced; that every public servant even in the
most remote part of B.C. should be fluent in the French language, but
that government business in Quebec should be in unilingual French.

• Because I believe that only lawyers from the province of Quebec
are qualified to be prime minister of Canada.

• Because I believe that the federal government should be completely
controlled by the province of Quebec.

• Because I believe that all criminals are just poor misunderstood
victims of society and can all be easily rehabilitated in a very short
period of time; and that only they have "rights"; not the victims of
their crimes.

• Because I believe that hardened criminals like Karla Homolka
should be pampered by living in a "cottage" with her own key and be
allowed to have pajama parties and go out on shopping trips; and that
killers in prison "resorts" on the Pacific coast should eat filet
mignon, have barbecues, go whale watching and have their own golf
course, while our senior citizens have to eat left over Kraft Dinner.

• Because I believe that mass murderers under the age of 18 should
be protected by the Young Offenders Act and the rest of us law-abiding
citizens do not have the right to know who they are.

• Because I believe in bringing hundreds of thousands of unskilled
people into Canada from third world countries every year so we can
support them on welfare and so that they will vote Liberal; and that
this number should be increased every year.

• Because I believe that it is fair that the province of Quebec is
the sole province allowed to be in charge of its immigration policy;
that they receive 5 times the amount of federal immigration money than
does Ontario, even though Ontario has to teach those people how to
speak English whereas Quebec only allows immigrants to enter who
already know the French language.

• Because I believe that we do not have a right to own land in
Canada, as this right is specifically left out of our constitution.

• Because I believe it is only fair that Liberals steal as much tax
money as they can from us; through every conceivable means from the
HRDC boondoggle to the 2 billion dollar gun registry that does not

• Because I believe that if my family is the victim of a home
invasion I should not have the right to protect them in our own home.

• Because I believe in huge government bureaucracy and extremely
high taxes, as I believe that the government knows how to spend my
money better than I do.

• Because I believe in having essentially no military because
everyone loves us and we will never be called upon to protect our

• Because Jack Layton is not a lawyer from Quebec so he is not
qualified to be prime minister; besides, he smiles too much.

• Because Stephen Harper is not a lawyer from Quebec and he and the
Conservative Party of Canada have a hidden agenda and they are very
scary people.

• Because I believe that we should alienate our neighbours to the
South because all Americans are morons and know nothing about Canada;
and that we should continue to align ourselves more closely with our
true friends, France, China and Russia.

• Because I believe everything that the Liberal controlled media
tells me, especially the CBC.

• Because I believe that no one should ever be held responsible or
accountable for their own actions in today's society. It is always
someone else's fault.

• Because I believe that we should not expect newcomers to our
country to accept or adapt to our culture and traditions and customs;
and that we should not wish each other "Merry Christmas" in case it
might be offensive to some.

• Because I have the IQ of a doorknob and am easily sucked in by
Liberal scare tactics and propaganda; and am easily bought off with my
own tax money.


New member
Sep 5, 2001
After you are done you can replace "Quebec" with "New York City" and come to the U.S. to vote liberal...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
It is sad but there are some who not only endorse all the above but will vote liberal to keep the above in place....

You forgot a couple:

• Because I believe that we should not expect our government leaders to pay taxes on the profits their companies make. Paul Martin re-flagging his canadian ships to avoid paying taxes on their profits
• Because I believe in the "do as I say, not as I do" credo as in "The public must use the public healthcare system but I prefer a private clinic": Martin
• Because I believe my government should be allowed to do whatever they want with tax dollars including embezzeling millions of dollars by laundering it through "gift" contracts with companies
• Because I believe my government should be allowed to be in charge of their own pay scales, be able to vote themselves increases whenever they see fit, and make their own policy in regards to what expenses are not only allowed, but encouraged.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Get over the Quebec thing already. Replace the word Quebec with Jewish and see how your post sounds. If a Quebecer managed to become PM, then that's because he had the brains and drive to do it. So be it.

Your arguments are lame at best, never the less, keep one thing in mind.

The economy is doing well, the stock market is at a record high, unemployment is at 30 year lows, the dollar is up, the debt is down, the deficit has been eliminated for 9 years running.

Oh yeah, some of us like the CBC just the way it is. If anything during this election, they have been much harder on Martin than Harper for some reason.


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
james t kirk said:
Oh yeah, some of us like the CBC just the way it is. If anything during this election, they have been much harder on Martin than Harper for some reason.

maybe the CBC is kissing up to their new bosses ?

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
I'm voting Liberal because Harper will change the country I live in for the worst
wrong hole said:
I'm voting Liberal because Harper will change the country I live in for the worst
Jeez I hate this type of comment! Could you at least put forth a decent argument about what YOU THINK Harper will do, or not do?
This country is great, but has some "management" problems.
Every once in a while, a new management team needs to be put in place and set out a new agenda.
so wrong hole...what in heavens name ARE YOU afraid of?

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Diode said:
Jeez I hate this type of comment! Could you at least put forth a decent argument about what YOU THINK Harper will do, or not do?
This country is great, but has some "management" problems.
Every once in a while, a new management team needs to be put in place and set out a new agenda.
so wrong hole...what in heavens name ARE YOU afraid of?

well I kind of already briefly gone through this in the politics section

this is the lounge

but short of it

-My ideals differ from the Alliance's (Conservatives) - they don't stand for anything I believe in philosophically

-Though having them in power might benefit me financially b/c I'm one of them well off dudes - but I don't really care about that

-Who I really want to vote for is The Green Party, but I can't stand the I will vote liberal

-the liberals stole and lied but I suspect the conservatives will do the same thing too - the funny thing is the gommery report and this election is costing the tax payer ten fold what the liberals did

-since the liberals have been in power, canada has florished hasn't been too bad
wrong hole said:
well I kind of already briefly gone through this in the politics section

this is the lounge

but short of it

-My ideals differ from the Alliance's (Conservatives) - they don't stand for anything I believe in philosophically

-Though having them in power might benefit me financially b/c I'm one of them well off dudes - but I don't really care about that

-Who I really want to vote for is The Green Party, but I can't stand the I will vote liberal

-the liberals stole and lied but I suspect the conservatives will do the same thing too - the funny thing is the gommery report and this election is costing the tax payer ten fold what the liberals did

-since the liberals have been in power, canada has florished hasn't been too bad
Look at the words you use. Is there nothing that a conservative/reform/alliace supporter and Liberal agree on .Doubt it.
You say you can't "stand" the Conservatives. Sounds like a non-rational attack to me.
You suspect the C'c might be as corrupt as the L's , why? What proof?
I'm glad you have a lot of money. Good for you! Why do you want to get in the way of ME attaining the same?

Elections cost money?! No kidding. Certain things are worth the expense. Some things are not.

Your right, Canada's doing OK. I'm convinced, we can do BETTER.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Diode said:
Look at the words you use. Is there nothing that a conservative/reform/alliace supporter and Liberal agree on .Doubt it.
I don't really want to debate politics on a board that specializes on female company for the lonely and disillusioned

but here's a prime example of differing philosophy btwn Conservatives and Liberals - if liberals were going to win...this would never happen. While this does not affect affects a small group of our society.

Gays rush to altar, fearing marriage law at risk News Staff

Gay couples across Canada are rushing to the altar, worried that a possible Conservative government will reverse the legalization of same sex marriages.

David Lockwood and Jason Cass got married Wednesday in Toronto.

"We decided Saturday night (to get married) Wednesday afternoon. The election is Monday. We wanted to do it before Monday," Cass said.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said at the beginning of the election campaign that he would allow a free vote on the issue if the Conservatives form the next government.

Pastor Mickey Wilson in Edmonton is scheduled to marry five same-sex couples in 10 days.

Toronto's city hall wedding co-ordinator, Louise Code, said there are 10 same-sex marriages booked for Friday.

"We've noticed a considerable surge in same-sex weddings that wish to be performed," she said.

So has Winnipeg wedding planning company Pride Bride.

Co-owner Rita Leonard told CTV's Canada AM Thursday her company has been getting many more calls than usual with the looming election. Some couples are considering marriage as a political statement and others are just looking at holding their weddings sooner, she said.

"For the most part we're telling people to be cautious, you know, take your time, don't rush into anything," Leonard said.

"Nothing is going to change overnight," added Pride Bride's marriage commissioner, Paula Rutledge. "We have lots of time, and we don't feel that people have to panic."

Ontario Health Minister George Smitherman and his partner are also considering pushing up their marriage date if Harper becomes prime minister.

"We're concerned that the rights we currently have that are constitutionally guaranteed are put at risk by Mr. Harper," Smitherman said.

Same-sex marriage was legalized by the Liberal government last spring when it changed the definition of marriage to include such unions.

Rutledge said she doesn't think revoking the rights would be easy or fair.

"You can't put the genie back in the bottle, and for us to have no equality with a similar same-sex couple that lives next door to us, I just can't see it."

The wedding rush is occurring as Vote Marriage Canada, a supporter of traditional marriage, released on Wednesday a list of 50 election candidates it is endorsing. The list includes Conservative candidates such as Stephen Harper, Jason Kenney and Vic Toews, who are opposed to same-sex marriage.

The group's leader, former Conservative MP Grant Hill, called for a free vote on the issue.

"Win or not, I'll be satisfied with the results of a free vote," he said.

Another group, Equipping Christians for the Public Square, is encouraging Christians to vote for candidates who favour traditional marriage.

"We're saying look at the candidates and those candidates who are going to defend that institution (of marriage), those are the ones we're encouraging you to vote for," Rev. Kirstin Emanuel, a Presbyterian minister and president of the group, told CTV's Mike Duffy.

Liberal Leader Paul Martin also brought up the issue Wednesday. He said Harper is "out of step" with Canadian values on issues including same sex-marriage and abortion.

"The question isn't change. It's change for what? I don't believe that Canadians want to roll back the clock."

Some are questioning whether a Harper government would have the constitutional right to redefine marriage as being a union between a man and a woman.

"Ultimately, it's clear that it won't work to try and take away equal marriage,'' said Laurie Arron, director of advocacy for Egale Canada, a gay and lesbian rights organization said. He added that courts in eight provinces have already ruled it's unconstitutional to exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage.

Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said the concerns of gay couples aren't unwarranted.

"What's troubling people isn't the immediate effect of what Mr. Harper intends, but the cast of mind that is so quick to over ride the constitution and charter of rights," he said on Countdown with Mike Duffy.

Duffy also questioned whether the Liberal Party has a double standard because 32 of its MPs voted against same sex marriage last year.

Cotler reiterated the Liberals are concerned about Harper's lack of respect for the Charter of Rights
So your point, I think is......

A free vote in parliament, by people who represent Their constituents, is a "bad thing."

Really? The people of the country should have NO Input in goverment, except if they are a"lobby group"?HUH?

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane

who are you talking to and what is your point?
hugqgy said:
You're convinced we can do better? Why? What proof?

Hmmmm, asking for proof that politicians are corrupt is like asking for proof that water is wet or that orange is a colour. Those are definitions, not something that needs proving.

You don't think that I KNOW that the green party higher-ups (if they ever get elected) won't skim some of the best weed off the top for themselves? of course I do...

These are all childish arguements.
Sorry, but NO. I base my ideas on track records...Not on my personal "feelings" about the way the "system" has worked in the past.

The Greens in my opinion are the worst of the bunch. They put the environment on the same level as peoples liberty.
Can't agree with that.
However, I don't know if they are corrupt. I KNOW the Libs are.
wrong hole said:

who are you talking to and what is your point?
Your point WH. Or at least your quotes.
Why is the same sex debate....The reason urban people fear the Cs?
I can't, for the life of me understand.
For many, many, many people across the country, the same sex mairrage issue was literly Rammed down their throats.
Many people were willin to give-in somewhat, if the definition of marriage remained the same. But...the government forced their hand, and now they want to be heard.
Its democracy. I'm not hard headed about this. I try to understand both sides, and I think people deserve to be heard.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Diode said:
Your point WH. Or at least your quotes.
Why is the same sex debate....The reason urban people fear the Cs?
I can't, for the life of me understand.
For many, many, many people across the country, the same sex mairrage issue was literly Rammed down their throats.
Many people were willin to give-in somewhat, if the definition of marriage remained the same. But...the government forced their hand, and now they want to be heard.
Its democracy. I'm not hard headed about this. I try to understand both sides, and I think people deserve to be heard.
I can't vote for a party that wants to take away the rights of a minority group. I love Canada, I love how the general population is open minded to express their ideals and their freedoms.

For a government to take away the rights of people whether based on their race, gender or sexual orientation...goes against the canadian ideals I grew up with.

I enjoy the purity and ideals of a country struggling to find it's voice in the world.
wrong hole said:
I can't vote for a party that wants to take away the rights of a minority group. I love Canada, I love how the general population is open minded to express their ideals and their freedoms.

For a government to take away the rights of people whether based on their race, gender or sexual orientation...goes against the canadian ideals I grew up with.

I enjoy the purity and ideals of a country struggling to find it's voice in the world.
Yes Canada is growing up. But the "Tolerance above All" is a fairly new idea.
Gay people had every right to get married before. And many members of the opposite sex. They raised kids, some stayed together, some did not.
I know that on this board it's hard to belive..but life is more than about who you screw.

Let Canadians decide.


Jan 31, 2005
souljax33 said:
* Because I believe that hardened criminals like Karla Homolka ...
You can lay that one at the door of the provincial NDP (in power when the deal was made) and Conservative party (in power through most of her sentence, until Dalton came along).

Because I believe in bringing hundreds of thousands of unskilled
people into Canada from third world countries every year so we can
support them on welfare and so that they will vote Liberal; and that
this number should be increased every year.
I do agree with this, but not so they can live on welfare or vote liberal, but rather because we actually have a shortage of unskilled workers in Canada. That shortage is driving up wages and causing factories to relocate to other countries.

Because I believe that we should not expect newcomers to our
country to accept or adapt to our culture and traditions and customs;
and that we should not wish each other "Merry Christmas" in case it
might be offensive to some.
I don't think we should expect newcomers to adapt to our culture and traditions. The Americans tried that, and it failed miserably. Our way has been much better. I will continue wishing everyone a Merry Christmas though. I would expect our newcomers to wish me whatever happy holidays they have on their calendar.


New member
Dec 3, 2005
tboy said:
It is sad but there are some who not only endorse all the above but will vote liberal to keep the above in place....

You forgot a couple:

• Because I believe that we should not expect our government leaders to pay taxes on the profits their companies make. Paul Martin re-flagging his canadian ships to avoid paying taxes on their profits
• Because I believe in the "do as I say, not as I do" credo as in "The public must use the public healthcare system but I prefer a private clinic": Martin
• Because I believe my government should be allowed to do whatever they want with tax dollars including embezzeling millions of dollars by laundering it through "gift" contracts with companies
• Because I believe my government should be allowed to be in charge of their own pay scales, be able to vote themselves increases whenever they see fit, and make their own policy in regards to what expenses are not only allowed, but encouraged.

Thanks for those!!:)
hugqgy said:
yeah, well, I know who'll be bitching the loudest when you can't breathe anymore...

We ARE still talking about politicians here, right?
Oh come on! The new religion, of environmentalism, says that people are bad, and the cancer of the earth,We are evil, and our growth sould stop, or dramatically slow down.
I disagree. People and their liberty are More important than the ground we walk on. We must not convice ourselves that are very lives are in someway negative. We must move forward.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
First off, Conservatives are willing to stand by a free vote. I suspect Same Sex marriage would have not passed if there was one, and also understand most of the people voting against Same Sex Marriage are not against gay rights. What they are against is the concept that two people of the same sex being together is a "marriage". No one in the Conservative party is against giving Same Sex couples all the rights of a married couple for married benefits. The reason some disagree with SSC being given the privledge of being Married ( no where in the Charter does it say you have a right to be "Married") I know a lot of you who think Stephen Harper is evil incarnate refuse to believe that, but that is the truth. Same Sex couples will not go away, many in the Conservative party are not against these couples, and many Conservatives believe that maybe this is an issue better left alone. That said, Harper is a man of his word, and he doesn't change his views to kiss someone's ass. Unlike Mr Martin, you will not see Harper going back and forth like a weather vane to whatever is "popular." Harper always argued lets have a free vote. Democracy, what a concept. He didn't say people would lose rights. Of course, the real dirty secret is that with SSM legislation and the way it was written, questions now are asked about people in polygamous relationships being granted these rights. When will pedophiles argue they are being discrminated against? I wont say it will happen for sure, but when you open up Marriage as to a relaitionship between any two adults, you open up other questions.

Britain did it the way we should have done it. Same Sex unions would be given all legal rights, all rights from the gov't., but don't call it a marriage. When you do that, you say marriage bonds are not about possibly raising children, but just any relationship you want it to be. This debate is pointless, and silly because many refuse to believe the obvious but the fact is with all the craziness that has gone on in Ottawa, you worrying about Same Sex marriage is number one on your priority list.

I am tired of a Canada that steals a third of my pay check to waste on a 2 billion dollar registry that does nothing to stop crime. I am tired of a Canada that sends soldiers into war zones, says they are peace keepers, tells them not to shoot anyone, tells them that their equipment which is often obsolete will have to make do because the solution is bad politcally to give them what they need. I am tired of a Canada where the party in power is legitmately caught stealing from the cookie jar, and yet had really done nothing to stop it from happening again. You have a Canada that is more pre-occupied with saying how we are not Americans by bashing them, then by showing a better way to run a country. I am tired of this attitude that a solution that WORKS somewhere else is not usuable because it is American ( Not talking about that wacky Republican stuff, it can be ANYTHING to solve ANY issue, say the Guardian Angels for starters) . I am tired of a Canada that says how kind and caring it is while letting every Indian reserve rot while their band leaders make out like bandits ( and who like Phil Fontaine ) are telling people to vote Libreal because the Conservatives are bad.

There is a ton of things to love about this country, our economy is doing well ( thanks to that awful GST we have surpluses, thanks to Free trade, both ideas from Mulroney) and we still have a lot to be proud of, but politically correct values are killing this country and one party staying in power for ever is BAD.

You guys want to not vote for Harper, fine...Vote Green or Vote the NDP. Just don't tell me about how wonderful the Libreals are. They have to be sent packing. There is a price to be paid for being in power for 13 years and doing nothing constructive that has helped anyone but themselves.
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