Agreed. For someone who has "professor" in his professional title, one would expect an awareness of the common logical fallacies.The author compares the choice between Trump and Biden to Pepsi vs Coke? More like Pepsi vs Cyanide.
And he complains ad nauseum about Obama/Biden’s support of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people while ignoring the fact that Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and has supported every hardline move that Netanyahu has made.
So...I find this author’s motives to be disingenuous...he presents a very biased view and doesn’t really seem like he is even trying to make a good faith argument. It seems more like trolling.
Then you should totally withhold the vote you can't make because you're Canadian and really show the US system up.No one owns a vote. I consider neither qualified to be President. You have a different opinion. So be it.
But you don't have the right to voter Shame. You can argue, cajole, and try to convince. But in the end the respect to a person's vote is the greater good.
It's this narrative that is the greater threat to democracy.
Clean-up on aisle 5. Boober just shit his shorts.The flip side of that being that with only two choices both parties know that they can mostly do what they want, not what voters want and they'll get their turn next election.
Still, this election looks set to give the dems enough seats all around to do some serious fixing of the system to keep them in power for a long time.
And now that a president doesn't have to obey the law, respect subpoenas and even impeaching doesn't stop you, look out.
Biden leads Trump by 10 points in new national poll
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is leading President Trump by 10 points nationally, according to a new poll. More than half of likely voters, 52 percent, said they would cast th…
Being in NY27 I have firsthand experience with Gerrymandering.. so if economically advantaged folks live in gated communities and poor folks live somewhere they can afford they have "self gerrymandered?" Gerrymandering is when the political party in power re-draws the lines for congressional districts to benefit themselves politically. This was done in England before the US. I'm not exactly sure if Canada is the same as the US, but you seem to be missing the point of Gerrymandering altogether. Not sure if you understand the "double edged sword" nature of Gerrymandering. NY27 has been carved out of the rural sections of six WNY counties as unassailably conservative. This leaves all the urban areas out, but it's still the US so everyone who isn't conservative enough for NY 27 is put in primarily urban districts, I. E. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester primarily. The result is one "safe" Republican district and half a dozen "safe" Democratic ones. Nobody voting in the next congressional has a choice of districts unless they move from one area to another. I have heard of lots of folks changing residence to be in a different school district, but not the "self gerrymandering you seem to believe is out there...The gerrymandering has been two sided. Now what 90% of seats in the house are safe? And then there is the phenomenon of Self Gerrymandering, where like minded move to likeminded.
But the larger issue in my opinion is the 24 news cycle has helped create and fan the tribalism we see now. Coupled with unlimited campaign financing and corporate take over of the press, fundraising, lobbying, and candidate selection.
The checks and balances are gone because they both work for the donors now. The GOP has one subset like the Oil companies and the Dems like Silicon Valley.
And both serve Wall St equally.
And now you have income inequality at its highest level in a century as hard won checks on business have crumbled. Authoritarianism started decades ago with the War on Drugs, the Biden Crime Bill to finance private Prisons and enable harsh legislation at the state level, and the Patriot Act that funds the Arming and Training of police in anti personnel tactics. All designed to suppress American Citizens. All designed to give the state increased power.
All designed to intimidate.
And all co voted on by both parties to continue.
Look up self gerrymandering. It's not moving across the street but to a different state to like minded people.Being in NY27 I have firsthand experience with Gerrymandering.. so if economically advantaged folks live in gated communities and poor folks live somewhere they can afford they have "self gerrymandered?" Gerrymandering is when the political party in power re-draws the lines for congressional districts to benefit themselves politically. This was done in England before the US. I'm not exactly sure if Canada is the same as the US, but you seem to be missing the point of Gerrymandering altogether. Not sure if you understand the "double edged sword" nature of Gerrymandering. NY27 has been carved out of the rural sections of six WNY counties as unassailably conservative. This leaves all the urban areas out, but it's still the US so everyone who isn't conservative enough for NY 27 is put in primarily urban districts, I. E. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester primarily. The result is one "safe" Republican district and half a dozen "safe" Democratic ones. Nobody voting in the next congressional has a choice of districts unless they move from one area to another. I have heard of lots of folks changing residence to be in a different school district, but not the "self gerrymandering you seem to believe is out there...
BTW, I have lived in the US all my life and never heard of a "Biden Crime Bill", although the actions you mention have largely been taken, they were Republican initiated. USA PATRIOT Act was 9/11 driven and strictly a Dubya/Dick initiative. All the other "law and order", "war on drugs" and "war on crime" legislation was primarily Repug driven. I know up in Canada it may be difficult to sort out the truth from the spin doctoring, but others on Terb seem to have grasped the fundamentals. I was very glad to learn you will not be voting in the upcoming election down here Butthead...
How is Biden so much better?“Voter Shaming”...seriously???????
People can shame you all they like...and if you are doing something harmful to others they are most certainly justified in shaming you.
The fact that you seem to feel ashamed of your behaviour might perhaps suggest that you are not as committed to the Far Left Trump Supporting Death Cult that you claim to be...LOL
Whatever...just stop whining about people “shaming” you for being a Trump supporter. It is unmanly.How is Biden so much better?
He supported the wars.
He has stated he would Veto Medicare for all.
He has stated he is against Defunding Police. Created the legislation that makes the police so powerful. And the funding to back them up. Increased the mass incarceration of Black people with the 1994 crime bill. And asked a prosecutor to be his running mate.
And is in cognative decline.
Both are bad. And people have the choice to vote for neither on that basis.
Gerrymandering is polite compared to the fuckery Trump and his team are putting in place for this election.Look up self gerrymandering. It's not moving across the street but to a different state to like minded people.
And if you have heard of the 1994 Crime Bill authored and shepparded by Biden that just shows how Ill informed you are of his record.
Add in he was the leading guy for decades on the justice Portfolio in the Senate. He helped write the Patriot act as well.
Honestly you need to open your eyes to his record. The Defense of Marriage Act. His support of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Anita Hill.
Look up his record on wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. There is great footage of him on YouTube. And then look up Joe Biden and Grand Bargain.
Then come back.