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Why I will not vote for Joe Biden


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Why I will not vote for Joe Biden
Yes, Trump is an American monster but so is Biden.
Hamid Dabashiby Hamid Dabashi

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden is seen during a speech, March 12, 2020, in Wilmington, US [Matt Rourke/AP photo]

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden is seen during a speech, March 12, 2020, in Wilmington, US [Matt Rourke/AP photo]

Progressive critical thinkers who care about the future of our humanity find themselves in a quandary - to get rid of the wicked Donald Trump and his corrupt family and cronies should they or should they not opt to vote for yet another corporatist liberal, Joe Biden. It is deja vu, it is a rerun of a tired old movie, it is Groundhog Day: We had it with Trump and Hillary Clinton last time, and we have it again with the same Trump and even worse Biden now.
I completely sympathise with the leading American public intellectuals caught in this snare.
Cornel West, the eminent African American philosopher, for example, says he is planning to cast an "anti-fascist" vote for Biden in November despite his concerns about the former vice president's ties to "Wall Street and militarism". West knows all too well Biden will betray every single ideal and principle for which West stands, but he is so disgusted with Trump - and rightly so - he is doing what in Persian we call "jumping from one crumbling column to another with hope".
The same is true with Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned linguist and political activist who is also on the record encouraging people "to vote for Joe Biden and then haunt his dreams" - whatever that may mean. Politicians like Trump or Biden do not dream for us to haunt their dreams. They are the definitions of nightmares. Neither Trump nor Biden is to be trusted, and Chomsky knows that. But he is jumping from one crumbling column to another - is it with hope or is it in despair?
The revolutionary thinker and activist Angela Davis too has said she is supporting Biden for president, calling it crucial to back the candidate "who can be most effectively pressured". But really? How so? Biden could not tolerate a single BDS-backing Palestinian activist, Linda Sarsour, taking part in his campaign and swiftly moved to kick her out. That is the sort of zealot Biden is. What sort of "pressure" can one hope to exert on him?
Between a rock and a hard place
Still, the terrorising presidency of Trump and the Dark Ages of ignorance and criminal racism he has unleashed in the US, make it perfectly understandable why these and many other eminent critical thinkers who would not be caught dead with Biden are now rushing to declare their support for him. They are jumping from one crumbling column to another and forming a strategic alliance in the hopes that once Trump is out of the picture they can charge ahead beyond Biden's perilous promises.

But I write this essay to differ with these towering moral figures and openly declare that I will not vote for Biden. This is not to say I am more principled than them or care less about the consequences of yet another calamitous term of Trump. For the future of my own and millions of other American children I hope and wish for a day he is collected from the White House and taken to prison or asylum - whichever is closer.
But still, I will never vote for Biden for I believe the function of people like me is entirely different from even those among the American left with whom I wholeheartedly identify. The task of critical thinking at this point is not to rush to declare we are voting for Biden - an unrepentant racist and self-declared Zionist with a frightening record of misogyny who has actively supported the Iraq war. We had a far superior choice in Bernie Sanders, but twice in a row, the Democratic Party made absolutely sure to kill his chances.
The task at hand is to sustain the course of critical thinking that could not possibly embrace Biden. Voting for Biden is voting for the very foundation of a political culture that has a whole platoon of Trumps and Bidens waiting to surface. If we choose between Trump and Biden today, next time we will have to choose between Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton. This vicious cycle can only come to an end through a sustained and uncompromising course of critical thinking against the very grain of this political culture that demonises the Black Lives Matter uprising, celebrates neo-Nazis, and canonises Hillary Clinton and Biden as God-given salvation against this murderous banality.
A fateful moment
It was Barack Obama's speech that sealed my decision to never vote for Biden. Up until then, I was thinking to myself that a vote for Biden is not actually a vote for him, but a vote against Trump, alongside other such tall tales and poor excuses. But when Obama took to the podium and began to get emotional and pleaded for people to go and vote for Biden, right there and then, I decided it would be obscene of me to do so, especially with this hypocritical con man on his side.
Every time Obama starts choking up, I remember him crying in public for children who have fallen victim to gun violence in the US, just before going back to his Oval Office to send even more arms to Israel with which to slaughter Palestinian children, or sell them to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to kill more Yemeni children. Are Palestinian and Yemeni children not children? Every single human being stands for the entirety of our humanity. How could this coward be so openly cruel and callous when it comes to children in Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan and beyond, and still pretend to care deeply about America's children?
Biden is even worse than Obama in his die-hard Zionism - in his support for the apartheid state of Israel, in his categorical disregard for Palestinians. Voting for Biden means excusing all the times in the past he helped arm Israel to murder Palestinians. Voting for him means, should he become the next president, siding with him every time he signs - and he will undoubtedly sign many - a new arms deal to support Israel and its murderous tyranny.

Why would any decent human being want to do anything like that? Yes, Trump is an American monster but so is Biden. People like me have no candidate in this election.
The ethics of ultimate responsibility
The task of my sort of critical thinkers is not to jump on the bandwagon and rush to vote for Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, reluctantly. Generations of critical thinkers from Rosa Luxemburg to Aimee Cesaire to Frantz Fanon to Edward Said to Arundhati Roy did not live and think and write for us to cast a strategic vote for a reactionary liberal, an unrepentant warmonger, a hardcore Zionist, with a record of racism and alleged sexual abuse. Our task is something else.
In his famous essay, Politics as Vocation (1919), the eminent German sociologist Max Weber made a crucial distinction between an "ethics of responsibility" and an "ethics of ultimate end" that to this day remain a hallmark of a moral choice in politics: "We must be clear," he told his audience at the University of Munich, "about the fact that all ethically oriented conduct may be guided by one of two fundamentally differing and irreconcilably opposed maxims: conduct can be oriented to an 'ethic of ultimate ends' or to an 'ethic of responsibility'." These are two identically ethical acts, but in two diametrically opposed directions.
Weber further clarified: "This is not to say that an ethic of ultimate ends is identical with irresponsibility, or that an ethic of responsibility is identical with unprincipled opportunism. Naturally, nobody says that." Be that as it may, he still insisted: "There is an abysmal contrast between conduct that follows the maxim of an ethic of ultimate ends ... and conduct that follows the maxim of an ethic of responsibility, in which case one has to give an account of the foreseeable results of one's action."
But in between the two choices Weber left us, emerges a third: An ethic of ultimate responsibility. Our specific and ultimate responsibility today is not to rush to vote for a lesser evil, as I also argued about four years ago when the choice was between Trump and Clinton, but to sustain the course of critical thinking that seeks to overcome both evils. More than 300 million human beings trapped to choose between a Coke and a Pepsi deserve and must strive for a healthier choice. An entire planet at the mercy of US militarism and warmongering most certainly has everything to lose from either of these two American calamities.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Our specific and ultimate responsibility today is not to rush to vote for a lesser evil, as I also argued about four years ago when the choice was between Trump and Clinton, but to sustain the course of critical thinking that seeks to overcome both evils. More than 300 million human beings trapped to choose between a Coke and a Pepsi deserve and must strive for a healthier choice. An entire planet at the mercy of US militarism and warmongering most certainly has everything to lose from either of these two American calamities.
I'll have to read that other piece then to see if this man really is the ethical moron he appears to be in this essay.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'll have to read that other piece then to see if this man really is the ethical moron he appears to be in this essay.
And shockingly, he doesn't even make the case he claims he makes in the other essay.

Both morally and politically obtuse, it seems.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Well if both the candidates are "monsters" according to him, then he can sit out these oncoming elections and just suck up to it!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That was a pathetic cry for help.
If you ain't voting' Biden, you're supportiin' the orange shit stain.
And it is this narrative that is wrong.

No party or politician owns a vote or is entitled to it. It has to be earned every time by supporting policy a voter desires implemented. If the sole criteria is only voting for the lesser evil then you only encourage them to be slightly less evil.

It's legitimate to withhold a vote and demand better. Anything else is undemocratic.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
^^ Morally and poltically obtuse, as I said.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
And it is this narrative that is wrong.

No party or politician owns a vote or is entitled to it. It has to be earned every time by supporting policy a voter desires implemented. If the sole criteria is only voting for the lesser evil then you only encourage them to be slightly less evil.

It's legitimate to withhold a vote and demand better. Anything else is undemocratic.
Democratic.....yes, democracy. The vote to keep it vs allow dictatorial powers and one party rule "trumps" this. One thing I liked about the USA (and Australia) that the playing field was fairly even, so when one party got too extreme (EITHER left or right) the other party would get voted in. Thus things stayed between the 35 yard lines. But when you mess with checks and balances, when you allow targeted voter suppression, when you discredit the process...that destroys these checks and balances. Orban did that in Hungary. Read up on that (everyone, not directing it to you butler). Trump is trying the same in USA, he's just not as smart as Orban.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Democratic.....yes, democracy. The vote to keep it vs allow dictatorial powers and one party rule "trumps" this. One thing I liked about the USA (and Australia) that the playing field was fairly even, so when one party got too extreme (EITHER left or right) the other party would get voted in. Thus things stayed between the 35 yard lines. But when you mess with checks and balances, when you allow targeted voter suppression, when you discredit the process...that destroys these checks and balances. Orban did that in Hungary. Read up on that (everyone, not directing it to you butler). Trump is trying the same in USA, he's just not as smart as Orban.
The flip side of that being that with only two choices both parties know that they can mostly do what they want, not what voters want and they'll get their turn next election.
Still, this election looks set to give the dems enough seats all around to do some serious fixing of the system to keep them in power for a long time.
And now that a president doesn't have to obey the law, respect subpoenas and even impeaching doesn't stop you, look out.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Democratic.....yes, democracy. The vote to keep it vs allow dictatorial powers and one party rule "trumps" this. One thing I liked about the USA (and Australia) that the playing field was fairly even, so when one party got too extreme (EITHER left or right) the other party would get voted in. Thus things stayed between the 35 yard lines. But when you mess with checks and balances, when you allow targeted voter suppression, when you discredit the process...that destroys these checks and balances. Orban did that in Hungary. Read up on that (everyone, not directing it to you butler). Trump is trying the same in USA, he's just not as smart as Orban.

The gerrymandering has been two sided. Now what 90% of seats in the house are safe? And then there is the phenomenon of Self Gerrymandering, where like minded move to likeminded.

But the larger issue in my opinion is the 24 news cycle has helped create and fan the tribalism we see now. Coupled with unlimited campaign financing and corporate take over of the press, fundraising, lobbying, and candidate selection.

The checks and balances are gone because they both work for the donors now. The GOP has one subset like the Oil companies and the Dems like Silicon Valley.

And both serve Wall St equally.

And now you have income inequality at its highest level in a century as hard won checks on business have crumbled. Authoritarianism started decades ago with the War on Drugs, the Biden Crime Bill to finance private Prisons and enable harsh legislation at the state level, and the Patriot Act that funds the Arming and Training of police in anti personnel tactics. All designed to suppress American Citizens. All designed to give the state increased power.

All designed to intimidate.

And all co voted on by both parties to continue.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
^^^^^Morally and ethically challenged^^^^^^
Yes you quite clearly are. In a close race, there is no room for abstaining on moral grounds. It comes down to whether you prefer Biden or Trump as there is no third option.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
The author compares the choice between Trump and Biden to Pepsi vs Coke? More like Pepsi vs Cyanide.

And he complains ad nauseum about Obama/Biden’s support of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people while ignoring the fact that Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and has supported every hardline move that Netanyahu has made.

So...I find this author’s motives to be disingenuous...he presents a very biased view and doesn’t really seem like he is even trying to make a good faith argument. It seems more like trolling.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
The gerrymandering has been two sided. Now what 90% of seats in the house are safe? And then there is the phenomenon of Self Gerrymandering, where like minded move to likeminded.

But the larger issue in my opinion is the 24 news cycle has helped create and fan the tribalism we see now. Coupled with unlimited campaign financing and corporate take over of the press, fundraising, lobbying, and candidate selection.

The checks and balances are gone because they both work for the donors now. The GOP has one subset like the Oil companies and the Dems like Silicon Valley.

And both serve Wall St equally.

And now you have income inequality at its highest level in a century as hard won checks on business have crumbled. Authoritarianism started decades ago with the War on Drugs, the Biden Crime Bill to finance private Prisons and enable harsh legislation at the state level, and the Patriot Act that funds the Arming and Training of police in anti personnel tactics. All designed to suppress American Citizens. All designed to give the state increased power.

All designed to intimidate.

And all co voted on by both parties to continue.
Agree on a good chunk of this. Ban political contributions. Ban gerrymandering. HUGE step for democracy in the USA
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yes you quite clearly are. In a close race, there is no room for abstaining on moral grounds. It comes down to whether you prefer Biden or Trump as there is no third option.
No one owns a vote. I consider neither qualified to be President. You have a different opinion. So be it.

But you don't have the right to voter Shame. You can argue, cajole, and try to convince. But in the end the respect to a person's vote is the greater good.

It's this narrative that is the greater threat to democracy.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
No one owns a vote. I consider neither qualified to be President. You have a different opinion. So be it.

But you don't have the right to voter Shame. You can argue, cajole, and try to convince. But in the end the respect to a person's vote is the greater good.

It's this narrative that is the greater threat to democracy.
“Voter Shaming”...seriously???????

People can shame you all they like...and if you are doing something harmful to others they are most certainly justified in shaming you.

The fact that you seem to feel ashamed of your behaviour might perhaps suggest that you are not as committed to the Far Left Trump Supporting Death Cult that you claim to be...LOL

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