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Why has not one single right winger defended trumps comment....


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Defend his statement that he knew it was a pandemic before anyone announced it. You believe that he knew it.

The left is outraged/steamed because of so many such comments by him. Defend his comment to show that we are wrong. Boober and OTB have already given up.
I don't give a shit because is irrelevant. It's Trump being Trump; right, wrong or close enough. But, exactly the same guy as the piece I read on him in Fortune, back in the eighties. You people are losing your shit over nothing.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I don't give a shit because is irrelevant.
No. That is the precisely relevant point for which I started this thread. If you want to talk about a different topic, start your own thread. Look at the title of this one at the top of the page.

He made a completely ridiculous claim, so much so that not one of his supporters can defend it, which I clearly understand (not one of 5 or 6 respondents has even attempted), meaning you all agree that it was ridiculous. But not one of you has the gumption to state what you know is true. It was a ridiculous claim. That is the relevant point of this thread. Why can you not admit when he is wrong?

What is wrong with you people? No one is perfect. What is the shame in admitting that that was a stupid thing to say? Especially when your inability to defend it, bears out that you realize that. Will you be excommunicated or ostracized from the Trump Temple if you do? Like the Scientologists do to a dissenter?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
No. That is the precisely relevant point for which I started this thread. If you want to talk about a different topic, start your own thread. Look at the title of this one at the top of the page.

He made a completely ridiculous claim, so much so that not one of his supporters can defend it, which I clearly understand (not one of 5 or 6 respondents has even attempted), meaning you all agree that it was ridiculous. But not one of you has the gumption to state what you know is true. It was a ridiculous claim. That is the relevant point of this thread. Why can you not admit when he is wrong?

What is wrong with you people? No one is perfect. What is the shame in admitting that that was a stupid thing to say? Especially when your inability to defend it, bears out that you realize that. Will you be excommunicated or ostracized from the Trump Temple if you do? Like the Scientologists do to a dissenter?
ROFLMFAO!!! What he felt or thought privately about the virus in the lead time is what makes it irrelevant. What he says and does officially counts.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
There it is again!
"Trumpian musings"- one of the main reason he holds 95% grip on the Republican Party. He is completely open about his thought process. Watch the way he interacts with his supporters at his rallies or even press conferences. He is unfiltered and genuine.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
"Trumpian musings"- one of the main reason he holds 95% grip on the Republican Party. He is completely open about his thought process. Watch the way he interacts with his supporters at his rallies or even press conferences. He is unfiltered and genuine.
Mussolini and Hitler, heck even the Rev. Jim Jones also had similar sway with their supporters for a period of time.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Mussolini and Hitler, heck even the Rev. Jim Jones also had similar sway with their supporters for a period of time.
Yeah, and MLK Jr. and Ronald Reagan and Crazy Bernie and any other leader of anything that excelled at holding support. Authenticity is very difficult to fake as Pocahontas (just most recent example) found out. Many sins are forgiven if you have the right personality. You should know that- you're posting on a prostitution board where a right personality turns a 6 into 8.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What is real power is that Bullshit Artist's hold on his Mark's.
It's not Trump. It's the entire set up wherein the plutocrats have now captured the GOP and installed a world wide propaganda network. Trump is the compliant figurehead. But it could equally be Boris Johnson, Doug Ford, Kenney or..... Rubio or Cruz or McConnell.

All of those guys would say and do pretty much exactly the same. The days of the "principled conservative" are over. The "red tory" is extinct. Those guys would be humiliated and forced out of the CPC or GOP as "RINO's".

The extremists billionaire class - like the Murdoch's, Koch's and Mercers - control entire TV networks (like Fox News) and the British tabloid press,

Add in that right wing talk radio, including figures like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh have been pushing the same "heartland conservative" message of hate for the educated and urban for 30 years and pumping out conspiracy theories. Add in that the US especially is heavily gerrymandered into extreme conservative voting bastions.

People like JCPro and Boober believe this junk because it harnesses their anger and frustration and directs it at some kind of nebulous but evil enemy - "the traitor democrats", "the fake news New York TImes", the "coastal elites". Guys like JC need some type of target for their frustration, so the Right creates "enemies" and "targets" and directs that frustration. THAT'S why Boober doesn't get how incompetent and sleazy Trump is. He's always redirected onto another target, which gives him emotional rewards when he attacks it and his board buddies join in.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Authenticity is very difficult to fake
There it is again!

He is as authentic as his now shuttered or should I say shittered, ivy covered Trump U. was.

As authentic as his world class Trump Foundation for Graft was

As authentic as of all of his various doctored tax filings.

As authentic as the 1000's of lawsuits filed against him.

As authentic as the Russian laundered money coursing through his properties and veins.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
And they also don't have the integrity aka BALLS to say it was a dumb thing to say. This is what happens to cultists. .
Wow, good to see the moronic left are still making up terminology to help get them through their day........ I didnt think you were one of these people to start a post by bashing a group of people and think it was ok for you to do so?

I wonder how many more feel good insults towards other human beings can you world saviors and Gods gift to "Peoplekind" scrounge up in order to show the woken really how stupid and in the dark your "Kind" really are?

If the purpose to a post like this isnt seen as demeaning, insulting and racial, then I hope this place lets everyone take the gloves and have a good go at each other!



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow, good to see the moronic left are still making up terminology to help get them through their day........ I didnt think you were one of these people to start a post by bashing a group of people and think it was ok for you to do so?

I wonder how many more feel good insults towards other human beings can you world saviors and Gods gift to "Peoplekind" scrounge up in order to show the woken really how stupid and in the dark your "Kind" really are?

If the purpose to a post like this isnt seen as demeaning, insulting and racial, then I hope this place lets everyone take the gloves and have a good go at each other!

Meanwhile the conman and his family are trying to get more rich off the virus.
His sheople will cheer that he's providing a chance for testing, for a fair price.

The Kushner family is trying to cash in on the pandemic that could kill millions of us.

Oscar Health, the health insurance company co-founded by Jared Kushner’s younger brother, announced Friday it has launched a testing center locator for COVID-19. It shows where more than 100 centers are in the United States. The company is also offering a risk assessment survey and means to talk to a doctor online.

The coronavirus is predicted to kill anywhere from almost 500,000 Americans in the next year to more than 5 million. At least 62 people in the United States had died by Sunday; 3,130 have tested positive ….

Joshua Kushner co-founded Oscar Health in 2012. His co-founders are Mario Schlosser, the company CEO, and Harvard Business School classmate Kevin Nazemi who left the company in 2015.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Wow, good to see the moronic left are still making up terminology to help get them through their day........ I didnt think you were one of these people to start a post by bashing a group of people and think it was ok for you to do so?

I wonder how many more feel good insults towards other human beings can you world saviors and Gods gift to "Peoplekind" scrounge up in order to show the woken really how stupid and in the dark your "Kind" really are?

If the purpose to a post like this isnt seen as demeaning, insulting and racial, then I hope this place lets everyone take the gloves and have a good go at each other!

I wanted to draw attention to the predictably tribal behaviour of the right.

Even when you know that trump's statement is total BS, nobody dares to speak out. Everyone is tongue-tied.

Nobody has even attempted to answer that question. Instead we get hysterical pushback of how dare you, but nobody will discuss the actual topic of what trump said. The closest was "I can't defend it." but when I ask why can't you defend it, there is radio silence.

Among the right, becoming tongue-tied seems to spread faster than Covid. Do you believe trump when he says that he knew that it was going to be a pandemic before the experts?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The conman has stocks in a Chinese level 4 bio facility in Wuhan where the epicenter of the virus is?


Why dont you call it a bio weapon that was designed and paid for?

You'd sound more credible at least?
Nice conspiracy theory.
Slightly better than pizzagate but still pretty hilarious.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It's not Trump. It's the entire set up wherein the plutocrats have now captured the GOP and installed a world wide propaganda network. Trump is the compliant figurehead. But it could equally be Boris Johnson, Doug Ford, Kenney or..... Rubio or Cruz or McConnell.

All of those guys would say and do pretty much exactly the same. The days of the "principled conservative" are over. The "red tory" is extinct. Those guys would be humiliated and forced out of the CPC or GOP as "RINO's".

The extremists billionaire class - like the Murdoch's, Koch's and Mercers - control entire TV networks (like Fox News) and the British tabloid press,

Add in that right wing talk radio, including figures like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh have been pushing the same "heartland conservative" message of hate for the educated and urban for 30 years and pumping out conspiracy theories. Add in that the US especially is heavily gerrymandered into extreme conservative voting bastions.

People like JCPro and Boober believe this junk because it harnesses their anger and frustration and directs it at some kind of nebulous but evil enemy - "the traitor democrats", "the fake news New York TImes", the "coastal elites". Guys like JC need some type of target for their frustration, so the Right creates "enemies" and "targets" and directs that frustration. THAT'S why Boober doesn't get how incompetent and sleazy Trump is. He's always redirected onto another target, which gives him emotional rewards when he attacks it and his board buddies join in.
You.speak as if you knew what you were talking about, yet you miss the big picture, indeed the reality, altogether. You BELIEVE that Murdoch's FNC is extreme, yet all Murdoch did was to see the need for a conservative voice in a conservative country and acted on it. Who else was there to represent the non lefty POV? You actually BELIEVE that Koch has a role in the Trump's Republican Party, yet the Koch's actively worked against the Trump's candidacy because his platform was almost directly opposite to what they've been pushing for the last quarter century. You find it easy and perfectly logical to put Limbaugh and Jones in the same sentence, while in reality, they don't even belong on the same planet. In short, you see the "right" through the lense of your bias. BUT, you find it perfectly acceptable the MSNBC label a rightful President a traitor and a foreign agent based on nothing but conspiracy theories. You find it perfectly acceptable when the CNN hires a fired FBI liar or the disgraced former heads of the CIA or NSC. Not once, you nor your fellow travelers, said: enough, this is getting silly! Not once. You just keep digging. And now, you are losing your shit because of something Trump admitted to thinking or calling the virus "Chinese". In reality, ALL the news outlets were speculating about the upcoming pandemic and even used the "Chinese" and "Wuhan" names for weeks. So, to address this particular thread- it's somewhat entertaining, but all it really attracts from the "right wing extremists" like myself is a shrug. It's just continuation of the same boring bullshit.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You.speak as if you knew what you were talking about, yet you miss the big picture, indeed the reality, altogether. You BELIEVE that Murdoch's FNC is extreme, yet all Murdoch did was to see the need for a conservative voice in a conservative country and acted on it. Who else was there to represent the non lefty POV? You actually BELIEVE that Koch has a role in the Trump's Republican Party, yet the Koch's actively worked against the Trump's candidacy because his platform was almost directly opposite to what they've been pushing for the last quarter century. You find it easy and perfectly logical to put Limbaugh and Jones in the same sentence, while in reality, they don't even belong on the same planet. In short, you see the "right" through the lense of your bias. BUT, you find it perfectly acceptable the MSNBC label a rightful President a traitor and a foreign agent based on nothing but conspiracy theories. You find it perfectly acceptable when the CNN hires a fired FBI liar or the disgraced former heads of the CIA or NSC. Not once, you nor your fellow travelers, said: enough, this is getting silly! Not once. You just keep digging. And now, you are losing your shit because of something Trump admitted to thinking or calling the virus "Chinese". In reality, ALL the news outlets were speculating about the upcoming pandemic and even used the "Chinese" and "Wuhan" names for weeks. So, to address this particular thread- it's somewhat entertaining, but all it really attracts from the "right wing extremists" like myself is a shrug. It's just continuation of the same boring bullshit.
Murdoch created a right wing propaganda network to keep the rich ruling fools like you through messages of hate for minorities aka 'immigrants'.
That it works so well and you guys will never see the light is what's depressing.
You've forgotten never again.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
I wanted to draw attention to the predictably tribal behaviour of the right.

Even when you know that trump's statement is total BS, nobody dares to speak out. Everyone is tongue-tied.

Nobody has even attempted to answer that question. Instead we get hysterical pushback of how dare you, but nobody will discuss the actual topic of what trump said. The closest was "I can't defend it." but when I ask why can't you defend it, there is radio silence.

Among the right, becoming tongue-tied seems to spread faster than Covid. Do you believe trump when he says that he knew that it was going to be a pandemic before the experts?

Sorry Shack. Tensions seem to get high like we discussed previously when it comes to politics. It seems like the constant ribbing by a sibling or friend as a child that never seems to end till you blow up one day and enough is enough. Its only after that in that scenario 1 person knows it went too far and the other knows the reaction was a little harsh. Again, sorry.

To answer your question about Trump knowing it was going to be a pandemic before it was declared,,,, I'll tell you this.....Even I knew it was going to be a pandemic and was surprised daily that it wasnt till now.

I wonder if I knew before Trump? LOL

If anyone is simple enough to think that this issue was going to stay in China, should seriously re-think things.

Sometimes people want to believe that this world is the world we know and its great. Its when someone tells said person a twist in the plot. Said person goes into denial and everything they knew becomes confusing enough that they dont want to entertain the thought of the twist. It couldnt be??? Why would such a thing happen?? Doesnt make sense????? Right?

Its no different than a Christian being told that God doesnt exist or Jesus didnt die on the cross. It could be mind blowing to assume everything you were taught was a lie. World politics is the same way.

Nobody wants the little world they live in to be lie....................or not. It hurts the mind to ponder on such things. Heck, some can even go crazy.

When a child catches their parents in bed fucking, what do the parents tell their young child??? Thats what global affairs is all about. Some truths are best kept in the dark.......till the child grows up and says, OOOhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry Shack. Tensions seem to get high like we discussed previously when it comes to politics. It seems like the constant ribbing by a sibling or friend as a child that never seems to end till you blow up one day and enough is enough. Its only after that in that scenario 1 person knows it went too far and the other knows the reaction was a little harsh. Again, sorry.

To answer your question about Trump knowing it was going to be a pandemic before it was declared,,,, I'll tell you this.....Even I knew it was going to be a pandemic and was surprised daily that it wasnt till now.

I wonder if I knew before Trump? LOL

If anyone is simple enough to think that this issue was going to stay in China, should seriously re-think things.

Sometimes people want to believe that this world is the world we know and its great. Its when someone tells said person a twist in the plot. Said person goes into denial and everything they knew becomes confusing enough that they dont want to entertain the thought of the twist. It couldnt be??? Why would such a thing happen?? Doesnt make sense????? Right?

Its no different than a Christian being told that God doesnt exist or Jesus didnt die on the cross. It could be mind blowing to assume everything you were taught was a lie. World politics is the same way.

Nobody wants the little world they live in to be lie....................or not. It hurts the mind to ponder on such things. Heck, some can even go crazy.

When a child catches their parents in bed fucking, what do the parents tell their young child??? Thats what global affairs is all about. Some truths are best kept in the dark.......till the child grows up and says, OOOhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm willing to accept that its possible that even you are smarter than Trump.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Why do you not defend it? Why do you not defend his claim that he knew it was going to be a pandemic before anyone else said that that is what was coming?

Do you not believe him?
Last I checked I wasn’t part of your sound self-isolation taking its toll on your inner rage?
So after insulting me you want more answers?
I think I proved my point...they don’t call them the Loonie Left for nothing.
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