why do we do no showed


Active member
Feb 8, 2013
out side of ottawa
I think we all done it
is it right for the lady we going to see no
but this is why I done it
i think in tens years i did it about 10 times
for me i get to the place
then i get thinking what behide the door
is it the lady i'm going to see
are 2 or 3 guys in there going the take my money
yes i'm stupid to think that but that a panic attacks
can i stop it no
but i find a place were i can go and not be nervous
that place is the mansion
i think i be there 8 times and i'm not nervous going there just happy
that way i was a no showed
and i think its been 2 years since i had a panic attack
not sure if i'm doing good or over due for one lol


New member
Jun 22, 2016
I've never no showed -- it's not something that everyone does. When I have to cancel due to something out of my control, like being stuck on the tarmac for an hour and 40 minutes in an absurdly late Porter flight, I'll call ahead to cancel. If it's really short notice (<30 min), I'll usually try to send along some kind of compensation for having to cancel, particularly if it's a regular.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2017
Exactly, just call or text. Don't leave them hanging. It takes two seconds. It's a simple courtesy that I respect when it is given to me by the provider. Shit happens...but don't just not show.


Active member
May 29, 2015
I've never no showed, its not my style to do something like that.

I have had to cancel, but I give as much notice as possible.

Some people no show on purpose, probably because they think its a "fun" thing to do.

I've read on 1 board that someone books 2 or 3 ladies, and he picks 1 to actually go and see, and leave the other 2 hanging. In my opinion, its not cool to do that at all.

I think we all done it
is it right for the lady we going to see no
but this is why I done it
i think in tens years i did it about 10 times
for me i get to the place
then i get thinking what behide the door
is it the lady i'm going to see
are 2 or 3 guys in there going the take my money
yes i'm stupid to think that but that a panic attacks
can i stop it no
but i find a place were i can go and not be nervous
that place is the mansion
i think i be there 8 times and i'm not nervous going there just happy
that way i was a no showed
and i think its been 2 years since i had a panic attack
not sure if i'm doing good or over due for one lol


Jul 6, 2015
I've never no showed -- it's not something that everyone does. When I have to cancel due to something out of my control, like being stuck on the tarmac for an hour and 40 minutes in an absurdly late Porter flight, I'll call ahead to cancel. If it's really short notice (<30 min), I'll usually try to send along some kind of compensation for having to cancel, particularly if it's a regular.
agreed. I don't like it when someone no shows on me so I wouldn't do it to the lady either


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
No shows are unacceptable in personal and professional life.

So, have I no showed? Never. Have I cancelled? Yes life happens sometimes. Give as much notice as possible and be understanding of the other persons position. If you booked her time, she set it aside for you. That means she didnt plan it with someone else, or for her personnal activities. Respect that.
Have I been no-showed? Yes several time. Ive learned to steer clear of unreliability.


Mar 18, 2013
I too have never no showed. I've cancelled twice. Once was not much notice but I asked the SP what the fee was. It was reasonable and I arranged to pay it. Another was plenty of notice and i offered a cancellation fee. It was quite hi considering I gave enough notice. Felt i was being scammed but paid it anyways. Won't book her again. I have walked away on those who have made me wait. One SP was not happy about that even though she was making me wait for over 20 mins.

Anyways I don't get why guys go through the trouble of booking them and not showing. There has to be better was to entertain yourselves

Joe Blower

Active member
Dec 4, 2013

i think we all done it
is it right for the lady we going to see no
but this is why i done it
i think in tens years i did it about 10 times
for me i get to the place
then i get thinking what behide the door
is it the lady i'm going to see
are 2 or 3 guys in there going the take my money
yes i'm stupid to think that but that a panic attacks
can i stop it no
but i find a place were i can go and not be nervous
that place is the mansion
i think i be there 8 times and i'm not nervous going there just happy
that way i was a no showed
and i think its been 2 years since i had a panic attack
not sure if i'm doing good or over due for one lol


Active member
Feb 8, 2013
out side of ottawa
not a public service ad for the mansion
i take panic attack and shut down for a day
phone is off for the day i don't want to see people
its not fun when you go to see a escort or to a spa and you think the
whole world is looking at you
and the mansion is in the country and i'm calm and relaxed when I go there
that all


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
not a public service ad for the mansion
i take panic attack and shut down for a day
phone is off for the day i don't want to see people
its not fun when you go to see a escort or to a spa and you think the
whole world is looking at you
and the mansion is in the country and i'm calm and relaxed when I go there
that all
I'm glad that it works for you, but if I could suggest maybe working through your anxiety issues? Only if you feel that way in other parts of your life of course. Being that nervous is no way to go through life.


Never no showed but have had to cancel because of illness. I try to do that the earliest possible moment but it can be a tricky call because it is not always clear if you are really sick (i.e whether feeling bad will result in full blown illness). That said, I should think providers would want us to err on the side of caution but, given some reactions, that is not always the case.


New member
Jul 1, 2017
Sometimes I like to shut down my phone for the day and pretend I am a super spy being chased by lizard people dressed in human skin, with extra long labia lips. It's stressful and makes me anxious, but it's extremely fun. I try to inspect as many female genital lips as possible. My most success is at .... (FILL IN BLANK WITH PAID ADVERTISEMENTS) ... The place offers privacy unparalleled to other places. Like malls are easy to find potential lizards but it is hard to isolate them for inspection. Movie theatres are too dark to properly inspect and identify potential candidates with my thermal goggles it's because lizards are cold blooded and in the dark theatre they appear just black through my goggles (and so do dark skinned black people when I forget to turn on the goggles).

On the off chance off chance you are serious about the panic attacks. I wish you the best in your progress, you should be proud you were able to conquer your fears and go to appointments. Initially, I became very nervous going to see MAs.

And you have to admit it does kinda look a little like an ad.


New member
May 26, 2018
I have near no showed an SP or an MA as I find this to be so disrespectful as I would feel so disrespected if this were done to me by an SP or and MA. Once, I cancelled the day before because I had an eye infection (never had one before). I actually gave her a heads up two days before that I might cancel as I woke up with extremely sore (and red) eyes, telling her that I was going to see my doctor to check this out and sure enough, it was confirmed that I had Pink eye in both eyes. So I made it official in cancelling my session. As this SP was a regular I was seeing for almost 2 years, she totally understood and We rescheduled our session 9 days later.

I prefer to be honest with SPs and MAs regarding any health concerns as I do not want to put them in harms way. I mean this is their livelihood for God sakes!!!


May 30, 2017
In the Matrix
We all heard about those no-shows, but I don't understand why guys do that. It's so disrespectful and what's the point?
We read that the Ottawa scene had a bas rep because of that (and other things too).
That's bad and stupid!!!

Can we all get along and respect each other?
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