Why are Ottawa escorts so ugly


New member
Oct 3, 2005
I mean seriously. The actual girls that work out of Ottawa full time as opposed to those who come here on tour are for the most part hideous. Just compare them to the western towns on EC. It's not evenclose. I mean we are one of the larger cities in Canada, so why are our escorts so sub standard.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
That's not very nice...

Really, there are other ways to express you disappointment. You just insulted a whole bunch of people who participate here, in part, to make things better for us. It's a tough industry, looks are subjective, and good service is hard to find. The fact that we have so many SP's and MA's participating here is good thing. If you buy into the idea the elusive Girl Friend Experience is more than a menu of acts and playboy looks than you have to ask yourself what it is. In my opinion it's the connection, feeling like you've spent time with someone who really enjoyed their time with you, has more to talk about than the details of the session, trys to make your experience a good one rather than just get it over with....etc

The best way for them to do that is to get to know their customers, interact with them, hear their thoughts, and share their own. We can all learn something way. I don't want to go too far off on a tangent here but the fact is that this industry suffers from a negative social stigma. In short;
" it's not socially acceptable to be an escort"
"It's not socially acceptable to a customer of an escort"
The truth is both have existed for a very long time and we will not (as a society) be able to shine the light of common sense on the stigma without the kind of interaction and awareness that boards like this bring.

Part of the problem with the kind of comment you made ( and I appreciate you probably trying to be honest and blunt ) is that it reinforces that stigma by commenting only on the superficial. It reinforces the idea that the only value customers see in SPs is their looks, and that women have to meet a physical ideal to provide value.

I could go on but, the fact is we are not all attracted to the same women (thankfully) that's okay. It also okay to be not be satisified with what's available. I think the solution is to try and frame the problem as you see it, in the form of a solution rather than a complaint. The people you are complaining about have a tough job, and I would hazzard a guess that we have more positive participation from SPs per capita than any other city in Canada.

There is a market in Ottawa for visiting SPs, and they visit, I don't see a problem.

Think about what you really want to get out of an SP experience, if it's only looks you have the simplest critera to fill and there are beautiful women visiting every week. If what you want is something more than that, take a hard look at how much the local women in Ottawa do to deliver good service.

Maybe, just Maybe the reason HDH women from other cities have a hardtime getting the higher rates in Ottawa is because the local SPs doing meeting their clients needs at a lower rate :eek: Food for thought.

I haven't seen any reviews or participation in discussion from you, try getting involved, write about your experiences, what you like, what you don't like so much. you stand a much greater chance of finding what you're looking for that way.



May 17, 2005
Monique is not that bad looking. No???

rofobo said:
I mean seriously. The actual girls that work out of Ottawa full time as opposed to those who come here on tour are for the most part hideous. Just compare them to the western towns on EC. It's not evenclose. I mean we are one of the larger cities in Canada, so why are our escorts so sub standard.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
lighten up

rofobo said:
I mean seriously. The actual girls that work out of Ottawa full time as opposed to those who come here on tour are for the most part hideous. Just compare them to the western towns on EC. It's not evenclose. I mean we are one of the larger cities in Canada, so why are our escorts so sub standard.
It is guys like you who give Attawa a bad name....all you do is bitch and complain........why not add some ideas or ask some women to come around....post on the board what you would like to see or who.....maybe we can convince some more to visit.


New member
Oct 3, 2005
I stand by my comment. The selection in Ottawa is poor. And why? I have no idea but it's always been like that. I have no problem with visting SP's, in fact I say, thank god. I just wish that there were more attractive women based here on a regular basis. I realise everyone has different expectations of what they want, but for me it's looks. These women provide a service that we pay for, that's it. If you think that you're really connectig with any of them you're decieving yourself. If they had another way to support themselves, the vaste majority would, but I digress. I just wish someone could tell me why our pickings are so slim compared to other cities of similar size or smaller.


New member
Mar 17, 2005
Twiz, your points are one of the few signs of intelligent life on this board. Well and elequently put. Being an escort is extremely tough, it means living a double life, dealing with a lot of jerks and performing an intimate and emotionally draining job.

I disagree with Rofobo's point that there is no real connection. I agree in that there isn't one the first one or times with a given escort. However, if things start to click and you become a regular, there is a connection. For many escorts, their regulars are what keeps them sane enough to stay in the business.

As far as Ottawa is concerned, remember its really just a big little town with demographics very different from any other city due to the significantly larger middle-class which results from Ottawa being a government town. It's also cultural - Montreal escorts are both more attractive and plentiful (and sensual) than Toronto escorts and its a smaller city. Ottawa also doesn't have the same types of immigrants as other cities (eg. Toronto has a lot of asian and EE immigrants).

As a travel destination, Ottawa is not a business destination attracting many single men, Ottawa travel is more tourist than business so it means less demand for escorts and correspondingly, less supply. Business men are also only likely to see any given escort once, so of course looks become the number one priority (it is for me when I travel). However, as Twiz points out, for those living here, the type of relationship is different and thus the importance of looks is significantly less.




Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Another way of posing that question would be;

"Why can't HDH sps find enough customers in city the size of Ottawa?"

If you've never connected with an SP then I understand why you think it's impossible. I also suspect you've never had a satisfying experience with an SP. There is a need for SPs to keep a certain emotional distance from their customers, like many other professions. Have you ever become friends with someone you met through a customer/service type of relationship? or maybe thought that there was the potential for friendship if you'd met them under different circumstances ? Is it really so hard for you to believe that can happen in an SP/client situation ? We're all human after all.

There are SPs who choose this line of work out of desperation, because they they don't see any other choices for themsleves. In point of fact this is true of any line of work. Like any other line of work those make that because they don't have any other option tend not to be very good at it. Again, I'm talking about the quality of service and not just subjective curb appeal.

If you think all of the SPs and MAs in Ottawa are only doing this because life has never afforded them any other opportunity I would say two things;

A) your dead wrong
B) You're brainwashed into believing that the streotypes, society would have you believe, are all true. They come from somewhere and I would encourage you to do some research and find out where. Lookup men like comstock and the comstock laws, see what kind of influence organized religion has had on what we still accept as truth, right/wrong, good/evil. Think critically about what you accept to be true at face value and see if you can dig a little deeper by asking yourself why you accept it. If those reasons are strickly internal, great. If they aren't, do they make sense to you ? Are they what you want them to be ?



Sep 17, 2004
Relief is 1:45 hrs away ...

Hey Robofo,

Drive East for less than two hours and all's well. You've probably heard "Go to MTL" a thousand times already, but it still works.



Locita Chicita
Sep 12, 2005
Near you

rofobo said:
I stand by my comment. The selection in Ottawa is poor. And why? I have no idea but it's always been like that. I have no problem with visting SP's, in fact I say, thank god. I just wish that there were more attractive women based here on a regular basis. I realise everyone has different expectations of what they want, but for me it's looks. These women provide a service that we pay for, that's it. If you think that you're really connectig with any of them you're decieving yourself. If they had another way to support themselves, the vaste majority would, but I digress. I just wish someone could tell me why our pickings are so slim compared to other cities of similar size or smaller.

Selection in Ottawa is not that bad considerng the population and the nature of the community. If your primary consideration is looks, Monique is a good choice, I have read reviews of Aurora from the Sun and there are undoubtedly others too. I have worked in many smaller markets and would suggest to you that due to the nature of the size of the community discretion for the escort is even more important, and as such many would not post pictures, but work via a referral network or work for the many agencies listed in the yellow pages. The yellow pages used to be one of the first places to look for escorts, traditionally. I would imagine that the local escorts and agencies that have built up a good clientele prior to the advent of the Internet in 1995 for mass public use and more importantly since 1997-978 when the world wide web really started to become a venue of choice for some agencies and indies alike. If I had a good business with many clients prior to 1997, I myself most likely would not choose the internet as a place to conduct business. But alas, I was an agency girl or street walking prior to that time. So in a nutshell, I highly doubt that the 'selection' is poor, it is just that most hobbyist that rely on the net for info don't know where else to look. In the good old days you used to rely on the phone operator of the agency to fulfill your needs by selecting the right girl based on your criteria conveyed to them.

As for looks, I myself being 'lil ole' me, feel I am not a 'woof' and I cum here all the time. I am as close to a local girl as you can get without taking up residency here....

Now for the connection... I have met many wonderful guys my time in Ottawa and some, we just don't connect... But many, we most certainly do!!!!! and it is those guys that we do make the connection with that make this business all the more enjoyable. I know many escorts that even see clients outside of the typical 'pay by the hour' model. I myself am very fortunate that here in Ottawa, I am batting about 85% for connection with clients. and it really is a two way street. These wonderful guys treat me with respect.. and ... well.. I just plain treat them!!! LOL

As for other ways to support myself, yes I would dearly luv to find a job that permits me to go to the gym every day, tan, swim, shop, explore my hobbies and listen to music all day and only work four or five hours and not continously in a day, take time off when I want to and still provide a 6 figure income. If you know of one... and I can have a multi year contract... sign me up!!!!!! and then I can spent all the time with the guys I have made a connection with for free!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo;)


Aug 27, 2005
You Ottawa folk are wordy mothers...that first page was like the longest read of my life...LOL

In my experiences, mongoring quality in capitol cities are not usually as good as they else where. Not all capitols, but many. I mean think about it do you think there are alot of hot Sp's, MPA's, in Washington oppose to NY, LA, Florida? LOL To be honest though I think you guys in Ottawa have a few really good gems there. :cool:


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005

That is why we love Stacey.....................

Sure you can only go for looks....playboy types.....but when you get a great looking woman whith the attitude and mind like Stacey.....well....that makes up for alot of other short commings in the Ottawa market.


Feb 23, 2006
while rofobo is lacking in tact, he's probably right that the number of stunning women appears to be lower in ottawa. but i'll let you in on a little bit of asecret: the most stunning women who escort generally are snapped up in special arrangements with the various diplomatic and governmental types in the city. as asuch they don't have to advretise anymore to the common hobbyist (actually most arrangements would likly require the discretion of something akin to being a 'sugar daddy' as well as being just as profitable). it sucks for the rest of us but what can you do?


Jun 23, 2005
re:agree with Stacey

Well I for one had a great experience with Michelle.

Very pretty lady and I was very pleased with her service. This lady has class.
I am still awaiting to have a rendez-vous with the lovely Stacey. It's hard to get on the same time frame or maybe a DUO with Michelle and Stacey.

One thing do you every stop to think what the SP's are thinking before they meet us. I bet they'd like to see Tom Cruise walk thru the door. They never know what's on the other side of the door. It doesn't matter they can't say go away your to fat or ugly whatever. I could go on but.

I think Stacey has a very good handle on this.
HA! Stacey would you like to go nude sun bathing with me !!!!!!!!!

By the way Michelle is a little DOLL !!!!!


Stacey_luvxxx said:
Selection in Ottawa is not that bad considerng the population and the nature of the community. If your primary consideration is looks, Monique is a good choice, I have read reviews of Aurora from the Sun and there are undoubtedly others too. I have worked in many smaller markets and would suggest to you that due to the nature of the size of the community discretion for the escort is even more important, and as such many would not post pictures, but work via a referral network or work for the many agencies listed in the yellow pages. The yellow pages used to be one of the first places to look for escorts, traditionally. I would imagine that the local escorts and agencies that have built up a good clientele prior to the advent of the Internet in 1995 for mass public use and more importantly since 1997-978 when the world wide web really started to become a venue of choice for some agencies and indies alike. If I had a good business with many clients prior to 1997, I myself most likely would not choose the internet as a place to conduct business. But alas, I was an agency girl or street walking prior to that time. So in a nutshell, I highly doubt that the 'selection' is poor, it is just that most hobbyist that rely on the net for info don't know where else to look. In the good old days you used to rely on the phone operator of the agency to fulfill your needs by selecting the right girl based on your criteria conveyed to them.

As for looks, I myself being 'lil ole' me, feel I am not a 'woof' and I cum here all the time. I am as close to a local girl as you can get without taking up residency here....

Now for the connection... I have met many wonderful guys my time in Ottawa and some, we just don't connect... But many, we most certainly do!!!!! and it is those guys that we do make the connection with that make this business all the more enjoyable. I know many escorts that even see clients outside of the typical 'pay by the hour' model. I myself am very fortunate that here in Ottawa, I am batting about 85% for connection with clients. and it really is a two way street. These wonderful guys treat me with respect.. and ... well.. I just plain treat them!!! LOL

As for other ways to support myself, yes I would dearly luv to find a job that permits me to go to the gym every day, tan, swim, shop, explore my hobbies and listen to music all day and only work four or five hours and not continously in a day, take time off when I want to and still provide a 6 figure income. If you know of one... and I can have a multi year contract... sign me up!!!!!! and then I can spent all the time with the guys I have made a connection with for free!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo;)


New member
Dec 21, 2005
Thank God everyone is different!

Well folks, I don't think we will ever come to a solid conclusion on this one. I think Ottawa has perhaps less women "publicly available" (I have heard also that there are many women not publicly available seeing only a seclect few) to us than some other cities however I disagree that we are all looking for the same thing. I have to say that every time I come on here I thank my lucky stars I'm not like Lurker and Antlerman and in fact many others that post here. We are all different and we are all looking for something different in an SP. That is why this terb/perb/merb all work so well. If the business of SPs were as easy as posting a picture on a web site and being beautiful then I think there would be a lot more women or perhaps many different women in the business.

Let's not forget that Canada is a small country and if you don't like the people in Ottawa then go to Montreal. If Montreal doesn't cut it for you then go to TO. If TO doesn't cut it for you go out west and if the west doesn't cut it for you then get the fuck out and move to the states where I here people love to complain. (Sorry to any and all americans that aren't complainers)

You have to love it when someone uses their entire post to bash stereotypers and then they throw one of their own in at the end! hahahaha!


New member
Aug 17, 2005
rofobo said:
I mean seriously. The actual girls that work out of Ottawa full time as opposed to those who come here on tour are for the most part hideous. Just compare them to the western towns on EC. It's not evenclose. I mean we are one of the larger cities in Canada, so why are our escorts so sub standard.
I personally think that Cindy, Connie and Maggie are really hot, but I agree that many SP/MP in this city are pretty ugly.


New member
Oct 7, 2005
I would'nt say the sps or ma's are ugly. Most of them are average or don't put a lot of effort into their appearance.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Like - what the hell are you trying to say??

calman666 said:
Well folks, I don't think we will ever come to a solid conclusion on this one. I think Ottawa has perhaps less women "publicly available" (I have heard also that there are many women not publicly available seeing only a seclect few) to us than some other cities however I disagree that we are all looking for the same thing. I have to say that every time I come on here I thank my lucky stars I'm not like Lurker and Antlerman and in fact many others that post here. We are all different and we are all looking for something different in an SP. That is why this terb/perb/merb all work so well. If the business of SPs were as easy as posting a picture on a web site and being beautiful then I think there would be a lot more women or perhaps many different women in the business.

Let's not forget that Canada is a small country and if you don't like the people in Ottawa then go to Montreal. If Montreal doesn't cut it for you then go to TO. If TO doesn't cut it for you go out west and if the west doesn't cut it for you then get the fuck out and move to the states where I here people love to complain. (Sorry to any and all americans that aren't complainers)

You have to love it when someone uses their entire post to bash stereotypers and then they throw one of their own in at the end! hahahaha!
Jeez - PHNINE is right...Ottawa is full of wordy mothers. The point Rofobo was trying to make was pretty clear to me. The other stuff people posted on the subject are voicing their own opinions, but are missing the spirit of the issue. With respect to the ladies who have the will, goods and drive to keep the life, bless you - we need you. The money has its own rewards too eh?
As for those ladies who don't have it - well, that's what this forum is for too. Us poor, unselective bastards deserve what we get, but getting back to what I think Rofobo was trying to say - we don't have to put up with that, do we? Vote with the cash and the cream will rise in our shorts...umm or to the top. Flame-on!
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