I'm glad this discussion has remained civil
Sometimes with differing opinions things can degrade quickly. We seem to be miles apart on this issue but I will try one last time to clairify my position by responding to some of your statements;
For the people that say you really need to connect to a hooker to have a great time I say this. What is this industry about at it's root? Yes people use it not to feel lonely, to try and connect to another human being it's true.
I'm sure that there are people who seek out SPs in the hopes of finding companionship but that is a completely different issue. The desire for physical intimacy is completely different than lonelyness.
But if that was all it was why not volunteer down at the local retirement home.
Not a good bet for the physical intimacy, fine for companionship
Dress it up anyway you want to, you're not paying these women just to talk to you.
Agreed, I'm paying for an interaction that I hope includes a certain level of physical intimacy. I think you must think I'm trying to put some sort of spin on this issue by sugar coating it. I'm not. Simply put, paying for a physically intimate service from someone you like is more enjoyable than paying for the same service from someone you don't.
If you put down your 500 dollars (or 250 or whatever) for a good time, you better not have to connect emotionally with the girl in order that she gives you what you're looking for.
I don't understand why you think connecting with someone is such a bad thing. I'm not talking about emotional entaglements or obligations on either side. Just that actually liking each other is a good thing.
She had better be a damn good actress for those prices.
I suppose there are a couple things you could mean by that. If you're talking about faking a moment of pleasure, my ego is not so fragile that I expect or need SP to "peek" in order for me to enjoy my time with her. If you're talking about her acting like she likes me when she doesn't, no thank you. I think you reach an age or level of maturity/experience where you can see through that kind of acting immediately. Again, my ego doesn't need it, and it's frankly a huge turn off.
If I pay someone to fix my car, he should do it whether he considers me a good guy or not.
It's reasonable to expect a level of professionalism from an SP but the fact is that you get better service from people who like you. If the guy who fixes your car thinks you're a good guy he might ( while fixing your transmission ) let you know that he noticed your timing belt is bad shape and suggest you take care of it. Or if he thought you were a jerk, might not.
You should be polite and courteous always
I don't think everyone who reads your first post would agree that you've met that ideal. But I agree things would be better for everyone if we all strived for that.
But you are there for how they look and what they will do for you period.
This is really the crux of the issue. Simply there is more to it than that. Physical attraction is a part of the equation no question, but there are other parts as well that I hoped I've managed to articulate. If looks and menu of acts were all that mattered, the term GFE would never have come into being.
hope that makes sense to you,