That's not very nice...
Really, there are other ways to express you disappointment. You just insulted a whole bunch of people who participate here, in part, to make things better for us. It's a tough industry, looks are subjective, and good service is hard to find. The fact that we have so many SP's and MA's participating here is good thing. If you buy into the idea the elusive Girl Friend Experience is more than a menu of acts and playboy looks than you have to ask yourself what it is. In my opinion it's the connection, feeling like you've spent time with someone who really enjoyed their time with you, has more to talk about than the details of the session, trys to make your experience a good one rather than just get it over with....etc
The best way for them to do that is to get to know their customers, interact with them, hear their thoughts, and share their own. We can all learn something way. I don't want to go too far off on a tangent here but the fact is that this industry suffers from a negative social stigma. In short;
" it's not socially acceptable to be an escort"
"It's not socially acceptable to a customer of an escort"
The truth is both have existed for a very long time and we will not (as a society) be able to shine the light of common sense on the stigma without the kind of interaction and awareness that boards like this bring.
Part of the problem with the kind of comment you made ( and I appreciate you probably trying to be honest and blunt ) is that it reinforces that stigma by commenting only on the superficial. It reinforces the idea that the only value customers see in SPs is their looks, and that women have to meet a physical ideal to provide value.
I could go on but, the fact is we are not all attracted to the same women (thankfully) that's okay. It also okay to be not be satisified with what's available. I think the solution is to try and frame the problem as you see it, in the form of a solution rather than a complaint. The people you are complaining about have a tough job, and I would hazzard a guess that we have more positive participation from SPs per capita than any other city in Canada.
There is a market in Ottawa for visiting SPs, and they visit, I don't see a problem.
Think about what you really want to get out of an SP experience, if it's only looks you have the simplest critera to fill and there are beautiful women visiting every week. If what you want is something more than that, take a hard look at how much the local women in Ottawa do to deliver good service.
Maybe, just Maybe the reason HDH women from other cities have a hardtime getting the higher rates in Ottawa is because the local SPs doing meeting their clients needs at a lower rate

Food for thought.
I haven't seen any reviews or participation in discussion from you, try getting involved, write about your experiences, what you like, what you don't like so much. you stand a much greater chance of finding what you're looking for that way.