Why Americans are considered warmongers...


New member
Nov 19, 2004
by the rest of the world.

Get this. A co-worker of mine recently went to a sales seminar in the states. Our company is a multi-national company with offices on every continent. Part of the seminar consisted of breaking into smaller groups and meeting with a motivational speaker who just happend to be a former US military flyer(retired). The thrust of the whole session was that we must treat our competitors as the enemy. All motivation was couched in military terms....sortie, mission, bombing run, direct hit, confirmed kills...you get the picture. The presentation was accompanied by power-point presentations of our enemies being blown into small bits(cartoon and actual pictures of targets destroyed by "bunker-busters"). At the end of the presentation medals were presented for those with the highest kill ratios.

At very best, and considering the current politcal climate, this could be considered in very poor taste and extremely inappropriate for a business conference. At worst, it's obscene. A much better choice would have been to simulate a sports scenario(football being a good example), but, apparantly, that wasn't considered "sexy" enough.(thats a quote from the people putting on the seminar).

WTF is wrong with the Americans? :mad:


'Senior' member
Aug 30, 2004
near YOO
The Americans believe in and live by the 'Might is Right' principle.
Last edited:

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Seems very odd...........that is unless your company is a manufacturer of military equipment.
You ask WTF, is wrong with Americans? I guess we'll never know until we lose 3,000+ citizens to a terrorist attack. An attack that is so cowardly and evil, it reaches the depths of parasitic human behaviour. The real question should be WTF is wrong with Canadians? Instead of standing side by side with our true allies (US and UK) countries we've always associated ourselves closely with on a social and economic level, countries that we've gone to battle with in the past to preserve Western democracy, countries we've always shared core values with. Instead we align ourselves with the likes of France, Germany, Russia and China - countries whose qualities are socialist and/or non/quasi democratic. The ironic thing about Iraq is that these countries who opposed invasion have more of an economic stake there and in the Middle East than the U.S. does. Yet all you hear from the left wing loonies is that the U.S. is only there for control of oil. Well I argue the reason that France,Germany,Russia and China AREN'T there is due to financial reasons including oil. With Iraq being invaded they lost huge financially - they wrote off billions of dollars in debt (debt mostly accumulated through supplies of weapons in violation of U.N. sanctions). Oil for Food my ass, how about Oil for Guns?? Its unfortunate we as Canadians are being hoodwinked by liberal and socialist media outlets such as the CBC and the Toronto Star, by multicultural communities that have such influence that they pretty well dictate the outcomes of our elections and our governments' foreign policy decisions. (See Paul Martin meeting with Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka, kissing the asses of Chinese officials). Canada is changing into a country I do not recognize anymore, we no longer have the power we once had internationally to make a difference. We have faded into U.N. ambiguity led blindly by our faith that this organization is the world's saviour. That our domestic policy should mirror that of the U.N.'s. Ask Romeo Dallaire how the U.N. backed him up in Rwanda while 800,000 tootsies(sp) were being exterminated. No teeth just like Canada. Or how half of the U.N. general assembly is made up of non democratic countries who seem to be obsessed with drafting resolutions condeming Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip instead of dealing with crises like Rwanda or Sudan, combating global terrorism, promoting democracy and global co-operation or even eliminating human rights abuses in their own countries. Does it ever make you just think that, maybe, as revolting as it may seem to some, that we need the America's of the world to make the tough decisions instead of just standing around hoping it will all go away. So maybe instead of asking WTF is wrong with the U.S. we should be asking WTF is wrong with the rest of the world (the U.N.). It needs serious help. I just hope it comes soon.


Don't for a second think that Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is not a big read among Canadian business folk. I've happened to see that book in a number of offices of some pretty big cheeses across this country.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
K Douglas said:
You ask WTF, is wrong with Americans? I guess we'll never know until we lose 3,000+ citizens to a terrorist attack.
You then go on to talk about Iraq. What the hell does that have to do with Iraq? The fact is that if anything the America invasion of Iraq as created more terrorists.


New member
Jan 24, 2005
You Ingrateful Parasite

Rather than bashing the US for being "warmongers," maybe you should consider that it is ONLY because the US spends so much on its military -- and is thus so powerful -- that you cowards don't have to spend any money to defend yourselves. It is the US's military might that enables you to "enjoy" socialism in Canada. How free would your health care be if you actually had to spend money defend yourselves? :mad:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
K Douglas said:
The real question should be WTF is wrong with Canadians? Instead of standing side by side with our true allies (US and UK) countries we've always associated ourselves closely with on a social and economic level, countries that we've gone to battle with in the past to preserve Western democracy, countries we've always shared core values with. Instead we align ourselves with the likes of France, Germany, Russia and China - countries whose qualities are socialist and/or non/quasi democratic. QUOTE]

We have fought and continue to support american ventures. We were in afganistan and we have had ships in the persian gulf for a few years. We did not go into Iraq because our government of the day did not believe there was proof that Iraq had WMD's (that was the reason we were asked to go). Hey turns out they were right and there were no WMD's.


Aug 19, 2001
as if....

K Douglas said:
The real question should be WTF is wrong with Canadians? Instead of standing side by side with our true allies (US and UK) countries we've always associated ourselves closely with on a social and economic level, countries that we've gone to battle with in the past to preserve Western democracy.. .

Oh, please...lets not be so naive...

In WWII, where were the Americans when Canadians and Englishman were fighting for the very survival of their countries. When bombs were falling on London every day, where were the Americans.

Only after bombs fell on THEIR soil nearly 3 years into WWII did they finally come to our aid.

In the present geo-political climate the US is doing what is in their best interests, in the same way that countries always do.

That is why the US is the worlds superpower...because they do what is best for them. Not what is best for their supposed friends.

I make no criticism of their me-first approach. That is the American ideal. Be #1, and tough luck to whoever comes in second.

I enjoy my relatiohship with my American relatives, and many American business colleagues. But they have the culture and the leadership which they do because that is what their country has chosen.

Lets just call a spade a spade.



Aug 19, 2001
jeffreybowman2k said:
Rather than bashing the US for being "warmongers," maybe you should consider that it is ONLY because the US spends so much on its military -- and is thus so powerful -- that you cowards don't have to spend any money to defend yourselves. It is the US's military might that enables you to "enjoy" socialism in Canada. How free would your health care be if you actually had to spend money defend yourselves? :mad:


...defend ourselves from who...

The US spends 50% of the worlds total military spending.

Think about it.


They spend that money for a reason. And it is not to protect Canada.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I guess I would be asking why the company I work forhired a motivational speaker the is "so offensive". After all prior to hiring a speaker someone in a position of authority normaly hears them speak, reviews material and approves material. Seems to me the speaker was hired to deliver the session he did.


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough for some.

My post posed the statement "why the rest of the world considers Americans warmongers", and the rest of the post delivered what I consider what might be a possible reason.(the use of a graphic military scenario to promote business success)

Let me first say that I have the greatest respect for those in the military. They are, after all, only tools of their respective goverments. By and large, they are all fine individuals, sincere in their beliefs. Of course, there are always a few bad apples in the basket.

I also have great respect for the idea of "America".

The seminar that was presented is probably only a symptom of what's wrong. War should never be glorified. It's an ugly, dirty business. And force should only be used when all else fails. Many Americans consider the war in Iraq to be an unjust war. History will decide that.

Jeffery...learn to read...and learn to comprehend what you are reading before you offer your obviously uninformed opinion. I did not bash the US as warmongers, I merely offered a reason as to why some might, seeing as how this militaristic approach has insinuated itself into the current American business culture. When it's clearly not needed(they could have used a sports scenario), or appropriate.


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Trust me, I'm asking....

papasmerf said:
I guess I would be asking why the company I work forhired a motivational speaker the is "so offensive". After all prior to hiring a speaker someone in a position of authority normaly hears them speak, reviews material and approves material. Seems to me the speaker was hired to deliver the session he did.

and making some people mighty uncomfortable....it appears the chairman, the big kahuna, was unaware of this, and reprimands will be issued, and heads will roll over this. So, a little guy from Canada, a cog in the machine, has shaken the apple tree, and the bad apples are falling as we speak. :D


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Oh, by the way Jeffery...

jeffreybowman2k said:
Rather than bashing the US for being "warmongers," maybe you should consider that it is ONLY because the US spends so much on its military -- and is thus so powerful -- that you cowards don't have to spend any money to defend yourselves. It is the US's military might that enables you to "enjoy" socialism in Canada. How free would your health care be if you actually had to spend money defend yourselves? :mad:
you're an ASSHAT!!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Jamaica-luvr said:
and making some people mighty uncomfortable....it appears the chairman, the big kahuna, was unaware of this, and reprimands will be issued, and heads will roll over this. So, a little guy from Canada, a cog in the machine, has shaken the apple tree, and the bad apples are falling as we speak. :D

Every movent started with only one voice.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
So some numbchuck organized an stupid event and you paint an entire country with it - how stupid. The only thing that rings true in this thread is small Canadian cog.



New member
Jan 24, 2005

par·a·site ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-st) n.

One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Your handle is really quite apt...

onthebottom said:
So some numbchuck organized an stupid event and you paint an entire country with it - how stupid. The only thing that rings true in this thread is small Canadian cog.

although you should lengthen it to "bottom-feeder".....

Clearly you're comprehensive skills are sorely lacking ...once more....the seminar was a microcosm of a larger issue...it was not acceptable to use a military scenario in this setting. But events like these would, could, and are, only confirming the view in some people's minds that the American people are obsessed with violence and violent acts....this is a major American corporate entity with over 55,000 people in my division alone...


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Originally Posted by K Douglas
You ask WTF, is wrong with Americans? I guess we'll never know until we lose 3,000+ citizens to a terrorist attack.

Please try to squeeze this thought into your head:

Of those killed, many Americans were represented but so were Canadians, Germans, French, Swiss, it was a veritable rainbow of nationalities, dead.

So I'll ask again that you stop hollering and wailing about 911 being a profoundly American thing. It demeans it.

The world was shocked that day and upon reflection some less than others.

My friends lost family and friends.

The 911 battle cry loses much effect with Iraq, unless you are an idiot

The 911 battle cry loses much effect as an American cry for vengence

The 911 battle cry is a politcal riff for pawns to squeel and hum approval

The 911 battle cry says we have pissed people off and they're coming for us

The 911 battle cry says we need not change, we'll change them

The 911 battle cry ignores reality and history

The 911 battle cry is another excuse to up the arms and up the budget

The 911 battle cry is an excuse to increase the core military economy

Have fun folks.

Build guns, buy guns, shoot eachother. I'll surf in SD when you're gone.



New member
Nov 19, 2004
I'm impressed....

jeffreybowman2k said:
par·a·site ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-st) n.

One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.
Jeffrey knows how to use a dictionary....now look up the word moron and mark the page with a snapshop of self...
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