Toronto Passions
Ashley Madison

Who needs this much living space?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
So who's got $13MM kicking around?
You know I can see 5,000 sq ft being more than ample for a larger family (7+) but 13,334 sq ft. just seems plain ridiculous to me. If I had that kind of money to burn I'd be pulling a Jay Leno and building a car collection.



Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
It kind of puts Rosedale in my mind, but out in Sauga.

I have driven down that little road.
It has a church retreat at one end there from the fifties.
But none of the original houses.
They were tear downs or massive renos so the present mansions and armour walls could be built.

It is about a 5 minute drive from where I happily live with a 2700 sq ft of living space for a family of four.
That I paid off the mortgage on about 8 years ago.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I know someone in my city rented a house like that for the day. A part of the house was sort of closed off, so it was rental for people to host events. Not large but for large family to do pot luck or birthdays instead of going to a restaurant or one of the family member houses. This way everyone pitches in or participates in setting up and clean up. Plenty of parking.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
If they got the cash and that's what they want, I say go for it.
I think it's mostly for privacy.
I would do the same thing if I had the cash.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
How big is your house? And how many people in your household? Just curious.

We have a big ass house in India, and only my old parents live there and it is far too difficult for them to take care of maintaining it. lol.
Big enough to house about 150 of your countrymen given the way they are cramming into illegal rooming houses 😂


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
A minority of students stay in those places, so your statement was a generalization and therefore racist. It also had nothing to do with this thread, or a normal question that I asked. So yes, it was unnecessarily racist. You may want to try some yoga and meditation (which is also incidentally from India), to calm your outraged rightie soul and introspect on your own racism.
You can’t take a joke eh 😂

A friend of mine, your fellow Indian, Russel Peters makes alllll kinds of jokes about Indians.
Do you consider him racist too?
Or is it only not racist if people make fun of their own kind.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
No, it wasn't a joke. Russell Peters is Indian and a stand up comedian and therefore he is allowed to in that context. You are neither Indian, nor a stand up comedian, and stereotyping people and being racist is not a joke. Do not expect non white people to encourage and take your racist jokes with a smile. That isn't sense of humour. It is just racism and disrespect. You just exposed yourself as classless, disrespectful and racist, and that too in a regular non-contentious exchange and I am calling you out for it.
Social Justice Warrior 😂😂
You gotta be able to take a joke man life is too short.
You can call out anything you like….
As Ricky Gervais said “Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.”
BTW Sterotypes come from real things…😉


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
I am no social justice warrior and stereotypes are extrapolations and generalizations of outliers, which is why they are racist. Insensitively making fun of some poor people and their living conditions, and then using that to stereotype an entire ethnic group, is neither a joke, nor is it humour. It is classless, uncouth, disrespectful and racist behaviour and reflects on you and your character.
You must be fun at parties 😂


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Yes, I am. You know who isn't? People like you who make a regular friendly exchange into an awkward one with their bad manners and rude behaviours while misreading people's uncomfortable laughter as an endorsement of your "humour".
If it keeps sensitive SJW pansies away from me then all the better 😂😂


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
No. Very excessive imo. Utilities must be nuts, taxes nuts, upkeep nuts.

Moving to NB in 2 weeks. Buying a couple of acres and doing a self build. 600 sq ft home.

I don't want to work to live or live to work. Just enjoy the simple things and an uncomplicated and peaceful life


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Yes I am not surprised. I can picture you saying that standing alone in the room as everyone else walks out.

Nah, they just grab another beer from the cooler beside the sofabed in their trailer and light up another cigarette from the 'Injun Reserve".

iNot saying all of them, but some of the regulars in low rent trailer parksare exactly like that. Ignorant of their conduct and how it offends others just trying to enjoy a nice bbq. I have a good friend who has a modest, but well kept, "Park Model' trailer in a seasonal Ontario trailer park. It's no Muskoka McMansion but he is a working guy and it's paid for. I've been there when the low life rednecks start with the drunken hootin' and hollerin' listening to their too loud music. Their response to anyone asking to keep it down is that they are uptight party poopers. Like THEIR way of life is the only way so fuck anyone else.

I once called one out as being a loudmouth WANNABE redneck. He was dressing down the old man living in the trailer beside him. Told him it takes more than binge watching Larry the Cable Guy and having truck nuts on his diesel RAM truck to be a real hillbilly. And how low does a man have to stoop to be a FAKE West Virginia cousin-fucker! :LOL: Everybody he was "partying" with all fucking laughed their asses of at him. Little Napolean tried getting up in MY face and I started laughing and told him if he did go get his step stool from his potty, his friends would laugh at him forever when I kicked it out from under him. He didn't know wtf to say for a few seconds... then went all buddy buddy on me, Thankfully. Because I did not want a fight. Just didn't want this old boy next door being bullyied over simply wanting them to turn the music down a little bit after 10 pm.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I think the biggest reason people build or buy McMansions like that in Ontario is they aspire to live in a magazine. These kind and scale of McMansions are common as hell in certain US cites. The Dallas suburbs being one in particular. It's a social status symbol at a certain strata of society.

Notice nothing is special, or personal about it? No workshop for the guy, no hockey rink or basketball court for the kids? No hobby room.

I have a super rich relative who designed and built a 10,000 sf (or so) house. she has a gift wrapping room! Because she LOVES being social, Christmas, hosting birthdays etc and loves giving beautifully wrapped gifts. It's maybe the size of a small kids bedroom, but it has a use for her. she also has the nicest root cellar/cantina because she loves to can, preserve and pickle foods. Her husband loves to mow the lawn! He jsut says there is something relaxing for him to make these beautiful patterns. So he has extensive lawns and a separate "driving shed" for his little fleet of riding mowers!

They love each other but each has differernt sleep habits. so they built a 3 bedroom Main bedroom! They can go to bed and fall asleep with each other to stay close emotionally and physically. But they each have a small side bedroom they can go to later if they want or need to read, or sleep in or whatever.

And they LOVE to entertain so they have big common rooms and many small guest bedrooms for out of town vistors who might not want to drive home that night.

To me, their wealth is well earned and utilized in a big house. Same with some rich Muskoka and other cottagers with big spreads. They wan their kids to bring their friend to their place where they are safe and don't fall in with the wrong crowd. So they use their big money to build a fancy boathouse with a big room above and lots of water toys erc so their kids ddon't ahve to go looking for fun elsewhere and maybe get in trouble.

so, yeah, I can see it.

I live in a condo that is bigger than I need but I love the location and view. I miss having a house with a workshop, nice garage, library and room for my 'stuff'. But big houses and cottages are a lot of work... just to hire people to keep up the property.

To each according to their means and desires. I'm ok with that.

But that mississauga house in the OP is fucking soulless and gauche. that $20,000 commercial range has never heated up anything more than Kraft Dinner or some Fresh2go meal kit
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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Social Justice Warrior 😂😂
You gotta be able to take a joke man life is too short.
You can call out anything you like….
As Ricky Gervais said “Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.”
BTW Sterotypes come from real things…😉
This is insane
"Brown went on to say there could be an estimated 100,000 residents living in illegal rental suites in Brampton...
... But Brampton’s plans to cut down on some 16,000 estimated illegal units "

What the hell is going on in Brampton?!
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