* Richard Pryer was the first black comedian to shatter that safe & sanitary mould that Bill Cosby created. Fuck, Bill was a drag. Richard was a pioneer and a genuine creative genuis.
* George Carlin had a smooth style and sarcastic bite that appealed to many types of humours
* Stephen Wright was a genious in regards to one line quips. He was an inventor of dry humour.
* Cheech & Chong delivered a drug related humour that actually made a few people laugh, even non-drug related folk
* Scotty was one of my best friends and his type of humour was the best of all. He could describe a situation to the enth degree, so dramatic that you could actually picture it. The humour was second to none and it was so honest...Fuck I'm laughing thinking about his stories
Humour is so subjective. I have always been dissapointed in comedians that are known to steal from others (robin williams is one, though I like his improv...) or who like to copy from others (I always feel for people who try to copy the style of others...(either shut up or create your own style)). It is so important to be original. Without it, you are a wannabe. Humour should be from the heart and it will be dictated through the medium you are applying it to.
Per TERB I love the humour of Rusty, he is so reactive and locker room all combined in one. I also enjoy back burner, he is satirical & back biting, not to mention downright nasty.
Above all, the most humerous posts on TERB are the reactionary type.......