The Porn Dude
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White teen in BMW hits three cars, assaults cop in Pennsylvania and doesn’t get shot


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
As memory serves the OP is of African American heritage, and he seems to have achieved HIS desired result by starting this thread.

We all know that the Brown shooting has dominated the media. The facts, one way or the other, seem to be of little importance. The media battle lines are clearly drawn along the lines of the tribalism of the media pundit's race. Of course the elephant in the room was never discussed i.e. the disproportionate criminality of African Americans in the US. That need to be brought into the discourse as soon as the Brown case was widened to "all the other" deaths of young black men at the hands of cops.

I thought it was sad and indicative in one of the eulogies at Brown's funeral how a speaker said that the young man spent his life carrying God's word to others. Really? He had just committed a robbery with violence (on video). So this was not just shop lifting but (in the US) an escalation to a serious felony. In the US they take felony seriously.

And of course Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson of the law firm Fraud & Phony showed up before the ignition was turned off in the ambulance. These two race baiters have never seen an ambulance that was unworthy of the chase.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Regardless of Michael Brown case, OP seems ignorant and clearly trying to make a racist point. How about the following video a gang of black men attacking a white couple? How come there is no "white riots" following release of this video?



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
As memory serves the OP is of African American heritage, and he seems to have achieved HIS desired result by starting this thread.

We all know that the Brown shooting has dominated the media. The facts, one way or the other, seem to be of little importance. The media battle lines are clearly drawn along the lines of the tribalism of the media pundit's race. Of course the elephant in the room was never discussed i.e. the disproportionate criminality of African Americans in the US. That need to be brought into the discourse as soon as the Brown case was widened to "all the other" deaths of young black men at the hands of cops.

I thought it was sad and indicative in one of the eulogies at Brown's funeral how a speaker said that the young man spent his life carrying God's word to others. Really? He had just committed a robbery with violence (on video). So this was not just shop lifting but (in the US) an escalation to a serious felony. In the US they take felony seriously.

And of course Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson of the law firm Fraud & Phony showed up before the ignition was turned off in the ambulance. These two race baiters have never seen an ambulance that was unworthy of the chase.

The Aurora Colorado mass shooter shot up a theatre filled with people and the police never shoot him. Mike Brown was unarmed

Regardless of Michael Brown case, OP seems ignorant and clearly trying to make a racist point. How about the following video a gang of black men attacking a white couple? How come there is no "white riots" following release of this video?
pointing out that police are ready to shoot unarmed black men is not being racist. white suspects in similar situations even when armed are not shot by the police. and why are you ignoring racist comments under the youtube video?

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
The Aurora Colorado mass shooter shot up a theatre filled with people and the police never shoot him. Mike Brown was unarmed

pointing out that police are ready to shoot unarmed black men is not being racist. white suspects in similar situations even when armed are not shot by the police. and why are you ignoring racist comments under the youtube video?
I didn't read any of the comments to the vid, nor do I care if some idiots make racist remarks because they are ignorant.

My point is that there are injustices committed by both races - be it police brutality or violent crimes. In fact it is more often blacks commit violent crimes against white, but we never see whites go rioting, looting the stores, destroying people's properties just to vent anger. As a member of black community, you have the right to voice your opinions about Michael Brown case, but if you are really defending black people as a whole as you clearly be doing, you should be even more ashamed of riots / looting committed by your fellow brothers.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
The Aurora Colorado mass shooter shot up a theatre filled with people and the police never shoot him. Mike Brown was unarmed

pointing out that police are ready to shoot unarmed black men is not being racist. white suspects in similar situations even when armed are not shot by the police. and why are you ignoring racist comments under the youtube video?

Hang on, so it's not ok to see a video of black people acting violently and based on one's limited experience, start making prejudiced comments about black people in general? You have a problem with that? It's wrong? Why? Are there not tons of videos showing black people prone to violence? Can't one extrapolate? Personally, I don't think one can. I agree with your sentiment... making racist, prejudice comments about black people based on videos and an individuals limited experience is very narrow-minded, very offensive and ignorant.

But likewise, looking at videos of cops doing things and extrapolating across while making wild accusations about the entirety of everyone that carries a badge is the same thing. There are plenty of black people arrested every day, even while committing violent acts, that don't get shot. There are plenty of white people being shot or otherwise abused as well when the justification is iffy. On the flip side, both groups have thousands of peaceful, polite interactions with police on a daily basis. Just because one group does it towards blacks while you do it about cops doesn't make your actions ok and their ignorant. You're both doing the same thing. You can't have it both ways. At least, not without being a hypocrite.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Hang on, so it's not ok to see a video of black people acting violently and based on one's limited experience, start making prejudiced comments about black people in general? You have a problem with that? It's wrong? Why? Are there not tons of videos showing black people prone to violence? Can't one extrapolate? Personally, I don't think one can. I agree with your sentiment... making racist, prejudice comments about black people based on videos and an individuals limited experience is very narrow-minded, very offensive and ignorant.

But likewise, looking at videos of cops doing things and extrapolating across while making wild accusations about the entirety of everyone that carries a badge is the same thing. There are plenty of black people arrested every day, even while committing violent acts, that don't get shot. There are plenty of white people being shot or otherwise abused as well when the justification is iffy. On the flip side, both groups have thousands of peaceful, polite interactions with police on a daily basis. Just because one group does it towards blacks while you do it about cops doesn't make your actions ok and their ignorant. You're both doing the same thing. You can't have it both ways. At least, not without being a hypocrite.
Well said. Not only that, whenever something bad happens to a black person, there is likely to be violent protests, immediately blaming on racism. Blacks aren't the only minority, there has injustice committed against Asians, Jews, Aboriginals etc, historically and presently. The most reaction their communities give are peaceful protests and proper legal process. In LA riots over Rodney King, black rioters targeted Asian shops. Why? Saying that black collectively are prone to violence is not a generalized statement about all blacks, or any black individual, but true nonetheless as a collective violent, non-law abiding culture.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
0've never seen white protesters turn violent? G8 ring a bell? See the trouble with generalizations is they can apply to everybody.
Frankly, not often since about 1950 (and even then in the deep South of the U.S.A.) when Whites are assaulted or even murdered by Blacks.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Aurora Colorado mass shooter shot up a theatre filled with people and the police never shoot [sic] him. Mike Brown was unarmed
You do realize that absent any prejudice all use of force situations are different. You might fire, I might hold my fire. Does that mean that I was correct and you were wrong - not at all! These situations are highly complex and the simplistic solutions that many wish to apply deeply trouble me.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Well said. Not only that, whenever something bad happens to a black person, there is likely to be violent protests, immediately blaming on racism. Blacks aren't the only minority, there has injustice committed against Asians, Jews, Aboriginals etc, historically and presently. The most reaction their communities give are peaceful protests and proper legal process. In LA riots over Rodney King, black rioters targeted Asian shops. Why? Saying that black collectively are prone to violence is not a generalized statement about all blacks, or any black individual, but true nonetheless as a collective violent, non-law abiding culture.
I actually think it's inaccurate to say blacks are collectively prone to violence. I think that's a statement of prejudice and therefore ignorance. I used the phrase within the context of pointing out hypocrisy.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
I actually think it's inaccurate to say blacks are collectively prone to violence. I think that's a statement of prejudice and therefore ignorance. I used the phrase within the context of pointing out hypocrisy.
I think you misunderstand me what I mean by "collective". Before you are so quick to label me as an ignorant prejudice, you should look to what motives you have for sudden change of side and arrogant insult. Perhaps trying to avoid being called racist by changing sides and hide behind a wall of politically correct rhetorics?

It would be generalization to say "all blacks are prone to violence". I did not say that. However, I said, they as a collective are prone to violence - meaning if there is higher percentage of blacks are violent compared to white, asians, jews etc. This is true because "thug culture" is much more pervasive in black communities than other ethnic groups. If there is high enough number of violent thugs within a group, it is more likely to result in riots and looting as it gathers momentum. It is common sense. Saying otherwise is blatant ignorance and just trying to be "sensitive". It is not to say other races don't have violent protest, they all do, but just not as frequent as blacks. As someone pointed out G8 protests, but they are not "white" protests, as it is more of a mixed race protests and the its purpose is politically motivated rather than a racial one. I am specifically referring to racially motivated violent protests are predominantly black. - even though other racial minorities suffered just as much injustice or worse, they do not resort to riots and such.

I also understand this kind of argument could be considered "insensitive" to black community. But in today's culture too much sensitivity and political correctness have undermined the truths and resulted in unreal sense of entitlement among some young black youths.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
there has injustice committed against Asians, Jews, Aboriginals etc, historically and presently. The most reaction their communities give are peaceful protests and proper legal process.
This is not quite true. There were all kinds of riots before the modern era involving European-Americans vs European-Americans, and other minorities. However, only newspapers existed back then - no radio, tv, mass media - so the events are largely forgotten or not even known about by most people today.

From the 1960s to the present day, yes it's true that the few riots that have occurred in the USA involved Black communities.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Regardless of Michael Brown case, OP seems ignorant and clearly trying to make a racist point. How about the following video a gang of black men attacking a white couple? How come there is no "white riots" following release of this video?
I could give you a lengthy answer about how there are no "white riots" because this is a straightforward crime committed by criminals rather than one committed by an armed officer of the law who represents the state and should be held to a higher standard than common muggers. Or I could point out that only an idiot would equate a beating or a mugging with the killing of an unarmed teen as grounds for a riot. I could also point to a lengthy history of poverty, exploitation, and systemic racism compounded by good old fashion bigotry-style racism as well which might all just make a group of people more inclined to get pissed off. Alternatively, when you are part of a group that enjoys pretty much all the privilege and wealth, the most you can muster is pissing and moaning on and on endlessly about OJ Simpson or some fucking thing, even if your heart isn't into it cause really... big fucking deal compared to cops gunning down kids. I could even point out that the only time white people seem to riot (and they do. A lot.) is at Spring Break parties and during sporting championships. Or when a sportsball coach gets fired for protecting a pedophile ( ). You know... reasons. But instead, I'll just say it's because you're an idiot.

Not only that, whenever something bad happens to a black person, there is likely to be violent protests, immediately blaming on racism. Blacks aren't the only minority, there has injustice committed against Asians, Jews, Aboriginals etc, historically and presently. The most reaction their communities give are peaceful protests and proper legal process. In LA riots over Rodney King, black rioters targeted Asian shops. Why? Saying that black collectively are prone to violence is not a generalized statement about all blacks, or any black individual, but true nonetheless as a collective violent, non-law abiding culture.
Jesus fuck. Racist much there pal? Out of the 13 riots in Canada and the United States since 2010 (as listed on Wikipedia's list of riots), most of them are white morons rioting over Hockey, surfing, beer (no, really. ), college block parties and deeply serious and important shit like that. The only "big bad black people daring to get uppity over getting shot by cops" riots were the recent riot in Ferguson, and a 2013 riot in Brooklyn after a 16 year old kid was shot in the back by cops. Two riots in the past 4 years vs 10 riots from bored white assholes for shits and giggles. So what was that about certain races being more prone to group violence again?

Did you finish high school? review the definition of "generalization" dumbass.
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George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
nobody, I can sense your racially motivated angers. Your lengthy reply proves my point, white people do have violent riots, as I noted in my previous posts, but for various other reasons, but racially motivated. You are an idiot, likewise. Aren't we all in the eyes of beholders.


Apr 14, 2011
Each situation is different you're trying to compare apples and oranges here if you're trying to parallel these events with the Michael Brown case. But I'll post my comments regardless

#1 - Girl was running from police they caught up to her she resisted arrest but they were able to subdue her. For one she's not 6'4" and 290, she didn't break the face of one of the officers and their were multiple officers at time of arrest.

#2 - They shot the guy in the abdomen because he was a clear and present danger. I fail to see your point here.
the officer didnt get his face fact he didnt even get injured...


Apr 14, 2011
I think you misunderstand me what I mean by "collective". Before you are so quick to label me as an ignorant prejudice, you should look to what motives you have for sudden change of side and arrogant insult. Perhaps trying to avoid being called racist by changing sides and hide behind a wall of politically correct rhetorics?

It would be generalization to say "all blacks are prone to violence". I did not say that. However, I said, they as a collective are prone to violence - meaning if there is higher percentage of blacks are violent compared to white, asians, jews etc. This is true because "thug culture" is much more pervasive in black communities than other ethnic groups. If there is high enough number of violent thugs within a group, it is more likely to result in riots and looting as it gathers momentum. It is common sense. Saying otherwise is blatant ignorance and just trying to be "sensitive". It is not to say other races don't have violent protest, they all do, but just not as frequent as blacks. As someone pointed out G8 protests, but they are not "white" protests, as it is more of a mixed race protests and the its purpose is politically motivated rather than a racial one. I am specifically referring to racially motivated violent protests are predominantly black. - even though other racial minorities suffered just as much injustice or worse, they do not resort to riots and such.

I also understand this kind of argument could be considered "insensitive" to black community. But in today's culture too much sensitivity and political correctness have undermined the truths and resulted in unreal sense of entitlement among some young black youths.
protests happen when innocent black men are shot dead by police... i dont seee a problem with that... if the asian community was targeted like the poor black communitities , we'd protest too...
i dont go protesting when a crimninal commits a crime ... thats what criminals do , moron

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
protests happen when innocent black men are shot dead by police... i dont seee a problem with that... if the asian community was targeted like the poor black communitities , we'd protest too...
i dont go protesting when a crimninal commits a crime ... thats what criminals do , moron
Moron is on you because nowhere in my post did I condemn protests. I condemn violent protests and looting and riots.


Apr 14, 2011
Moron is on you because nowhere in my post did I condemn protests. I condemn violent protests and looting and riots.
the rioting was a result of anger and frustration of some individuals in the crowd, as well as a poorly organized and highly reactive Ferguson police force..
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