As memory serves the OP is of African American heritage, and he seems to have achieved HIS desired result by starting this thread.
We all know that the Brown shooting has dominated the media. The facts, one way or the other, seem to be of little importance. The media battle lines are clearly drawn along the lines of the tribalism of the media pundit's race. Of course the elephant in the room was never discussed i.e. the disproportionate criminality of African Americans in the US. That need to be brought into the discourse as soon as the Brown case was widened to "all the other" deaths of young black men at the hands of cops.
I thought it was sad and indicative in one of the eulogies at Brown's funeral how a speaker said that the young man spent his life carrying God's word to others. Really? He had just committed a robbery with violence (on video). So this was not just shop lifting but (in the US) an escalation to a serious felony. In the US they take felony seriously.
And of course Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson of the law firm Fraud & Phony showed up before the ignition was turned off in the ambulance. These two race baiters have never seen an ambulance that was unworthy of the chase.
We all know that the Brown shooting has dominated the media. The facts, one way or the other, seem to be of little importance. The media battle lines are clearly drawn along the lines of the tribalism of the media pundit's race. Of course the elephant in the room was never discussed i.e. the disproportionate criminality of African Americans in the US. That need to be brought into the discourse as soon as the Brown case was widened to "all the other" deaths of young black men at the hands of cops.
I thought it was sad and indicative in one of the eulogies at Brown's funeral how a speaker said that the young man spent his life carrying God's word to others. Really? He had just committed a robbery with violence (on video). So this was not just shop lifting but (in the US) an escalation to a serious felony. In the US they take felony seriously.
And of course Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson of the law firm Fraud & Phony showed up before the ignition was turned off in the ambulance. These two race baiters have never seen an ambulance that was unworthy of the chase.