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White teen in BMW hits three cars, assaults cop in Pennsylvania and doesn’t get shot


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
A 19-year-old former high school field hockey star plowed her BMW into three cars, left the scene of the accidents and kicked a police officer in the head before being apprehended in Bensalem, Pennsylvania on Thursday morning.

According to WPVI Channel 6, Sarah Culhane from Princeton, New Jersey was arrested after 3 reported hit-and-run accidents and after she assaulted an officer who was trying to arrest her.

Bensalem police were called to the scene of an accident around 9:30 a.m. Thursday and arrived in time to see the blue BMW at fault in the crash take off from the scene. Police pursued the vehicle, but called off the pursuit to avoid a high speed chase.

The BMW struck a second vehicle at an intersection, injuring one woman, then drove away again from the scene before striking a third vehicle and coming to a rest.

Police said that Culhane bolted from her car and ran from police.

According to Philadelphia’s NBC Channel 10, Culhane fought as officers tried to take her into custody, kicking one in the head.

Culhane and the injured woman were both taken to St. Mary’s Medical Center in Bensalem to be treated for their injuries.

Bail for Culhane was set at $750,000, which she was unable to meet. She is currently being held at Bucks County Jail on charges of aggravated assault, accidents involving injury, resisting arrest, red light violation, driving at unsafe speed and reckless driving.


White Man from San Diego Waves Gun Around Small Children In Confrontation With Police Is Taken Into Custody Alive.


AN DIEGO - A 45-year-old man was receiving hospital care Thursday for a bullet wound he suffered in a police shooting that occurred as he allegedly waved a pistol around at people in Mission Bay Park.

Lance Tamyo of San Diego called police from the 2800 block of North Mission Bay Drive shortly after 11 a.m. Wednesday and told dispatchers he intended to shoot himself, SDPD Sgt. Manuel Del Toro said.

Patrol personnel arrived to find Tamyo sitting in his car in a parking area near De Anza Cove. They contacted him by phone and spoke with him for about 15 minutes before he agreed to surrender. He got out of the vehicle, but soon returned to it and retrieved a loaded 9mm pistol, the sergeant said.

Tamyo then "pointed his gun recklessly at various people in the park," at a police helicopter circling overhead and at the nearby officers, prompting one of them to shoot him in the abdomen, Del Toro alleged.

The suspect fell to the ground, but his gun remained within reach and he continued failing to comply with the officers' commands, Del Toro said. Finally, the personnel were able to subdue him with non-lethal rounds and take him into custody.

and don't give this "he tried to take the gun from the police" line

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Each situation is different you're trying to compare apples and oranges here if you're trying to parallel these events with the Michael Brown case. But I'll post my comments regardless

#1 - Girl was running from police they caught up to her she resisted arrest but they were able to subdue her. For one she's not 6'4" and 290, she didn't break the face of one of the officers and their were multiple officers at time of arrest.

#2 - They shot the guy in the abdomen because he was a clear and present danger. I fail to see your point here.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
they shot Michael Brown multiple times.
The first three shots were in arm and he didn't go down. If first shot was to abdomen it may have disabled him. Wait until all the facts are presented.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
After seeing what happened in furgesoun I think all cops are more hesitant to use the gun


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Things would have been so much better if Michael Brown really was the good decent kind hearted law abiding schoolboy that his mom and dad said he was. But he was a bad apple headed for a life of criminality, even with two loving parents (he HAD a dad at home!) raising him - mind you, they sound illiterate. Now we're left with comparing one bad apple with other bad apples and the actions police have taken to stop them. It's all so sad and pathetic on so many levels.

Here's an idea: Don't be a bad apple. If you're a good guy or gal and police harm you for no reason, everybody is likely to support you.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
After seeing what happened in furgesoun I think all cops are more hesitant to use the gun
They will still use the gun, but now they have to wear cameras. It's a good idea especially for cops because while it will expose some cases of police brutality, more often than not, it will show the necessity of using deadly force.

People used to complain about police being jerks and getting pulled over for drunk driving, claiming they weren't drunk. Once the breathalyzer was introduced along with police dash cams, all the people that used to complain could now be seen fumbling around like drunken idiots and there was proof that their blood alcohol level way beyond the legal limit. The complaints of police drunk related abuse all but disappeared.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
CM what lessons are we supposed to draw from the following?

Vermont State Police say troopers fatally shot a man who pointed a gun at them in Bradford. (Both parties were White)

Burlington Police say an officer shot and fatally wounded a man wielding a long-handled shovel he refused to put down. Officers were called to a house on Randy Lane after reports of a disturbance there . . . (all parties White)

A U.S. District Court Judge has ruled that members of the Vermont State Police tactical team were justified when they fatally shot Joe Fortunati . . . (Victim White)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If you want to compare these cases with the Michael Brown shooting, you're forgetting one important factor. Michael Brown wasn't armed. Not with a gun, shovel handle, or anything else.
Oh I may have to use a larger state than Vermont, but I'm sure I can find a number for you. "Suicide by Cop" incidents in which unarmed people refuse to take their hands out of their pockets etc. . . are regrettably far from being uncommon.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
That didn't take long and I didn't even use any recent "Suicide by Cop" incidents:

Salt Lake City: Twenty-year-old unarmed Dillon Taylor was exiting a Salt Lake City 7-11 when police, responding to a man with a gun call, shot him to death. No weapon was recovered from the scene. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/58287556-78/taylor-lake-police-salt.html.csp

Dallas: Twenty -six year-old unarmed Andy Gaynier was shot by Dallas police when he rushed a Dallas officer after being told to stay where he was. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2014/08/dallas-police-investigating-officer-involved-shooting.html/


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
If you want to compare these cases with the Michael Brown shooting, you're forgetting one important factor. Michael Brown wasn't armed. Not with a gun, shovel handle, or anything else.
Fuck off. There were TWO induviduals detained. BOTH likely involve in the assault to some degree.

More than one assailant = a circumstance that poses a far greater threat than on person. It is a LEGAL & LOGICAL aggravating factor that absolutely justifies the use of lethal force in a court of law & in the mind of anyone using reason instead of clinging to irrelevant factors to promote an agenda.

Hell, even in Canada 2 on 1 often justifies the outnumbered party to employ a weapon if they can get their hands on one.

"unarmed" is "irrelevant" in the Brown boy getting his ass shot.

Oh. And btw, in many states in the USA closed toe shoes ARE considered deadly weapons when one kicks when wearing them. If during the scuffle one of them kicked at the cop, as lame as it sounds, a weapon was legally said o have been employed.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
Each situation is different you're trying to compare apples and oranges here if you're trying to parallel these events with the Michael Brown case. But I'll post my comments regardless

#1 - Girl was running from police they caught up to her she resisted arrest but they were able to subdue her. For one she's not 6'4" and 290, she didn't break the face of one of the officers and their were multiple officers at time of arrest.

#2 - They shot the guy in the abdomen because he was a clear and present danger. I fail to see your point here.
They are trained individuals, he was 18 years old, he was executed, simple as that.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Was the officer in the Brown shooting responding to a gun call? Witnesses at the scene say Brown was surrendering when he was fatally shot. How does that even come close to a "suicide by cop" shooting? Keep on comparing apples to freight trains.
There are conflicting witness accounts. Some say he was charging at police when he was shot.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Each situation is different you're trying to compare apples and oranges here if you're trying to parallel these events with the Michael Brown case. But I'll post my comments regardless

#1 - Girl was running from police they caught up to her she resisted arrest but they were able to subdue her. For one she's not 6'4" and 290, she didn't break the face of one of the officers and their were multiple officers at time of arrest.

#2 - They shot the guy in the abdomen because he was a clear and present danger. I fail to see your point here.
You do realise that the "broken face" pictures that were circulating recently weren't actually of Officer Still At Large, right? And I think the point to #2 was that even though buddy was pointing his gun at kids and bystanders in the park, they only shot him one time and only after plenty of time passed. Because, you know, reasons.*

We don't know anything. We are all speculating. That is why there is a Grand Jury.
You want facts? You should consider the fact that we are speculating to such an extent only because the Ferguson PD has been, how to put this, a tad motherfuckerish when it comes to releasing any information relating to the case. Still, there is a growing list of indisputable facts. And here's another fact: The hulking giant in the back of this photo is the very same shrinking violet who was so intimidated by an unarmed black teen that he had to shoot him repeatedly while he was surrendering:

Oops, I suppose that may not have been the most objective based-on-facts-as-currently-given description of events after all. Let me try again. The toweringly large gentleman in the centre of the photo is the same person people are claiming was so intimidated by Michael Brown that he had to shoot him multiple times while he was surrendering. Allegedly. Or some fucking thing.

There are conflicting witness accounts. Some say he was charging at police when he was shot.
Funny thing about that. All the witnesses who said he was surrendering have names and corroborating details to their independent accounts. While all the witnesses who say he was charging at police... well, it pretty much ends at anonymous lady on talk radio who knows someone who knows someone.

*Not black. He wasn't black. He was white. He was not guilty of walking while black, so he didn't get taken out in a hail of bullets. Not that bullets are racist, but there are some increasingly worrying indications that more than a few cops are. You seem a bit thick when it comes to this topic, so I figured I'd best spell it all out for you.


New member
Feb 18, 2013
It seems like your whole purpose on this board is just to try and wind up white people and provoke racial debates.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Based solely on what I read, I would have shot that black guy too.

The white girl was out of her car and running. She's also a girl. Now if she was driving at me or jacked up on some drugs that made her lunge at me, then all bets are off.

For those who feel the need to post stories like this, don't bother. When black people stop glorifying thug life, they'll stop getting shot down in the streets. 'Nuff said.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
yeah, not many cops see a teenage girl as a threat, as opposed to a 300 lb guy.

If anything this has more to do with gender than race.
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