Steeles Royal

White people


Aug 5, 2003
Powershot said:
Two years ago I ended up at a Hamilton Bulldogs(?) hockey game with some friends. The crowd was so white in there I thought I was in Salt Lake City.
Wouldn`t that apply to almost all hockey games? If you went anywhere else in Hamilton it wouldn`t be Salt Lake City you thought you were in.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
canucklehead said:
ON the defense of the two white folk that ran into you from behind .... if u had been driving properly they never would have been that close!
I don't know where you are from, but where I am, the person who is driving the vehicle that rear ends another, is always at fault.

Then again, maybe you are the type that likes to take it in the rear. Fag.


It's been good to know ya
Amazing this thread is still up front. Everyone getting angry at each other and all stressed but it keeps on going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going...



Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
All this Race stuff is BS everyone is too politically correct these days. Who the hell cares if your black, white, brown, purple, green we are all humans. It doesn't matter what we look like.

There are smart people and there are stupid people why put a colour on that.


Active member
May 18, 2003
skipstagger said:
Wouldn`t that apply to almost all hockey games? If you went anywhere else in Hamilton it wouldn`t be Salt Lake City you thought you were in.
I've been to games in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto in the last few years as well and though not as multicultural as say, a Raptors game, there was a good mix of people. At the Hamilton game, I didn't see more than 5 non-whites in the crowd or concourse, and Copps was pretty full. It was very weird.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Frosty said:
Cobster, we all know where you stand on your past post on TERB. You don't even like immigrants. You're as white as can be and that means bigot.
Na, I don't mind them as long as they have something to contribute to society.
So if I were you, I'd shut your mouth before opening your mouth on a topic you know nothing about.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Polaris said:
You want more proof that the white male bitches too much.

Read the reviews on this forum.
Yes. but the only white guys on terb are Lancs and Sheik. Myself I was born into the Mayan tribe in the jungles of Peru. And, yes, I drive like shit.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Meister said:
Yes. but the only white guys on terb are Lancs and Sheik. Myself I was born into the Mayan tribe in the jungles of Peru. And, yes, I drive like shit.

Just a second here!!!! It has never been agreed that Scots are White!!:D


Wonders if they will ban him for that?


May 8, 2007
2k5 said:
first of all don't play race card when it comes to driving badly it doesn't matter what race it's the indvidual to blame

anyways women are the worst drivers doesn't matter what race they are!
In most countries women actually pay lower rates than men and also get classified as a mature driver at a younger age. Not too sure about this in Canada as it may be illegal on sexual grounds - dunno - haven't investigated?

But what it does prove is our blonde convertible barbie driver stereotype (as funny as it is) is wrong because the actuaries have proven us blokes to be the higher risk.

It's must our "younger brothers" with their hard-ons in their sportscars who skew our stats and ruin our jokes. Seeing that it is to impress barbie half the time we still can blame bad driving on her in an indirect way ;-)

On a more serious note - good and bad drivers are just like good and bad genes and personalities. Its agnostic of any set race or community but varies from individual to individual.


May 8, 2007
abstract said:
I almost died because of two separate Asian drivers.
One would normally expect two drivers to be separate (unless they were Siamese twins or two lovers on the job and alternating the responsibility of driving).


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
Cobster said:
Na, I don't mind them as long as they have something to contribute to society.
So if I were you, I'd shut your mouth before opening your mouth on a topic you know nothing about.
I'm only calling it like I see it.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Frosty said:
Here's my 2 cents. I live downtown and traffic is pretty heavy. The people that cut me off, don't signal, and almost hit me are either white or taxi drivers. I'm not making this an ethnic issue.
Just telling it like it is. And this one incident still bothers me, when I was on the right hand side of the lane and the light turned green, I was going straight and this car with a guy and girl (white) cuts me off making a right hand turn, speeding. The sad part is as I was watching them drive off, they were staring and laughing.
So all this talk about asian drivers being the worst, blows my mind away. If anybody thinks I'm lying, I'll take a lie detector test just to prove it.
I want you to take the test.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
milhouse said:
Realistic?? Really? So why does the ins. stats differ from you?
Seems you have something here that could really change the car insurance biz. Those ppl in the biz now must be really stupid all these years huh.
So why dont you go and correct them?

You're not being prejudice? You're everything related to that, you're basing you realistic opinions on the 2 accidents you've been in, and the accidents ONLY YOU have seen. And just how many accidents have you seen right from the beginning that was the fault of the asian driver?
And you would know 100% it was the asians fault because you were there for the police report etc? And the ins. biz STILL doesnt want to follow you belief that asians are the worst drivers??? WOW, what a shock!!!

Read below for my view on accidents i've seen. What made it worst is you had to be rude about it and threw in a FU. And to say you're not prejudice after that. Come on man, seriously?

Its great that Toronto is multi culltural, but they forget to mention that its also full of racism and prejudice.
For everyone that really believes bad driving = asians, how many of you know much about driving in asia? Ever been,seen?
I first heard this line back in a HS class, some white kid who think he was cool, but really he wasnt. Now whats the reasoning for someone with no driving experience to say that?

Many of you say ohh go check out pmall, r-hill, or any other high chinese populated areas and you'll see. Well, if you in this area, wouldnt your chances of getting in an accident with an asian higher than others. Stay away if you don't like to be around asian drivers and start your own damn pirated dvd business haha

I got hit 1 time by a semi running a red, white. Most accidents I've seen on side of the road, i cant say i've seen that many asians involved.
You people just need to get over it. Car accidents happen just like every other accident. Nobody is perfect. And for everyone who really strongly believes that, and say you arent prejudice/racist etc. You really are, but of course few will actually admit that.

Sorry I upset u, but watch the video posted by Don.

and stfu.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Maybe you should get spike tv and see some horrible white drivers too. Awful when you think the drivers on spike have been driving for years, unlike many in China.

p.s. Judging by your use of language, you seem to have some anger issues.


Oct 1, 2004
abstract said:
Fuk you.

I almost died because of two separate Asian drivers.

Second I have seen many many accidents, and 90% of them have included Asians.

So no I am not being prejudice but realistic.


no fuck you, dipshit.
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