Where did the immigrants SUCKS thread go?


Aug 26, 2001
pool said:
I think there is definitely some truth to that to varying degrees.

My question is, how intolerant should we be of the intolerant. Shouldn't we all have a right to express our opinions. Of course, any opinion expressed is up for a challenge.

It was stated in the original thread, something to the effect that we were lucky here in Canada that racism has been kept in check. To what extent should it be "kept in check". Wouldn't it likely fester when suppressed. Is it more healthy long term to allow people to vent and possibly gain perspective through "debate". Just because someone may express their "hatred" in extremely derogatory terms does that really make it any more "hateful" than someone who express the same thing in a more "sanitised" fashion if, in fact, their motivation is the same.

It seems that bigotry stems from frustration or anger, but it also seems that those who oppose such prejudice are motivated by anger/outrage on some level. Could it be we see in others a part of ourselves ...

I don't believe there is such thing as someone who is completely free of prejudice toward other races. I feel that tolerance is a continuum that most people who are self aware work toward or try to keep on top of.
Very well said pool.


Mar 14, 2004
I'm glad this thread is here as I was preparing a comment the Original thread was being deleted.

In a way, I liked this thread being here and hoped it would not be deleted for the simple fact that every time I logged onto TERB, I was reminded that there are still a large number of racist, intolerant, or ignorant people in our great country.

On a completely separate note, I would also suggest that mods not take part in controversial or argumentative threads that they are responsible for supervising. It obviously could create AT LEAST the appearance of a conflict of interest. If you are here to ensure that posts are appropriate, it would be best to make sure that you are not in a situation where the your posts come into question. Most professions insist on ensuring appropriate appearances and I would hope the mods (although volunteers) aspire to act in a professional manner.
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