The One Spa

When did you realize you were so depressed you needed treatment? How old were you?


Dec 12, 2008
I don't want to discuss too much about my life but basically I wonder if I should see a doctor about my depression. I still go to work everyday and workout on a regular basis.

However my energy level is not what it used to be and my sex drive has plummeted the last few months. I love sleeping now I look forward to it.

There are things in my life that aren't going my way and it might be the cause of my sadness/blase.

I was hoping to hear stories of when/how you realized it was serious and you went to seek treatment. Thanks.


New member
Jul 30, 2010
struggled and denied it for about 5 years. finally got meds in 06. worked great. :)

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
How long since you've had a physical? I found out lately I have a low iron level which leads to low energy, and have just started taking pills for it.


New member
Apr 21, 2003
Bandit is right... first check your physicals and blood work, and have an honest conversation with your doc. Vitamines can play a huge role, but perchance you may need a specific supplement. If that brings you back to balance, please tell your friends and family of your progress, as I'm sure thay are already concerned. Best of luck, pal.


Nov 14, 2005
Are you average to tall??? Then get out there & meet women & live your life. Yes take your vitamins & do tests. Could be deficiencies BUT remember life is toooo short to sqander on a lot of navel gazing. :)


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i was diagnosed with many things in high school. manic depressive was one of those things. there is medications for it that can make it better. i personally don't take anything and have given in to being slightly offside, but it is not for anyone. get help and make it better, you deserve better then sitting around hopeing it gets better when it could really be better.


Apr 7, 2005
09-25-2010 08:23AM

Right after I read this utterly depressing thread by you

Thanks for starting the morning out wonderful


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
09-25-2010 08:23AM

Right after I read this utterly depressing thread by you

Thanks for starting the morning out wonderful
Why did you read it then you dumb fuck, ususally how things work, you read the title and decide if you like the topic. After that you either click the title with your mouse or you don`t, purdy fucking simple.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
09-25-2010 08:23AM

Right after I read this utterly depressing thread by you

Thanks for starting the morning out wonderful
Another in a long list of fucking imbecilic posts by this bozo.

How come you removed the thread about cops treating you poorly? I'll tell you why. Everybody thought you were/are a douchebag and were piling on. So you pulled the thread because of how embarassed you were about everybody seeing and verbalizing what an idiot you are.

You can't pull this post of yours now that you've been quoted.


Active member
Aug 24, 2008
As others suggested, get checked out by a doctor and make sure there is nothing physically wrong...if it's not physical, sounds like you need a change in your life. Going by your original post, it sounds like you're stuck in a routine day after day week after, gym and sleep.

Take up a new sport or hobby, go out and hangout with friends, travel or even a new job.

Try something you normally wouldn't do.

From my own experience, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder/depression in my late 20s and was prescribed anti-depressants. I quit after 3 days due to the suicidal thoughts by the medication (one of the side-effects). I did some reading up on anxiety disorder/depression and realized that I didn't need medication but needed a change in my life as I was stuck in a routine and "comfortable in my environment".


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
When did you realize you were so depressed you needed treatment? How old were you?
Not yet, I doubt I will ever need such care.

For those who need it though, talk to your doctor.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
There are four things you have to look at:

1) Your feelings - You say you are pretty sad/blase. That's a sign of depression. The other key feeling is losing interest things around you - your work, your personal life. Do you notice that you are just not "feeling" as much as you were? The sensation of joy is not as intense, and similarly the sensation of anger is not as intense?
While all the signs/symptoms that 4tees has pointed out are common signs of depression, they tend to be more often associated with women who are suffering from depression than with men.

While women, when depressed, tend to feel hopeless, worthless, and to lose interest in their work, men on the other hand tend to feel irritated/frustrated, work excessively, and to display aggressive behavior. Some in the medical community suggest that the different symptoms diplayed by men who suffer from depression is one of the reason why it is often misdiagnosed (or not disagnosed), because their symptoms (such as agressivity) tend to be seen as men's normal way of dealing with stress. Of course, this doesn't mean that all men suffering from depression will disply those same symptoms: but aggressive behavior is one of the more common signs of depression in men.

That being said, I agree with the other posters: go see your doctor, get a full physical, and have an honest and open discussion with your physician.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
A French dude who got fucked over in business and couldn't recover his $240k in order to pay lots of outstanding bills and further his business project blew his own brains out 10 days ago on the 15th. He was 27 years old.

His website, the project he was working on, which is now no longer working is

I lost some money to the same people that he did. A lot of people did. Try to keep things in perspective.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
09-25-2010 08:23AM

Right after I read this utterly depressing thread by you

Thanks for starting the morning out wonderful
Yes, Pretty insensitve Dj... perhaps YOU might be depressed? Unless of course you are joking, in which case... not funny!


New member
Jan 16, 2009
I don't want to discuss too much about my life but basically I wonder if I should see a doctor about my depression. I still go to work everyday and workout on a regular basis.

However my energy level is not what it used to be and my sex drive has plummeted the last few months. I love sleeping now I look forward to it.

There are things in my life that aren't going my way and it might be the cause of my sadness/blase.

I was hoping to hear stories of when/how you realized it was serious and you went to seek treatment. Thanks.
4pack I don't suffer from depression (at least I don't think I do), I (like others) would recommend you see a MD. I had a friend of a friend go on pills for deppression and she ended up taking her own life (while on the antidepressant). All I'm saying is be careful, be aware... and despite some insensitve people... we are pulling for you! Cheers, Sabu


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
While all the signs/symptoms that 4tees has pointed out are common signs of depression, they tend to be more often associated with women who are suffering from depression than with men.

While women, when depressed, tend to feel hopeless, worthless, and to lose interest in their work, men on the other hand tend to feel irritated/frustrated, work excessively, and to display aggressive behavior. Some in the medical community suggest that the different symptoms diplayed by men who suffer from depression is one of the reason why it is often misdiagnosed (or not disagnosed), because their symptoms (such as agressivity) tend to be seen as men's normal way of dealing with stress. Of course, this doesn't mean that all men suffering from depression will disply those same symptoms: but aggressive behavior is one of the more common signs of depression in men.
As usual, Lady Genevieve hits the nail right on the head. Men suffer depression differently than women, and symptoms vary person to person. Myself, I have suffered from it (or possibly dysthimia (a chronic lower intensity depression) since the early 90's. I've only started taking action on having it addressed since around November.

Look at some of my posts from November and December of last year. I was frustrated, irritable, angery, miserable, lonely, worked myself to the bone, frequently skipped meals, sleep was at a minimum, and regularly engaged in pointlesly reckless behavior. A lot of my coworkers didn't believe I suffered from depression, as I was usually energetic, bright and joking. My family still barely recognize it, and generally attempt to change the subject should I wish to talk about it.

One of the big things to look at is your sense of self worth, or self esteem. Your phyical symptoms could be from other possible causes as well. But a sever drop in self esteem, or lack there of, is a pretty good indicator.

I have been doing group therapy since around Febuary, and that has been useful. Cognative Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is quite interesting, rather enlightening, and can be quite difficult. But I have come to realize just how messed up/distorted my thinking really is. I now realize how out of whack my thining is, in regards to myself, but adjusting for it is difficult.

Also around Febuary, I was started on Cymbalta. It felt like a dark fog had been lifted off of me. Sure, I was still somber and extremely prone to beating up on myself, but the filthy malaise that hung in my mind was gone. There were two long lasting side effects though....First being my sex drive decrease. Second, I started having difficulty...ummm....'finishing', this in turn drove my sex drive even lower.

Two weeks ago, I mentioned this to my psychiatrist, and he prescribed Welbutrin. The first week, I didn't really notic much of a change. Now just to give you an idea what my sex drive was like on the cymbalta. I'd see an attractive woman, and I would apperciate her...Like a glass of wine, or a well designed car...Intellectually. Now I see her, and part of my brain goes "WOMAN, and I feel a physical responce too. There's been a couple of days I've been so horny I could have plow a feild. (I'll tell ya, if the delaying side effect of cymbalta coincides with a bout of welbutrin horniness, and given my recent physical conditioning, I'd feel sorry the lady that crosses me)

I may be medicated, and feeling better, but as my doctor said, we still have to deal with my self hate.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Because you are asking the question here would seem to indicate that you need help. And that isn't a "bad" thing. Go see your doctor - he/she can help. Take it!
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