solitaria said:
We all do that. Just realize that is what you are doing and there are always trade-offs for the decisions that you make. For instance, the trade-off for being honest to your wife about your desires and needs about going to the SC's and looking at the young hotties along with your wandering eye on the beach is that she isn't going to feel as attracted or close to you like she would if you gave her the impression that she is so attractive (to you) that you don't need to look elsewhere. Also realize that the reason that you tell her about your SC escapades is because you are unable to deal with the moral choices that you make as an adult that exist between your reality and the idealistic world that you have chosen to frame your view of morality in which causes dissonance and stress on yourself which you then unburden onto your wife. Now as it stands you are racked with guilt about the choices that you have to make and your wife is unhappier for knowing. This is compounded by the fact that you are getting it less than you would like, no doubt because you have chosen to be too honest with your wife about the things she doesn't really need to know and the things that you haven't learnt to deal with in an imperfect world. Things for you in the future will only get worse until you learn to realize that the idealistic world that you yearn to live in is only for children.
What you need to realize too is that you aren't a monogamous creature by nature and your love for your wife isn't dependent on that to exist. If you choose to frame your concept of love within the context of fairytale romance and monogamy along with your need to always be forthright and honest to your wife about everything you are only setting yourself and your wife up for a lifetime of unhappiness because your standards for what love should be are so unrealistic and impossible to live by for any length of time. What that means to you and your wife then is that you have failed to love her because of how and what you have chosen to define love to mean for both yourself and her. Do you really think you should choose to define love partly based on monogamy when you wanker 4-6 times a day, go to SC's and need to look at other girls on the beach when you are with your wife? Have fun with that dissonance.
PS – You should really learn not to look at hot girls when you are with your wife. I find it funny that your standards are so high but your discipline to them is so unmatched to the point that you can't even make the smallest sacrifice for your wife/love in denying yourself the pleasure of ogling a beautiful girl that walks by in her presence.
Well, I think you miss what this is all about. I'm a normal guy with normal feelings and urges. I have standards..yes...but I fail to meet them many times.
This is what an honest person says. If I find a standard to hard to meet, should I just change the standard? No, that would be a weak rationalization.
Well just because I can't meet it, it must be impossible to meet. Silly really.
And weak minded.
We all work, (I Hope) at improving ourselves. If the moral compass changes just to make me feel better, how do I improve.
What's wrong with noticing pretty girls on the beach? My wife hads no problem telling me how cute some hollywood actors are. What's the big deal?
My Gosh you like to overstate things. When does eyeing, become Ogling
I have Not defined what love means for my wife and I, we have done it together.
I have never admitted to not failing. In fact all humans do. If you can't admit this about yourself, then you live in some fantasy land.
I'm quite ready, and willing to face the choices I've made in my life. I refuse to hide and lie like you do. Regardless of your earlier post, you lie and hide because it is easy. It's simple, and It gets you what you think you want.
Don't tell me WHAT I need to realize, please. You live in a world of utter deciept and fantasy. I live here, a real world with real challeges, and real concequences.
As a final point. You don't think much of women, do you? They obviously can't handle the truth.So keep em in some fairy land, while you go about your MAN business. If you were a stronger person, you would be able to accept women as equals, and work with them (not against them) to build a better life.
It's too bad that you miss out on one of the best parts of life. But, in the end, you probably think you are happy