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What Would You Do?.....


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

pro419 said:
Biggie E, why u think that there are terrorists out there trying to harm usa, why only usa, why not other places, because of usa foreign one way direction policies that brought this so-called terror on its soil. people in some parts of the world had enough of the american bullying, the latest one invading sovergn countries which in theory wipes out the rights of every country in the world to live within its borders and be free and independant despite its history, culture and policies and to do what its people have to do or inspire to do. usa wants every one in this world to do what they dectated to them what to do, "protecting israel and helping it to continue exist" every one should protect israel even if it comes at the cost of self distruction to some nations and civil wars in others and regional conflicts fueled by bribes and intimidations and threats by usa policy makers, yes thats the truth that no politician is capable to tell the american people about or to admit it. recently they tainted all arabs to be terrorists, i just heard that all american soldier have the impression that they are fighting the 250ml arabs and the 1.2blon muslims in this world, and they should kill them every where they see them because they are the real enemy. the arabs did nothing to usa, on the contrary, they invested their oil money in usa instead of their people or lands, the muslims did nothing to usa too, they respect christianity and joudiasim as well, the other two don't respect islam, its the americans who did harm to arabs and muslims instead. The americans looted arabs resources, encouraged israel to occupy their land by force, encouraged israel to humilate arab people at every opportunity, until this moment, arabs are still suffering as result of usa foreign policies and the brutality of israel against them, innocent people are dying daily in the arab world, families wiped out, houses destroyed, and u still cant figure out why they dont like americans in that part of the world. u better open your eyes.

...that was both concise and intelligible. Very helpful. Thank you very much.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Great point...

Mcluhan said:
Why I quoted you passage above is because you overlooked the high standard of Iraqi infrastructure of schools and hospitals that Iraq had before the 10 years of starvation and bombing. Hussain, tyrant that he was, build Iraq up to a model of modern day Arab achievement in terms of education, transportation, and medical facilities.
...that is often over looked by many.

When people ask "why do they hate us" - this is why...and it is point that is so obvious that I am still STUNNED that the Neo-Cons who planned the entire invasion didn't see it coming.

Prior to Gulf War I Iraq was a solidly middle class country, as you point out. Life for a 10 year old kid in Iraq wasn't quite as good as it was for 10 yo boy in Canada or the U.S., bit it wasn't bad at all...and it was great by WORLD standards. is hard to come by. People can't get jobs. The infrastructure is failing. Of course, much of this is because Saddam kept much of the food for oil and other wealth to himself. But still...if you are a highly educated Neo-Con, you KNOW Saddam has been spinning all this as the fault of the Americans. And it WAS American planes bombing your city at night...never mind that it was part of a just war in reaction to the invasion of Kuwait.

So...10 - 12- 15 years later that 10 year old boy who used to know the good life has spent the last decade knowing anything but. And the brains in Washington were SURPRISED that there was a resistance to U.S. occupation? That people (especially young men) were upset that the people whom you were told were the source of all your misery are now actually blowing up your cities and killing your friends AGAIN...right in your own streets?

Without debating the merits of the invasion itself, it is completely inexcusable that the Bush administration did not anticipate and plan for the obvious.

Stupid fuckers...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
For the most part...

lenharper said:
I would identify and methodically destroy the enemy who attacked (much like the mossad did with the people who took the israeli's during the munich olympics) as opposed to "open a second front" where the collateral damage to my nation is the creation of more people who will vow vengeance upon me.

I would not declare open war on a culture "this is a battle between 'good' and 'evil' " as your president did. I would have "fought dirty" and covertly as opposed to trying to sell the idea that a conventional war and invasion of a country was going to "solve" the problem of terrorism unless there was a clear identifable state named "Terrorististan."

and thirdly I would not have used fear as a platform in a grubby election camaign and continually keep my country of "elevated" and "high" terrorist alerts that firstly scare people and then bring about complacency when the warniings never bear fruit.
...a good answer.

I wouldn't have waited so long to invade Afghanistan. I never understood why the long wait. No wonder Bin Laden cannot be found...he had a month jump.

I would have given the stakeholders (Taliban and everyone else) 48 hours notice – either you hand him the fuck over or we will come get him. And at 48 hours plus one minute they would have seen “the mother of all wars” alright.

I wouldn’t have waited for an international consensus or any other shit like that. Just shoot every mother fucker he had associated with until one gave him up. I would have made “you are either with us or against” an ABSOLUTE truth…and scorched earth until he was dead or in custody.

Of course, I’m biased – I lived two blocks from ground zero and essentially lost everything but my life on that day.

Dubya wasted a glorious opportunity to make the world a better place by putting all of the power of the U.S. into eliminating the most evil man in the world by any means necessary…WITH the tacit blessing of the entire world (even Arab nations) behind the U.S. Instead, he seized an opportunity to act on a selfish glimmer of a pipe dream.

Stupid, selfish, self absorbed fucker.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Oh that is rich...

TOVisitor said:
Oh you mean, like the mushroom clouds and the chemical weapons that Saddam could use against the US within 45 minutes of deciding he wanted to?

Wake up and smell the coffee.
...too bad none of those mushroom clouds or chemical weapons were ever located. :rolleyes:
May 3, 2004
MLAM said:
...a good answer.

I wouldn't have waited so long to invade Afghanistan. I never understood why the long wait. No wonder Bin Laden cannot be found...he had a month jump.

I would have given the stakeholders (Taliban and everyone else) 48 hours notice – either you hand him the fuck over or we will come get him. And at 48 hours plus one minute they would have seen “the mother of all wars” alright.

I wouldn’t have waited for an international consensus or any other shit like that. Just shoot every mother fucker he had associated with until one gave him up. I would have made “you are either with us or against” an ABSOLUTE truth…and scorched earth until he was dead or in custody.

Of course, I’m biased – I lived two blocks from ground zero and essentially lost everything but my life on that day.

Dubya wasted a glorious opportunity to make the world a better place by putting all of the power of the U.S. into eliminating the most evil man in the world by any means necessary…WITH the tacit blessing of the entire world (even Arab nations) behind the U.S. Instead, he seized an opportunity to act on a selfish glimmer of a pipe dream.

Stupid, selfish, self absorbed fucker.
Your post is so laden with misinformation bud. The facts are this:

1) American personnel were on the ground in less than 2 days. American troops were on the ground in less than one week. The speed of American action in Afghanistan given it's remote location was nothing less than impressive by any measure. The quick capitulation of the Taliban evidenced this fact.

2) They gave the Taliban quick notice to hand OBL over. They refused. The mother of all wars you state that should have been launched? On what targets percisely? Which mountain ranges, which decades-old demolished villages, what opium fields, which mud huts?

BTW, were you a beneficiary of the 9/11 fund?
May 3, 2004
MLAM said:
...that was both concise and intelligible. Very helpful. Thank you very much.
Actually is was rambling, over-wrought, riddled with misinformation and bias, and not very factual at all. It reads like an uninformed diatribe of emotions-based logic.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

rogerstaubach said:
Actually is was rambling, over-wrought, riddled with misinformation and bias, and not very factual at all. It reads like an uninformed diatribe of emotions-based logic.
...was being sarcastic. But you knew that.
May 3, 2004
MLAM said:
...why do you ask?
Because you stated you lived just 2 blocks from the WTC "and essentially lost everything except your life" due to 9/11. I would think that would qualify you for benefits from the fund. Yeah, no?


Aug 4, 2003
papasmerf said:
I would have gotten as much current intellegence as I could and act swiftly as possible. As we know based on intellegence Afganistan was a stronghold for a then little known faction known as Al-quida. I would not have respected boundries as clearly as Bush has when it came to capturing OBL. As for Iraq? While I believe that sooner or later it would have become a traing ground for terrorists I would have waited to attack untill I had more then one motive for going in. As I have stated in previous posts I am not a fan of modern war. I am a clear to the victor goes the spoils kinda guy. And would right now be building VEGAS EAST in Iraq.
The typical american Rambo response. Heck if intelligence is faulty, who cares if inoocents will die, lets go and blow them to smithereens. at least it plays well on TV and maybe some people like papasmerf might even be impressed.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
kutia said:
The typical american Rambo response. Heck if intelligence is faulty, who cares if inoocents will die, lets go and blow them to smithereens. at least it plays well on TV and maybe some people like papasmerf might even be impressed.
You can not be anybetter then the info you have.

if you are smarter then your knowledge then you are special and should speak up.


New member
DonQuixote said:
Relying on Chalabi
and Curveball and their kind but disregarding dissenting opinions
is where the Administration went wrong.
How can you be so forgiving though DQ? Don't you think that Chalabi was just doing his job? What they paid him for? The problem is well beyond the credibility of a Chalabi - it extends to the people who Chalabi serves. The way saddam served.. Chalabi performed. He earned his 2 million per month...


New member
DonQuixote said:
My readings indicated that the CIA had very serious questions about
Chalabi's credability. But, I have a hunch you're being a bit sarcastic.
And yes, he who pays the piper calls the tunes. And, he sang like
they wanted.

Interesting, when he recently came back to the US, guess where
he was warmly greeted? The American Enterprise Institute, no
less. It happens to be a big time Republican think tank.
Hummm. I should have taken voice lessons years ago.
Imagine where my path might have taken me.

What's $2Million/month when we're spending $2Billion/week? :confused:
Pocket change, perhaps.
I would imagine the CIA knew exactly what the deal was.

Yes, this was a corporate take-over of Iraq. Call it by it's proper name is all I was saying. (and you did)


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
BiggieE said:
I know all you Liberals that post in here, basically hate the USA in general, and Pres. George W. Bush (note no "Jr.") in particular, but not one of you has ever posted how the efforts to destroy terrorism could be more effective. Care to "enlighten" us with your brilliance?......
Hug the terrorists. take them into your heart and love them as they are. give them your riches and your wives.

hows that. thats what you wanted hear, isn't it
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