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What Would You Do?.....


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
langeweile said:
Now wait a minute..if i wouldn't be so lazy today i would go back an repost every single post from you (and others), that proclaimed the war in Iraq was about oil?? Now it's not?

You are confusing me....which is not difficult..
Of course it's about OIL!!!!
Always WAS about OIL !!!
Team 'w' BUNGLED their quest for Iraqi OIL!!!
....and yes you are very usual.......:D

Dubya likes kinda folks!
lange is easy to use & confuse!!!


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
Now wait a minute..if i wouldn't be so lazy today i would go back an repost every single post from you (and others), that proclaimed the war in Iraq was about oil?? Now it's not?

You are confusing me....which is not difficult..
I personally BELIEVE that there were a number of factors why the US invaded Iraq. Oil is at the top of that list. Remember how the US guarded the Iraq oil ministry building as soon as they took Bagdhad? Hospitals were being looted and that museum but the US protected the oil ministry building. That says a lot about their motives. But I can't KNOW their exact motives for sure can I? None of us can. We won't really know for years to come so we may as well speculate while we're waiting.... There is always a "what if".


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
slowpoke said:
I personally BELIEVE that there were a number of factors why the US invaded Iraq. Oil is at the top of that list. [...] But I can't KNOW their exact motives for sure can I? None of us can. We won't really know for years to come so we may as well speculate while we're waiting.... There is always a "what if".
I think we'll know for sure (or at least sure as these ever get) by the kinds of effort the Adin makes to make permanent arrangements for the disposition of Iraqi oil when--if?--the troops pull out.



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
WoodPeckr said:
Of course it's about OIL!!!!
Always WAS about OIL !!!
Team 'w' BUNGLED their quest for Iraqi OIL!!!
....and yes you are very usual.......:D

Dubya likes kinda folks!
lange is easy to use & confuse!!!

Are you now finally changing sides and demand that we start controlling the oil? Sounds good I need cheap gas for my SUV...


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
langeweile said: I said things are looking up...thanks *D*
Iraqis are about to be slapped in the face with what the rest of the world knew would happen all along -and langeweile is cheering :rolleyes:


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Iraqis face the dire prospect of losing up to $200bn (£116bn) of the wealth of their country if an American-inspired plan to hand over development of its oil reserves to US and British multinationals comes into force next year
A spokesman for the Foreign Office said the country's oil industry was in desperate need of investment after years of under-investment, UN sanctions, vandalism by Saddam Hussein and more recent sabotage by insurgents
The groupsaidyesterday that the involvement of foreign oil companies would be determined by the new Iraqi administration. "We aspire to establish a long-term presence in Iraq and a long-term relationship with the Iraqis, including the newly elected government."

No multinationals are operating in Iraq now because of the poor security situation

Looks to me that the bidding is not over yet. Let's see who else is willing to take the risk? Petro Canada? ELF? (Oh no they already own the current pipeline infrastructure) Russians? Chinese? India?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
papasmerf said:
Free elections??????????

Damn those pesky Americans and the radical ideas the bring. Self Government?? Those bastards.
You were wise to put a question mark after 'self government'. Because as the Iraqi constitution stands, the occupation of Iraq has neither been ratified nor rejected. That means the occupiers sit hidden from the restraints of the constitution and are free to do as they please. Self government?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
langeweile said:

Looks to me that the bidding is not over yet. Let's see who else is willing to take the risk? Petro Canada? ELF? (Oh no they already own the current pipeline infrastructure) Russians? Chinese? India?
Bidding? There will be none of that. You can be sure that the occupiers will only open the oil reservers up to their own multinationals.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
*d* said:
You were wise to put a question mark after 'self government'. Because as the Iraqi constitution stands, the occupation of Iraq has neither been ratified nor rejected. That means the occupiers sit hidden from the restraints of the constitution and are free to do as they please. Self government?

On Tuesday you were saying

Well I will let your own words say it

Good luck with that inabilty to stick with a tack.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
Two gas:D
And to think a few of us actually bothered to listen to your whining about your wife's vocational difficulties. Like you were actually some kind of a fellow human concerned about his family. But now you're sitting there, applauding the prospect of Iraq being cheated out of its only resource and its only chance to finance some kind of recovery from this madness. What the fuck is wrong with you? I know that D's link wasn't necessarily the last word on what will finally happen to Iraq's oil but your selfish response about gasoline prices is one of the most insensitive and disgusting posts I've had the misfortune to see. You obviously don't give a flying fuck about what has happened to those people. Just yourself and your gas tank. Fuck you!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
*d* said:
I believe you dislike name calling. You should practise what you preach.
I thought calling a not gender spacific liberal hillery was a compliment.

You mean hillery is not the standard bearer for the DNC?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
The US was right to invade Afghanistan, in order to eliminate the Afghan-gov't supported/permitted terrorist training camps. The US, NATO, and the UN are also right in their ongoing efforts to provide Afghanistan enough stability to create and maintain a government which is strong enough to maintain security within its own borders, which will allow the other sectors of the country to develop. It's not an easy thing to do, especially not in a broken country where some people live without technology. Think about that - no technology. Mud huts and fire, that's it for many of them, and for most of them outside the handful of major cities (which don't look like any city here in Canada).

There are people in Afghanistan living life in the same manner as people lived in the time of Christ. And that has nothing to do with war or terrorism; it is just a poor and isolated country and many parts of it have just never progressed. Try bringing a concept like democracy and gender equality to a place like that!! It's a tough job which will take decades of international effort, however the world is still making a well-thought out effort there and is spending billions of dollars to change Afghanistan.

Of course, there are numerous other places for terrorists to train, so all we're doing is treating the symptoms instead of the causes. And Iraq, well, I don't see how Iraq and 911 are connected.

So how do you treat the cause? I just don't know. And I can actually understand why some people thing we Westerners are heartless, selfish, unholy bastards. I sat at a Senators game in the Corel Center last week, surrounded by 19 413 other rich Westerners, all of us having spent $50 - $250 for a ticket, $5 bucks for each slice of pizza, $10.25 for each pint of beer, $4 for each pop, etc, and all of us wearing hundreds of dollars worth of clothing, and all of us having travelled there in cars that cost from $10K - $75K, full of gas worth $1 a litre, and living in ridiculously well-furnished, clean, safe, heated homes. And although I'm a selfish rich western pig myself, I thought about those poor bastards in Afghanistan, living in filth, shitting in the same river they drink out of, living a subsistence existence, and I thought about the dozens of other countries where people live like that, then I looked around me again at all the squandered wealth we enjoy, and I wholly understood why some people think that we're a bunch of selfish godless pigs. We're horrible to our fellow man.

So how do we prevent terrorism? Well as a staunch right-wing libertarian, it pains me to say that IN THEORY, we need to share our wealth and the means to generate it, with the rest of the world. I suppose the pure communists had it right - "from each according to his means to each according to his needs", all that crap. But we all know how well that little endeavour went over. It was probably a very noble experiment on paper, but as an actual system of government, it was doomed by human nature.

So I think the only way to solve terrorism is the slow painful process of bringing freedom and prosperity to the rest of the world, ideally through non-violent means such as the spread of economic prosperity (through capitalism?) and showing them that there are better ways of living. We would probably have to lower our standards of living to accomplish that though, and I doubt any of us (myself included) are willing to go too far down that road to help some starving Moldovan or Mali-an. We suck. So Plan B is to protect ourselves. How lame is that?

I suppose we should have spent the billions of dollars the US has used up in Iraq to build schools and police stations and hospitals and factories and ports in all the poor countries on earth, so they could make some money, build a house, put food on their tables, and buy tickets to soccer games.
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