Hush Companions

What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow 1.5 C!

If we as a species can't survive 1.5 C change in temperature, we DESERVE to go extinct.

I've been waiting for the climate doomsday for 40 years and nothing is happening. People are starting to catch on that it's all a steaming pile of bullshit.
The ignorance of some people is shocking.
What percentage of an IAU is 1.5ºC, captain?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Larue, you are still a science denier pushing for not only fossil fuels, but the dirtiest and more expensive of the options.
frankfooter , you do not understand fundamental science
how can you call anyone a denier of what you do not understand?

that is as ignorant as one can get

again you read
''now i am not advocating for the restart of coal fired power plants ''

and somehow you interrupt the exact opposite

get some help

You declared a long time ago something to the effect that if the scientists are right then climate change would be the biggest crime against humanity ever.
that's not what i said... if you are going to quote me be correct and exact

you do not know the difference between science and propaganda

We know now, the scientists are right.
not according to the 50 years of failed predictions
you do understand that the catastrophic climate predictions are all based on flawed climate models
the fundamental physics of our non-linear dynamic and chaotic climate system is poorly understood >>>> garbage in .... garbage out
and then there is saturation @ the all important 15 micrometer wave length

How is "New York will be knee deep in Sea water' working for you?


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
Wow 1.5 C!

If we as a species can't survive 1.5 C change in temperature, we DESERVE to go extinct.

I've been waiting for the climate doomsday for 40 years and nothing is happening. People are starting to catch on that it's all a steaming pile of bullshit.
You do know that a steaming pile of bullshit can actually warm the planet :ROFLMAO:
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